help.... severe sprained ankle



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    meditz wrote: »
    i am reading your posts... i know it's calories in/ calories out.... but i am a very active person just in general... i do not sit down when i am home ever, always cleaning cooking baking... doing something....i am not a sedentary person at all. and right now i am a couch potatoe...

    Unfortunately the best thing you can do is rest.... So you ARE a couch potato and need to adjust your intake accordingly. Sucks? yes, doable? definitely, if you want to heal properly!
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    Do upper body exercises for now. You can find some on Youtube. And make sure your doctor gives you a prescription for physical therapy as soon as you are able to go. They will give you plenty of exercises to do, along with treatment, and that will get you back on your feet.
  • Sebismom
    Sebismom Posts: 44 Member
    Someone already gave you some good advice about workouts for sedentary people. I just wanted to chime in that when I took a boxing class a while back I noticed that punching routines made my arms really sore and they actually left me winded. It was a real boxing class so I was going for real punches with strong jabs. You'll have to sit in a chair, but it's still a great workout. Work on your upper body by bringing out those hand weights and doing push-ups. I've sprained (and broken) my ankles several times, unfortunately, and I know exactly how you feel. It's especially difficult when you feel your weight maintenance is contingent on your activity level. For what it's worth, I never really gained more than one or two pounds when all was said and done. Try to find an activity to substitute for your workout time: knitting, reading, learning to code, catching up on Outlander or other t.v. shows, or something more active like gardening or housework. Make it something that solely substitutes your workout time. The one consolation is that your other leg gets really strong and muscular, giving you a sense of how good your legs can get with heavy lifting.
  • lianalbouchard
    lianalbouchard Posts: 7 Member
    hi. i have limited mobility so i use modified exercises. i find sit ups on my bed are a good workout. it it hurts the ankle sit on the side .
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    My dad couldn't walk and did very active chair/couch aerobics by doing the top half of exercises like jumping jacks and moving his legs around while seated. It's actually exhausting.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    I sprained my ankle at the end of January and was worried also. But, since I had already started Turbo Fire with friends, I continued with the workouts. I just sat on the coffee table and did the arm workout. The calorie burn wasn't too far from my regular burn standing up! 2 months later and I am now able to stand again. I feel your pain!
  • jane837
    jane837 Posts: 68 Member
    Using crutches can be a great workout! :smile:
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    Rub dirt on it and suck it up.... Kidding. I did the same thing this time last year except mine embarrassingly was walking down steps out my back door. You are going to exert allot of energy just to do simple things that was typically easy like walking/hobbling to the fridge or bathroom. Just take it easy and lower your calorie intake accordingly.
  • Sarasari
    Sarasari Posts: 139 Member
    utube and pinterest have a ton of videos for things you can do in a chair. I tore my Achilles tendon and had to go that way my self. You can do bicep curls, most arm exercises with weights, if you don't own weights use soup cans, or water just filled with appropriate weight, you can twist in chair or do crunches in chair. Plant legs on ground sit on edge off chair lean back , use abs to pull up, repeat. If you can move your legs you can march in the chair bringing legs up one at a time. Good luck!