Discouraged by MFP



    GPHX_GEEK Posts: 32 Member
    It's not the calorie police coming to get you.

    ^^ This

    I've gotten the "menacing" red text before. If it's not a habit of you starving yourself, it is really not that big a deal. You said you had an awesome day, where you felt like you made all the right choices...stick with THAT feeling. MFP is only going to throw out this generic "eat more" message because of how the calories are set up. Relax and remember how proud you feel when you make the right choices and use MFP only as a tool to help you see what you are doing.

    Also, don't set yourself up for "daily goals", but rather go on a weekly basis. You get a more comprehensive view of your habits that way. One single day isn't going to make or break you, bad habits over long periods of time will.

  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I think we should just be happy that when we go over our calorie goal, we don't get a message that says, "Knock it off, Lardass".

    We don't....do we?

    I kind of wish we would get that message. LOL

  • mscheftg
    mscheftg Posts: 485 Member
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    I think we should just be happy that when we go over our calorie goal, we don't get a message that says, "Knock it off, Lardass".

    We don't....do we?

    I kind of wish we would get that message. LOL

    I'm not going to lie, that would motivate and demotivate me. I'd intentionally NOT log food because I wouldn't want the message, but I would appreciate it on days that I needed to be reminded why I'm here...
  • DeWoSa
    DeWoSa Posts: 496 Member
    edited March 2015
    sjrutherf wrote: »
    This is my third day on MFP.

    I have officially been chastised, in red letters, by MFP. I didn't eat enough calories yesterday. I understand they want you to be healthy. I would understand if this was a common occurrence or something, but trust me this is rare for me! I wasn't hungry most of the day and I took advantage of it. Before starting this journey, I would probably eat a zillion calories a day. Ok, maybe not a zillion, but A LOT.

    Yesterday I made such healthy decisions! I found time to take three walks during my work day! I work at a desk, so this is often hard for me to fit in. I also joined my friends and went to a casual volleyball league that I had been avoiding. I didn't eat the cake or cookies that were laid out at work. I didn't go out with my friends for ice cream after volleyball. I was so proud of myself! I was excited to complete my entry for the day. And then all I saw was red text and MFP telling me to make additional entries. I almost went out and ate the entire kitchen.

    I was no longer proud.
    I was no longer excited.
    I just wanted to give up.

    I went from being all pumped up to finally try and change things to feeling like a failure 2 days in.

    Hi Sjrutherf.

    Welcome to MFP, the greatest calorie tracking device under the sun (TM).

    You are very lucky! Because those red numbers set off a depression, you now have a MASSIVE clue about your emotions and self-judgement connected with food.

    This is GREAT to know, because you can now start to fix it. If you just try to eat fewer calories, but don't deal with your emotional connection with food, then you'll find yourself in a self-defeating battle with yourself, with food as your weapon of choice. I've been there.

    In addition to tracking calories, start tracking the days you are hungrier than other days, and your emotional responses to food, to warnings, and to your weight on the scale (especially when it fluctuates during the month because of water weight). Track both positive and negative emotions.

    Give yourself a couple of months to track, so you can build up a good database of information. Once you see your food consumption AND your emotional responses as well as your monthly fluctuations in weight, you will have a much better sense of yourself, your eating habits, how your body works, and how your emotions work in relation to your self esteem and food.

    If you can't do this alone, there are food therapists and free programs like Overeaters Anonymous who can help you.

    And remember -- this is HARD work. Confronting yourself and your fears HURTS. But there are loads of us who have done it, and are willing to be the shoulder you might need to lean on.

    The good news is that for many people, once you decide to do the hard work, it's not hard anymore because there's nothing to be frightened of anymore.

    And remember, if you want to give up -- you are going to weigh some amount of pounds in a month. You can weigh that amount and have no idea what to do about it, or you can weigh that amount and because of tracking, have a much better idea what to do about it.

    I wish you the best of luck and give you a big warm cyber hug. Welcome to MFP and YOU CAN DO THIS.
  • Sunshine48205
    Sunshine48205 Posts: 41 Member
    jenjay8045 wrote: »
    gothchiq wrote: »
    If this kind of thing is super annoying to you, you could try sparkpeople.com instead. MFP isn't the only free tracking site in existence. Personally I don't give a rip about their automatic nag statements, but all the same, you're not compelled to tolerate them. OR to tolerate people who bash on you, for that matter, just sayin.

    Thank goodness someone else said this. I have never seen a grumpier group of people in my life. This girl was just sharing her feelings, and people are just jumping all over her! Damn it man, some of these types of comments make me want to go binge! (not really, but kinda) I mean wow.

    It is ridiculous the bashing people are giving her!! She's on here for support and to vent not to hear criticism for how she's feeling. She probably gets that everyday from other sources she doesn't need to hear it here too. I thought this was a place of no judgement.

    Why on earth would you think this was a place of no judgement?

    ^^^ Right....This is not Planet fitness my dear.
  • Sunshine48205
    Sunshine48205 Posts: 41 Member
    MelRC117 wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I would advise you to get a strong grip and stop making excuses

    It is just a website. A tool to aid you. It does not have an emotional power over you, only you have that power.

    It is designed to give you a calorie goal - some people choose to do 5:2 and will hit only 500 calories on 2 days - they may choose to monitor their calories over the week.

    This x10000000

    you can either have results or excuses!
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    I had a friend here who was beside herself for this reason....Calorie deficit CHECK, Protein CHECK, Fat CHECK, Carbs CHECK......Salt OVER...!! she was like she had been given 4 minutes to live....
    As many have rightly said MFP is a tool, a guide not the Calorie Police who will take your first born.
    Reminds me of the Stephen King story Quitters Inc. about quitting smoking.....

    That story was horrifying.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Wow I guess I didn't know it yelled at you - I would rather say I ate a few calories under my budget rather going over my budget. It also depends was it a few calories under a lot of calories under???

    OP ate less than 1200 calories for the day and didn't know it would give her a warning about eating too little. It happens.

    I think the warning only pops up if you're under 1,000 now.

    Anyway, if that happens again, OP, just have a snack to get you over. It's done so people don't under-eat, because under-eating often is unhealthy.

    Try to shake it off, and maybe don't invest so much emotion into those numbers next time. Sometimes you'll go over and sometimes you'll be under. It's okay.

    Under 1,000 now? Well I'll be. I'm never even close to that, so I wouldn't know.
  • GoPerfectHealth
    GoPerfectHealth Posts: 254 Member
    DeWoSa wrote: »
    sjrutherf wrote: »
    This is my third day on MFP.

    I have officially been chastised, in red letters, by MFP. I didn't eat enough calories yesterday. I understand they want you to be healthy. I would understand if this was a common occurrence or something, but trust me this is rare for me! I wasn't hungry most of the day and I took advantage of it. Before starting this journey, I would probably eat a zillion calories a day. Ok, maybe not a zillion, but A LOT.

    Yesterday I made such healthy decisions! I found time to take three walks during my work day! I work at a desk, so this is often hard for me to fit in. I also joined my friends and went to a casual volleyball league that I had been avoiding. I didn't eat the cake or cookies that were laid out at work. I didn't go out with my friends for ice cream after volleyball. I was so proud of myself! I was excited to complete my entry for the day. And then all I saw was red text and MFP telling me to make additional entries. I almost went out and ate the entire kitchen.

    I was no longer proud.
    I was no longer excited.
    I just wanted to give up.

    I went from being all pumped up to finally try and change things to feeling like a failure 2 days in.

    Hi Sjrutherf.

    Welcome to MFP, the greatest calorie tracking device under the sun (TM).

    You are very lucky! Because those red numbers set off a depression, you now have a MASSIVE clue about your emotions and self-judgement connected with food.

    This is GREAT to know, because you can now start to fix it. If you just try to eat fewer calories, but don't deal with your emotional connection with food, then you'll find yourself in a self-defeating battle with yourself, with food as your weapon of choice. I've been there.

    In addition to tracking calories, start tracking the days you are hungrier than other days, and your emotional responses to food, to warnings, and to your weight on the scale (especially when it fluctuates during the month because of water weight). Track both positive and negative emotions.

    Give yourself a couple of months to track, so you can build up a good database of information. Once you see your food consumption AND your emotional responses as well as your monthly fluctuations in weight, you will have a much better sense of yourself, your eating habits, how your body works, and how your emotions work in relation to your self esteem and food.

    If you can't do this alone, there are food therapists and free programs like Overeaters Anonymous who can help you.

    And remember -- this is HARD work. Confronting yourself and your fears HURTS. But there are loads of us who have done it, and are willing to be the shoulder you might need to lean on.

    The good news is that for many people, once you decide to do the hard work, it's not hard anymore because there's nothing to be frightened of anymore.

    And remember, if you want to give up -- you are going to weigh some amount of pounds in a month. You can weigh that amount and have no idea what to do about it, or you can weigh that amount and because of tracking, have a much better idea what to do about it.

    I wish you the best of luck and give you a big warm cyber hug. Welcome to MFP and YOU CAN DO THIS.

    Awesome, supportive, informative response. I agree whole-heartedly. Sending warm cyber hugs as well.
  • jasonraygagnon
    jasonraygagnon Posts: 86 Member
    sjrutherf wrote: »
    This is my third day on MFP.

    I have officially been chastised, in red letters, by MFP. I didn't eat enough calories yesterday. I understand they want you to be healthy. I would understand if this was a common occurrence or something, but trust me this is rare for me! I wasn't hungry most of the day and I took advantage of it. Before starting this journey, I would probably eat a zillion calories a day. Ok, maybe not a zillion, but A LOT.

    Yesterday I made such healthy decisions! I found time to take three walks during my work day! I work at a desk, so this is often hard for me to fit in. I also joined my friends and went to a casual volleyball league that I had been avoiding. I didn't eat the cake or cookies that were laid out at work. I didn't go out with my friends for ice cream after volleyball. I was so proud of myself! I was excited to complete my entry for the day. And then all I saw was red text and MFP telling me to make additional entries. I almost went out and ate the entire kitchen.

    I was no longer proud.
    I was no longer excited.
    I just wanted to give up.

    I went from being all pumped up to finally try and change things to feeling like a failure 2 days in.

    WOWZERS! :neutral_face:
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    edited March 2015
    sjrutherf wrote: »
    I went from being all pumped up to finally try and change things to feeling like a failure 2 days in.
    Being "pumped up" isn't going to last long regardless. Learning a new lifestyle is not a result of having lots of motivation/discipline forever after.

    Success is the aggregate of all the days, not just one day or another. Or to put it visually:

  • yourradimradletshug
    yourradimradletshug Posts: 964 Member
    My MFP acts all crazy. One day I am 200 below my calorie limit and it's fine but the next day if I am 60 under it gives me the red letters too. I just ignore it. If you ate enough to feel satisfied screw what the website says. Just keep going!
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Why on earth would you think this was a place of no judgement?

    ^^^ Right....This is not Planet fitness my dear. [/quote]

    Why on earth would this be a place of judgement? This is not a multi-interest website, we are all on here for the same reason. We're either over weight, or started out over weight and have reached our goal. Just because some have achieved success does not mean you can now judge others who aren't there yet. For those who have achieved their goal and know how to get it done, please, give advice, tell people how it's done. But if the only way a person can teach others is through judgement or in-your-face snarky comments, then you don't need to be a mentor right now.
  • catb58
    catb58 Posts: 239 Member
    sjrutherf wrote: »
    I went from being all pumped up to finally try and change things to feeling like a failure 2 days in.
    Being "pumped up" isn't going to last long regardless. Learning a new lifestyle is not a result of having lots of motivation/discipline forever after.

    Success is the aggregate of all the days, not just one day or another. Or to put it visually:

    I love this^^^^^ It's so true!!!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    edited March 2015
    rayw89 wrote: »
    Why on earth would you think this was a place of no judgement?

    ^^^ Right....This is not Planet fitness my dear.
    Why on earth would this be a place of judgement? This is not a multi-interest website, we are all on here for the same reason. We're either over weight, or started out over weight and have reached our goal. Just because some have achieved success does not mean you can now judge others who aren't there yet. For those who have achieved their goal and know how to get it done, please, give advice, tell people how it's done. But if the only way a person can teach others is through judgement or in-your-face snarky comments, then you don't need to be a mentor right now.

    Maybe some people respond well to mentors who are blunt and in-your-face. I personally do.
    How do you have the right to judge what type of interaction will best benefit everyone on this website?

    And we aren't all here for the same reason. Weight loss is but one facet of this site.
  • lingo10
    lingo10 Posts: 305 Member
    I know it may seem a little daunting on the fact that you are to eat around a certain number but its a good thing and a good gauge. You learn to make better choices and try to eat foods that are not only filling but can also taste great!

    There is sometimes multiple tries one has to make in order to get it right. Don't feel down but take it as a learning process. Some of the people on here have good advice as well. Take everything in stride and you'll be okay.
    _FATNSASSY Posts: 107 Member
    I quit hitting "Complete this entry" because it get the red font almost every day...
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    rayw89 wrote: »
    Why on earth would this be a place of judgement?
    Because it's populated by humans.
    This is not a multi-interest website, we are all on here for the same reason.
    No, we aren't.
    We're either over weight, or started out over weight and have reached our goal.
    Just because some have achieved success does not mean you can now judge others who aren't there yet. For those who have achieved their goal and know how to get it done, please, give advice, tell people how it's done. But if the only way a person can teach others is through judgement or in-your-face snarky comments, then you don't need to be a mentor right now.
    Wow that's a lot of judgement for someone who thinks judgement is bad.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    So I guess some are letting computer take them over. Rise of the machines start now.