Women - dealing with periods and motivation



  • dianebiaggini
    dianebiaggini Posts: 22 Member
    I totally understand how you feel! Every month I battle with this. I have a few bits of advice:

    1) I try to train really hard weeks 1-3 of my cycle and ease off at period time, using this as a rest time. Others have suggested eating at maintenance cals at this time and I agree. Eat healthy carbs and get a good night's sleep. Some female athletes use this week to to do less cardio and more strength, get a massage or do lighter forms of cross training (yoga/cycling/walking).

    2) the day after Aunt Flo finishes I usually feel renewed! Use this to kick start the month with being very extra active and eating really well. Don't feel bad if the few days prior were a bit sketchy. I think plenty of us girls have been there.

    3) the healthier and more active I am in the days leading up to my period, I have noticed, after a few months, that PMS symptoms ease off (not completely) but they are definitely worse when I am not active and not eating well.

    Hope this helps!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I think hunger and binging is psychological and cultural and caused by being too strict for too long, and when period comes, ooh, period, time to eat. Try to have some little treat now and again instead.