Where do you grab inexpensive healthy food on the go?

When I'm running around and want healthy eats or even want lunch I have to choose between, a $6-7 chicken salad or $1 McValue Menu item. Pizza at Sam's is $2.15, Salad is $5. Please help make eating outside my house not send me to poor house!



  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    why can't you pack your lunch. pack a little lunch bag put a little ice pack in it if its something that needs to stay fresh. i do this everyday. i actually pack leftovers from dinner the night before so im not prepping multiple meals.

    eating out healthier always seems to be the more expensive route.
  • JoshNorris79
    JoshNorris79 Posts: 20 Member
    At Sams, try a hot dog! With the Bun and dog and mustard and saurkraut it's only 450 calories. The pizza is @ 650 calories.
  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    I'm not sure what your definition of inexpensive is, but when I'm running errands and want something quick and healthy, I eat at Panera. And if you sign up for their rewards system, you receive lots of freebies and discounts.
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    Seconding packing your lunch. It's the cheapest, it gives you more control, and it really does get easier and more automatic the longer you do it.

    But also, you could loosen up your definition of healthy a bit. Pizza is fine, burgers are fine. Salads can actually be huge calorie bombs.

    Use portion control. (A burger with one patty, not three. One slice of veggie pizza, a 0 calorie drink.) And learn which toppings/ingredients tend to be more caloric so you can limit them when you don't have access to the nutrition menu. (Cheese and bacon, for example. Whipped cream. Milkshakes. Meat toppings on a pizza. Sides.)

    If there's a grocery store nearby, they always have sections with stuff for people coming in on their lunch hour, or just after dinner, or while on the road. You can get fruit, yoghurt, sandwiches, etc. You'd have to check it out though to see what fits in your budget. (And keeping in mind that you could definitely purchase a pack of yoghurt cups and ingredients to make your own sandwich, cut your own fruit, for less. You always pay for someone else to do that for you.)

    Find the nutrition menus for your usual lunch places online, and start looking for items that fit within your lunch calorie budget, as well as your $$$ budget.

    Sometimes, breakfast menus are cheaper. So look those up. You can always buy your lunch on your way into work, from the breakfast menu.
  • Jen21878
    Jen21878 Posts: 40 Member
    Stock up on some protein bars like Quest or Victory from Oh Yeah!

    Throw them in the car, purse, gym bag. It'll always be on hand and you won't have to make unhealthy choices.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    edited March 2015
    Inexpensive, healthy food (that will fill you up) is like an oxymoron. A big part of weight loss is planning ahead. Otherwise, prepare to spend money to get a healthy meal.

    If you want an inexpensive, healthy snack to hold you over, that will be a little less challenging. Greek yogurt from a convenience store (like CVS), an apple, etc. will hold you over. The other day I grabbed a stick of cheese and a bag of nuts for about $3 and it did the trick.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    edited March 2015
  • tmg446
    tmg446 Posts: 15 Member
    I always pack a snack/lunch If I know I wont be able to make my own meals for the day. I have lost about 40 lbs in 100 or so days doing this so I can completely control the portions and quality of the food I eat and there really is no better/cheaper way.
  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    edited March 2015
    I try to remember to make the distinction between eating out for pleasure and eating out because I just didn't plan ahead and need to eat while I'm out. If it's for pleasure, I'd much rather pay more $ for my favorite healthy lunch and really enjoy it without any guilt or too many consequences for my daily calorie goal, than pay a lot more (calories) for a cheaper takeout item that won't fill me up for more than a few hours. (I like the Sam's pizza, too, but I'm hungry again in a few hours!) You will pay one way or another, so don't let the price fool you into thinking otherwise. Lol.

    If I'm really just running around and need to eat asap, I agree with others that swinging by a grocery store is a great idea. I like to think of apples as nature's fast food. I pick the nicest apple I can find and pair it with some sort of protein (turkey jerky or string cheese) and that will usually hold me over until my next meal.

  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    edited March 2015
    wendy's chicken nuggets and chili is my go-to. I also try to keep some beef jerky and protein bars (perky jerky and clif builder mint are my favorites) on hand as back-up.

    Also, places like Moe's or Subway, where you can control how they make/assemble your meal gives you say in what goes in and is easier to customize for your calorie/macro needs. Need protein? Double meat. Lower cal? Extra veggies, no sauces/dressings. etc etc.
  • NaturallyOlivia
    NaturallyOlivia Posts: 496 Member
    Schlotzsky's - over 100 items featured on healthydiningfinder.com and their Garden Salad is usually $6 but only 40 cal.

    Subway is a good optional they're always running specials, but stick with wheat bread of flatbread. And be careful with the sauces, as it's hard to gauge what they put on there. Also, its a good rule of thumb just in general to avoid cheeses (highly processed, high in fat, calories, and can cause inflammation issues)

    Taco Bell (surprising right?!) if you're watching carbs I'm not sure how you would fare here hut they have some decent low calorie options (stay away from the cantina though! It's a trap!!) even some on their dollar menu. I like the fresco options.

    Zoe's kitchen - omg I love this place! So many healthy options but probably the higher end of your budget. I think around $6-7 for a meal

  • NaturallyOlivia
    NaturallyOlivia Posts: 496 Member
    Oh! I forgot chick fil a's grilled chicken nuggets 12 count = only 200 cal
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    I keep jerky or a quest bar in my purse at all times. If I do have to get fast food I'll get a salad or a wrap with no sauce or dressing, or grilled chicken sandwich with no fries.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    My own refrigerator. If you wait until you are hungry to figure out what you are going to eat, you are in trouble.

    There is one food chain in my area (Cafe Yumm) that has healthy brown rice bowls. Other than that, I try not to put myself in situations where I HAVE to eat out.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I've run into the grocery store and bought a bag of baby carrots and cottage cheese for about $3. Is that cheap enough?
  • redoakcircus
    I eat a lot of on-the-go type foods. In a comparison of cost vs convenience, convenience often wins for me. I eat lunch at a Panera near my office (avg $8 per meal). I also grab wraps and salads from the Target deli counter ($5). Breakfast is usually a Quest bar.
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    I get food from 7-11. The one here by my office sells 2 hardboiled eggs for $1.30, and two bananas for $1.60. I'll usually devour both eggs (140 calories for both) and a banana (I guesstimate on calories - no scale at work), plus my coffee. That will keep me going until lunch time, and there are days when I will get two packs of eggs and just have the same thing for lunch. Sometimes I'll spend the extra $4 and get a 200+ gram container of fresh veggies. Not as cheap as at home, but if you can resist the siren song of their prepared food... not a bad way to go.
  • Brightstar4031
    Brightstar4031 Posts: 50 Member
    When I have to eat fast food and want to eat "healthy" I'll get a grilled chicken sandwich without the sauce. That's cheap too. Packing lunch and planning are so important
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I always get a grilled chicken sandwich if I have to grab something quick and didn't plan.
  • Barbs2222
    Barbs2222 Posts: 433 Member
    I stop at a convenience store and get a cheese stick and a V8. Might put me over the sodium limit but not the calories so I don't care.