Discouraged by MFP

sjrutherf Posts: 27 Member
This is my third day on MFP.

I have officially been chastised, in red letters, by MFP. I didn't eat enough calories yesterday. I understand they want you to be healthy. I would understand if this was a common occurrence or something, but trust me this is rare for me! I wasn't hungry most of the day and I took advantage of it. Before starting this journey, I would probably eat a zillion calories a day. Ok, maybe not a zillion, but A LOT.

Yesterday I made such healthy decisions! I found time to take three walks during my work day! I work at a desk, so this is often hard for me to fit in. I also joined my friends and went to a casual volleyball league that I had been avoiding. I didn't eat the cake or cookies that were laid out at work. I didn't go out with my friends for ice cream after volleyball. I was so proud of myself! I was excited to complete my entry for the day. And then all I saw was red text and MFP telling me to make additional entries. I almost went out and ate the entire kitchen.

I was no longer proud.
I was no longer excited.
I just wanted to give up.

I went from being all pumped up to finally try and change things to feeling like a failure 2 days in.


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I would advise you to get a strong grip and stop making excuses

    It is just a website. A tool to aid you. It does not have an emotional power over you, only you have that power.

    It is designed to give you a calorie goal - some people choose to do 5:2 and will hit only 500 calories on 2 days - they may choose to monitor their calories over the week.

  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Meanwhile, I've seen MFP calculate <1200 calorie goals for some people in the last few weeks. *kitten* algorithms; how do they work?

    OP, great job for walking, playing volleyball, and making food choices you were comfortable with. Yes, you shouldn't eat that low as a rule, but you're just starting out, so don't be too hard on yourself when you make mistakes. I know you're not a failue because here you are, back the next day.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    habits, both good or bad, start with one action.

    congrats on eating less, congrats on avoiding the junk food, but you've still got to eat.

    and if you were so low that MFP told you that you need to eat more, you probably could've gone out for ice cream after vollyball.
    BCUONZO Posts: 27 Member
    Don't let it get you down. Every day is different and everyone is on different plans. It is hard to hit your numbers perfect as MFP suggests. Some days you will be slightly over on carbs or fats, but its just one day! Like Rabbit mentions its a tool to help YOU reach YOUR goals. So if you feel good and have energy to do the things you love than that's all that matters. If you ever need help and motivation we are here. Feel free to reach out to me anytime.
  • tinascar2015
    tinascar2015 Posts: 413 Member
    You got upset that you got the automated red warning? I've had that too. I had it the second and third days I was using the app when I had the flu and was never awake long enough to eat or drink. On the fourth day, I got up and 5am to let the dogs out, felt very odd, very woozy and unstable, and I fainted and hit the floor for a few seconds. It was terrifying. My husband wasn't awake, only the dogs were, and they don't know how to dial 911.

    Eat more. Eat better. Nourish yourself. You do not need to add foods you would binge on. Believe me, I GET THAT. You sound like you are doing so well. Keep going!
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    It's just a computer program. It's just a different color font. It's not the calorie police coming to get you. Eating too low in calories over an extended time is not healthy. One day is not a big deal. The site is set up to discourage unhealthy long-term habits and promote achieving the goals you have set. If you don't like seeing the red, just roll your eyes at those letters and click away from that screen.
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    Don't let a web site dictate how you feel about yourself! You were right to be proud of yesteday because you did a bang up job. I am sure we all get the "red" message now and again when we have a really low calorie day. For months and months when I started this journey my Wii Fit yeld at me "that's obese"!!!! I grant you that I got very tired of this but it just spurred me to work harder to get it to say "that's over weight"! Stand tall and stay proud of your accomplishments!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    edited March 2015
    If you're letting an automatic message from a machine discourage you to the point of giving up then you're not ready.

    You'll encounter multiple challenges and set backs during your weight loss. If you give up at each one, well...
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Are you really letting a website control your feelings? How do you react when a real live person cricitizes you? smdh.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If a computer-generated, generic message from a website is enough to make you give up, maybe you aren't really ready to do this yet.

    You know what works for me when I see that? I ignore it and get on with my life. If the MFP staff show up at my house to yell at me, I'll worry about it.
  • mskinner1091
    mskinner1091 Posts: 180 Member
    MFP yells at me almost everyday that I complete my entry. Try yelling back. Helps me. I say "WHY DONT YOU STOP BEING FAT?!" :smile:
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    edited March 2015
    Op, sorry the program upset you.
  • areallycoolstory
    areallycoolstory Posts: 1,680 Member
    Good job for all of your healthy choices. One misstep does not negate them. It would really be irresponsible if the site didn't have a system to warn people they were eating too few calories. Not everyone is as savvy as you about the proper way to go about this, and the built in warnings are just informational. I got that warning early on. Like you I had a good day and was proud that I had consumed so few calories without really being hungry. Then the warning came up and reminded me of what I already knew...oh right...right...that is not the way to go about it...Without the warning I may well have continued to under-consume, and so might you since you felt fine that first time. Good luck. Try not to let the red font get you down:-)
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    OP, don't start a mean people thread. There is solid, if blunt, advice here.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    edited March 2015
    sjrutherf wrote: »
    This is my third day on MFP.

    I have officially been chastised, in red letters, by MFP. I didn't eat enough calories yesterday. I understand they want you to be healthy. I would understand if this was a common occurrence or something, but trust me this is rare for me! I wasn't hungry most of the day and I took advantage of it. Before starting this journey, I would probably eat a zillion calories a day. Ok, maybe not a zillion, but A LOT.

    Yesterday I made such healthy decisions! I found time to take three walks during my work day! I work at a desk, so this is often hard for me to fit in. I also joined my friends and went to a casual volleyball league that I had been avoiding. I didn't eat the cake or cookies that were laid out at work. I didn't go out with my friends for ice cream after volleyball. I was so proud of myself! I was excited to complete my entry for the day. And then all I saw was red text and MFP telling me to make additional entries. I almost went out and ate the entire kitchen.

    I was no longer proud.
    I was no longer excited.
    I just wanted to give up.

    I went from being all pumped up to finally try and change things to feeling like a failure 2 days in.

    Do you also get upset when you are driving and hit a red light, and then decide to give up driving because the red lights make you feel like a failure?
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Oh, honey, you need to get a grip.

    Have you been perfect, the first week, of anything you've tried? I doubt it.

    MFP teaches you many things, but it's not there to make you feel like a failure. It helps define what is good to eat, how many calories you should be be eating, and helps you plan ahead to avoid pitfalls. Warnings it gives you are only for you to know you might want to try something different.
  • csteuter
    csteuter Posts: 87 Member
    You did a great job -- really, just consider that it shows up in red because it is useful advice. I'd rather see it in red when I undereat, than a big red blast when I've gone over. Now that would be discouraging!
  • punkuate
    punkuate Posts: 127 Member
    Way to encourage her, folks!