Is this too much food?



  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722
    This behavior seems to me, a diagnosed anorexic in recovery, as very suspicious and suspect. Hiding a diet from the people buying your food is a give away, and throwing up EVER is not a warning sign, but a dignosis waiting to happen. Even considering it is a warning sign of poor self esteem.

    I am 5'7, 120 and not able to exercise yet because my body fat percentage is so low. I do not think you need to be losing any weight. If you need help, please message me. I'd love to give you ideas on how to increase your self esteem, because I doubt you need to lose weight.

    i don't think this person wants help. Her/his/its posts are all vaguely confrontational, and I suspect a troll in the making.
    But I do want to say, that was a very nice and thoughtful post you wrote, and maybe it will help someone else at some point.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    This behavior seems to me, a diagnosed anorexic in recovery, as very suspicious and suspect. Hiding a diet from the people buying your food is a give away, and throwing up EVER is not a warning sign, but a dignosis waiting to happen. Even considering it is a warning sign of poor self esteem.

    I am 5'7, 120 and not able to exercise yet because my body fat percentage is so low. I do not think you need to be losing any weight. If you need help, please message me. I'd love to give you ideas on how to increase your self esteem, because I doubt you need to lose weight.

    i don't think this person wants help. Her/his/its posts are all vaguely confrontational, and I suspect a troll in the making.
    But I do want to say, that was a very nice and thoughtful post you wrote, and maybe it will help someone else at some point.

    People with eating disorders are often times defensive about their disorder. She says she is hiding her "diet" from her family. Which in and of itself isn't confirmation of an eating disorder. But, that with the desire to make sure the portion isn't too big, her height, weight and age. I am sure we are in the neighborhood of an eating disorder. So, it's a troll or a pro ana poster. Either way the OP needs mental help and that can't be had here.
  • ALittleBitLess1
    ALittleBitLess1 Posts: 119 Member
    fair enough!
    If you feel sick you have probably eaten too much, that clearly would look like a big portion on a plate so why did you eat it? (I am thinking about how big a 10oz steak is!)
    If you did not want anyone to comment on your size why did you post your stats? your username is kind of a giveaway anyway!

    If you think you have problem with dieting or eating disorder get some help, if you don't why would you even think it was an issue or feel the need to hide it from your family?

    Also sausages are not as bad as you think, 260cals for 2 sausages so a good meal with veg or jacket potato and salad, don't get too caught up in what is thought of as 'fatty'.

    Haha my username is more like the dream of being skinny like a kit kat stick
    I posted my stats because there is a difference of what a big portion depending on the person's body size - a grown man shouldn't eat the same as a young girl
    I don't want my family to realise I am dieting because my dad is really against diets for some reason