Do you really think one can be happy FAT?



  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I've been 225 pounds (obese for my height, though not morbidly). I've been 158 pounds. And I've been every weight in between. I've had about the same level of happiness at every weight.

    I can't and shouldn't really attempt to speak for anyone else, public figure or not.
  • Mistizoom
    Mistizoom Posts: 578 Member
    sjadev1108 wrote: »
    I don't mean to equate skinny with happy, or to say that thin people never have bad days. I do, however, think that being obese, you have put more obstacles in your own way.

    So, you were asking a rhetorical question, then? Because it sounds like you actually aren't interested in real answers, you already made up your mind. Sorry I wasted my time on this thread.
  • akern1987
    akern1987 Posts: 288 Member
    Anyone can be happy, and anyone can be miserable. Some of the nastiest most self loathing people I've met have been extremely thin, and completely unhappy. Also, being fat does not inhibit you from having a full and good life unless you let it. I'm fat but I still have a wonderful boyfriend whom I love, amazing friends, a great family, my job is cool and I love my cat...but because I'm fat I shouldn't or don't have the right to enjoy those things as much as I do? I understand that being overweight can certainly drag you down (both literally and psychologically), but to think that just "being fat" would mean that you can't know true happiness...well I feel bad for anyone who thinks that. Just because it's not your idea of happiness, doesn't mean it's not happiness.
  • tekkiechikk
    tekkiechikk Posts: 375 Member
    Define "fat"? There's being overweight by 10 pounds fat and being overweight by 100 pounds fat.

    Like everyone else I can say I've been really happy for most of my life... however I would never, ever choose to be fat , never. Anyone who claims to be perfectly fine being fat (like on the reality TV shows) would definitely much rather be thin. If they say otherwise I'd question their sincerity. Or else they have just given up or don't want to put in the work to lose the weight or else have an eating disorder that requires much more than willpower to correct. Or, in the case of TV, remain overweight because why else would we watch?? A plus size model of course would say she is happy at her weight... what else WOULD she say? I mean, her job kind of depends on her size.

    I can allow others to make me feel positively happy on a regular basis, and do; but being happy with myself because of my size is a different matter altogether.
  • LovingLife_Erin
    LovingLife_Erin Posts: 328 Member
    Of course! I am fat, and have been fatter (before I started losing weight) and I am quite happy and content with my life. I got married fat, and know that I'm awesome no matter what weight I am. I don't see why being fat should mean that I have to hold my life back, or feel unhappy about myself/my life. I'm me regardless of my size. I'm losing weight because I know that I want to be healthy, and not because I'm unhappy with how I look. The idea that someone's weight automatically means they are unhappy is just ridiculous.
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Of course they can be "fat and happy". Happiness has very little to do with your weight and everything to do with your outlook on life IMO.
  • fish2find
    fish2find Posts: 221 Member
    About 15 years ago I remember ending the Atkins diet a lil tearful and told my wife "Im a happy fat man". It was true. Later medical complications and a hospitalization with a "near death" experience I had my mind changed.
    If you tried to tell me were I was headed I had great arguments, my 2K triglycerides was "baseline" and could not hurt me.
    I tend to learn by running into walls very hard. LOL
  • fatkidonadiet
    fatkidonadiet Posts: 45 Member
    I agree that I would never choose to be fat. If I could tell my kids one thing, it would be to try and stay fit and healthy. Being overweight has affected many areas of my personal life, my mental health, and my self esteem. I am happy with many things -- with my life, my hubby, my work successes, my kids, being involved with things I love...but I am NOT happy with myself, my looks, and the way I've treated my body.
    On the other hand, I would never want to be rail thin and/or have an eating disorder either...
  • kandeye
    kandeye Posts: 216 Member
    Happiness is health of the mind, excess fat is related to the health of the body. We often make them an exclusive entity but they are separate. It is all relative to each and every individual and what they deem important. There is no wrong or right answer, it's up to you (when it comes to yourself, not others).
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I was happy when I was fat. I'm happier now that I'm fit, though.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    sjadev1108 wrote: »
    I don't mean to equate skinny with happy, or to say that thin people never have bad days. I do, however, think that being obese, you have put more obstacles in your own way.

    What obstacles? Genuinely curious.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Josalinn wrote: »
    I think happiness comes from self-confidence. If you love you, how you look doesn't matter.
    sorry couldn't resist
    HA love this movie!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Define "fat"? There's being overweight by 10 pounds fat and being overweight by 100 pounds fat.

    Like everyone else I can say I've been really happy for most of my life... however I would never, ever choose to be fat , never. Anyone who claims to be perfectly fine being fat (like on the reality TV shows) would definitely much rather be thin. If they say otherwise I'd question their sincerity. Or else they have just given up or don't want to put in the work to lose the weight or else have an eating disorder that requires much more than willpower to correct. Or, in the case of TV, remain overweight because why else would we watch?? A plus size model of course would say she is happy at her weight... what else WOULD she say? I mean, her job kind of depends on her size.

    I can allow others to make me feel positively happy on a regular basis, and do; but being happy with myself because of my size is a different matter altogether.

    Are you suggesting that anyone who claims to be happy while over a certain weight is lying? Because I think you might be projecting some, there.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    sjadev1108 wrote: »
    This issue has come to my attention often lately with the amount of reality TV shows focusing on body image and issues (height, weight, etc.) I keep hearing people say they are "fat and happy". I also saw on an E! news report the other evening a girl that is a plus size model (size 24). She claimed she was very happy and comfortable at her weight. My question is, do you think this is REALLY a reality?

    This is what Tess Munster has to say:
    Do you really think someone can be "happy" if they are morbidly obese?
    Right off, let's separate "fat", from "overweight", "obese" and "morbidly obese". I use the BMI definitions. I was unhealthy at morbidly obese, am obese now, and I want to be overweight. When I am done I will be fat and happy, but not morbidly obese. I'm happy now, but more about that later.
    However, I don't see anything positive coming from not fitting in public spaces, or not being able to use stairs. Tell me what you think, are these public figures really happy at their morbidly obese weight??

    Can the disabled be happy? Of course they can. They make adjustments to navigate through life, but they find a way.

    Believe it or not, this dramatic weight loss comes with it's inconveniences, like not having anything fit to wear. When I would get annoyed at losing yet another five pounds, my granddaughter would remind me that I was happy before, I am happy now, and I will be happy whatever weight I end up. Bless her heart.

    It's true. I've been accomplished, talented, and successful in many areas of my life; an intelligent, kind and wise leader. Weight loss eluded me, but that was just one area of my life. Who I am as a person is not based on my body fat composition.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    sjadev1108 wrote: »
    I don't mean to equate skinny with happy, or to say that thin people never have bad days. I do, however, think that being obese, you have put more obstacles in your own way.

    What obstacles? Genuinely curious.

    are you talking literal or figurative obstacles...?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    when I was 210 pounds and did not exercise I had good days and bad that I have lost the weight and done a bulk/cut cycle I still have good days and bad days...

    it is the same thing with money ..some people can be poor and happy..others can be rich and miserable..the only difference is having money makes life a little easier ...
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Oooh, I love the mobility and vitality my reduced weight has got me! I'll give it that!
  • Eudoxy
    Eudoxy Posts: 391 Member
    Yes. I don't think weight has a lot to do with happiness.
  • pickledeggy
    pickledeggy Posts: 31 Member
    edited March 2015
    No. I got up to 257 lbs from 175 in under two years through greed, ignorance and laziness. I looked disgusting, i had back pains, i had to wear uk size 22. I was happy when i ate but afterwards i felt crap. Depressed, huge, unfit,ashamed of harming my body the way i was. Too ashamed to take my daughter out. Nothing to be happy or proud of. Im down 45lbs sincs september and a uk 16 top and bottom and only starting to feel happy and more confident again now. I like cute clothes, i couldnt wear them when i was my biggest. Im still not at my smallest point where i could wear pretty dresses but ill be back there near the end of this summer. Another 36lbs. I have 72lbs left total to my overall goal and im getting happier and more like myself with each pound i lose.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    yes, of course, a lot of people love being fat,.... and a lot of men love their women fat and vice versa.... I love to be smoking hot, and so does my just right is what it is.
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