
Hi! So I've mostly been working on exercising when I have time in my busy schedule. I do yoga once a week, but I'd love to increase to two or three times. Swimming is always a great workout as well. The only one I struggle with is running. I can't seem to make myself go for long periods, but I really, really want to. I've got pounds to lose! Any suggestions on how to motivate myself and make better Incorperate workouts into my schedule? Right now I've been losing weight mostly by keeping under my calorie goal.


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    The only one I struggle with is running. I can't seem to make myself go for long periods, but I really, really want to. I've got pounds to lose! Any suggestions on how to motivate myself

    You're already doing cardio (swimming), so i'd rather motivate you to add strength training to your routine, to maintain a high metabolism. Yoga doesn't quite do that.

  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    Depending on the kind of yoga you're doing, it can incorporate some serious body weight strength training- Crow pose? Holy moly, you gotta be strong for that one, I lift heavy in addition to yoga and still am not strong enough to hold it yet.

    Anyway, back to OPs question- can you not run for long because you find it too physically challenging or do you get bored/just want to stop?
    If it's the former, I'd incorporate a structured Couch to 5K (or 10k, etc. depending where you are) and work your way up. If it's the latter, get off the treadmill if you're using one, and try running in new neighborhoods or on trails. A lot of people swear by the zombies run app to keep them entertained, I like podcasts.
  • cocobongo
    cocobongo Posts: 186 Member
    I HATE running and yet for years forced myself on and off to do it. Last year I ran consistently 3-4 times a week for 4 months and still didn't seem to get any better and never got to the point where I enjoyed it.

    I would say do something you don't hate - there's so many options out there now! For Cardio I now do T25 and I would rather do that any day than run.

    I second the strength training advice. Yoga gets a lot of hate on here, it's not a huge calorie burner but I definitely think it has a place in an exercise routine - like someone mentioned some of the poses build incredible strength and it's fantastic for core strength. Better than that it's always enjoyable and always makes me feel better no matter what kind of day I'm having.
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    I am a fan of yoga, too (3 times a week most weeks). Having a goal to work for is what motivates me, so I run 5 or 6 half marathons and 2 or 3 full marathons per year.