well lets get personal and discuss bathroom issues !



  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    i exercise daily and sometimes if i go all out it helps...but not all the time. i drink coffee does nothing for me that way! i plan to up my fruit intake starting today and maybe try the probiotic yogurt though im not a huge yogurt fan. im bad for not getting enough water so im going to start tracking that as well!
  • tephanies1234
    tephanies1234 Posts: 299 Member
    Popcorn for me works like clockwork as well as smoothies! Also, drink enough liquids each day.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    If all else fails-400mg magnesium citrate tablets a day.
    It's a dietary supplement. It also helps with sleep issues-it calms you. It helped with my panic attacks as well.
    Prune juice followed 10 minutes later with 2 large glasses of water also does the trick!
    Broccoli, yes!!!
  • lizek316
    lizek316 Posts: 76 Member
    I have a fiber one brownie everyday as my AM snack because I have the same problem.
    They are only 90 calorie, taste REALLY good heated for a few seconds and does wonders to keep things moving for me.
  • Praying_Mantis
    Praying_Mantis Posts: 239 Member
    Davidc1961 wrote: »
    If you wanna BE regular, you need to EAT regular.


    I didn't know until a friend told me a few years back that most people go every day. Mind blown.

    OP, I struggle(d) with this, too. Since you don't like cereal and aren't a fan of yogurt (that brand which advertises as helping you get regular in 2 weeks really does work!), you may be interested in 'jump-starting' by having a high-fiber granola-type bar. There's which actually has a warning on it that if you suddenly increase your fiber you may have intestinal distress. I can testify! But... having it took care of my immediate need. After that you can implement a regular course of diet which would get you into a routine of regularity.
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    that magnesium citrate is something i should look into. my 'issues' get far worse when im over stressed. which has been the last two weeks. unless i seriously focus my stomach has constant anxiety cramps. they go away with meditation but no for long. i don't usually have such bad anxiety but i have a big event coming up and it's really effecting me
  • Ellaskat
    Ellaskat Posts: 386 Member
    Thanks all! Ill be adding many of these! Lately my anxiety has been on the high end and this seems to cause even more 'trouble' . Hate taking laxatives would rather have a better solution!

    Because of this comment alone, I HIGHLY suggest you go to a supplement store and buy a product called 'natural calm' - only buy the raspberry flavor, fyi. It was prescribed to me by my doctor because it's a magnesium supplement, and sometimes that helps with migraines. It did the trick for me. Side effects are that you have to raise your dosage really slowly or you won't be able to stay out if the bathroom. This stuff is no joke. It's a powder that you put into hot water to make a tea with. As the name states, it is very calming for stress and anxiety. I highly recommend it.

    Also. Check my diary any time. I don't use natural calm any more on a regular basis, but I do typcially have a lovely bathroom experience twice a day. I get a lot of fiber:)
  • cdcllcga01
    cdcllcga01 Posts: 71 Member
    OP perhaps you should re-title this thread - Advice on how to break a plateau!