so the conversation went like this:



  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Her: Why haven't I lost any weight? You've lost a great amount. I've gained!"
    Me: Are you eating at a calorie deficit?
    Her: huh?
    me: *explains CICO, and calulating TDEE*
    Her: Oh, too much trouble...

    I would have ended the conversation right there with the response, "You want easy or you want healthier/thinner."

    Then I would have walked away.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I don't weigh my food. I don't log everything. I'm still losing weight.

    Accuracy is not required for weight loss, you just need to eat less than you burn.

    How can you know you're eating less than you burn without some sort of accuracy? Sorry that statement is totally redundant.

    Obviously you're doing well at estimating, so you are being at least partially accurate or you wouldn't be losing.

    For some people, that means weighing/logging. For other people, it doesn't. But that doesn't void the importance of accuracy to a degree.

    Suppose there is a bucket with water in it. Could you not tell from looking at it whether it was about to overflow or not? Would you have to know what size the bucket was or how many gallons of water were in it to know that? Likewise, we don't have to have an accurate measure of how many calories we've burned or how many calories we've eaten to know whether we're eating less than we burn. A fairly good estimate is good enough.

    The interesting thing is that people stress over making sure that they weigh their food, but they don't have an accurate measure of the number of calories per ounce and they don't have an accurate measure of how many calories they burn. Accuracy is only as good as the least accurate thing.

    You know what? You're a 39 year old man, and how tall are you?

    Whether you realize it or not, when it comes to the weight loss game, you are speaking from a position of relative privilege when it comes to some of the rest of us. You should take that into account when deciding on whether or not you've stumbled onto some universal truth or that privilege is applying.

    I'm a fair bit older than you, I'd venture to say that I'm a lot shorter than you, and I have chronic medical conditions. My calorie allowance is paltry. Eyeballing portions isn't going to cut it for me.

    Been there, done that, was eating a lot more than I thought I was.

    It's so much easier to weigh the food before it goes into you than to have the stress of waiting to put on weight and then have to wait until you lose it. Especially when you don't lose it very easily. Like, say, an older person, or a person with certain medical conditions.

    Why this concept of circumventing a problem instead of waiting for it to happen and adjusting for it afterwards has appeal for the majority of dieters passes by you is beyond me.

  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member
    We all estimate at times. if someone were to tell me that they weighed and logged every bite of food that went into their mouth, and plan to do so for the rest of their life, I'd call them a liar. If eyeballing and measuring cups.

    I would say I am not trying to pat myself on the back or anything, but you know what? Good for me! Nor am I trying to put anyone down. We've all been that "idiot" -- although I do not like to use that word. I'd say misinformed. Who wants someone to fail? No one. Unless you're just a cold, cold person.

    And again, if you can maintain a deficit, or maintain your goal without logging and weighing, I commend you. Me? I can't. Lol, because if I go to an Italian resturant and get a huge plate of spaghetti, eff serving sizes. I want it all, and I'll have it all. You people that have such extensive control rock!
  • killerqueen21
    killerqueen21 Posts: 157 Member
    I think the problem with most folks is that they are told over and over again by media and weight loss companies who are trying to sell something, that weight loss means "Take this pill" or "cut this out of your diet", or whatever, instead of relaying the truth: it doesn't cost money to lose weight. You don't have to be on some special diet and you don't have to eliminate whole nutrients.

    It doesn't make your friend or anyone else "dumb". It makes them brainwashed and uninformed about weight loss. People have businesses to run and agendas to promote. Until people do research, which takes about 5 secs, they'll keep doing it wrong. And some people don't want to believe it's as easy as it is. Burn more than what you eat. But in order to do that, you have to know what you're eating.
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    When I first started weighing and measuring everything I ate my husband used to just roll his eyes at me as in...yeah sure like you are going to continue to do that.
    That was a year and a half ago. Now he eats the same portion sizes as I do and is just fine with it.
  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    I don't weigh my food. I don't log everything. I'm still losing weight.

    Accuracy is not required for weight loss, you just need to eat less than you burn.

    A rare voice of reason on this website! Thanks TimothyFish
  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member
    Wanted to hop on here and say: some people may continue to weigh and measure for longer than most. It might be they enjoy the preciseness, lol
  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Whether you realize it or not, when it comes to the weight loss game, you are speaking from a position of relative privilege when it comes to some of the rest of us.

    Settle down Peachy. He's been practically bedridden with broken ribs, chronic pain and significant injuries after being tripped on a bicycle by a wayward dog who came out of nowhere and wasn't wearing a collar or a leash. He's not been in a position of privilege at all lately.

    And it's good to hear you're still succeeding with weight control Fish. Guestimating can work as long as the guestimator is scrupulously honest. Most people who don't weigh and measure the food fib. But not everyone.


    Guesstimating is hard for me. I can NOT eyeball at all! I can say "sure this is less than a normal bowl of ice cream I'd have" but I might count it as one serving, when it's three in all actuality. I envy those people, truly. I wish I could math :/
  • shamcd
    shamcd Posts: 178 Member
  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member
    shamcd wrote: »

    Lol it's kinda how I felt too. But we've all been misinformed due to mass media, so I dont judge by any means. When she asks for advice, I give it to her, never unsolicited.