Baby fat



  • katinaelsa
    katinaelsa Posts: 18 Member
    katinaelsa wrote: »
    katinaelsa wrote: »
    katinaelsa wrote: »
    What's 'fit tea'? I think I'll stick to my coffee :)

    I'm losing weight after my third baby at the moment. I lost it after my other two, so it's possible. The hardest for me is the tiredness, especially with two other children. There's no sleeping when baby sleeps when you have a 3 year old and a 5 year old and a husband who works shifts. If you're up from 5am, and don't get to bed until late, it's hard to not eat anything in the evening sometimes. Sometimes I'm so tired (3 hours broken sleep due to teething baby) I really fancy something sweet. However, my willpower (and vanity lol) is strong!

    I also work out a lot, and walk a lot, which helps.
    To much coffee is not gud they say just one cup a day plus it keeps u up

    I drink 4 cups a day usually. Hasn't done me any harm. It doesn't keep me up either...that would be my baby who does that :)

    P.S *too
    Wow i drink it twice a week lol its gud drinking once in the mor thn green tea n gadarade throu the day healthyer n loses weight faster
    katinaelsa wrote: »
    katinaelsa wrote: »
    What's 'fit tea'? I think I'll stick to my coffee :)

    I'm losing weight after my third baby at the moment. I lost it after my other two, so it's possible. The hardest for me is the tiredness, especially with two other children. There's no sleeping when baby sleeps when you have a 3 year old and a 5 year old and a husband who works shifts. If you're up from 5am, and don't get to bed until late, it's hard to not eat anything in the evening sometimes. Sometimes I'm so tired (3 hours broken sleep due to teething baby) I really fancy something sweet. However, my willpower (and vanity lol) is strong!

    I also work out a lot, and walk a lot, which helps.
    To much coffee is not gud they say just one cup a day plus it keeps u up

    I drink 4 cups a day usually. Hasn't done me any harm. It doesn't keep me up either...that would be my baby who does that :)

    P.S *too
    Wow i drink it twice a week lol its gud drinking once in the mor thn green tea n gadarade throu the day healthyer n loses weight faster
    It is hard baby r alot ov work whn is the best time to start workn out aftr baby?

    I was at the gym after 6 weeks with all of mine, but I was lucky enough to have natural births and not need stitches.

    I don't mean to be rude, but is English not your first language? Although not sure that would explain the text speak.

    Lol no i text this way arbic is my second language though .had stiches stayd 3 months to take me to recover its the workout not used to it but will start on doing
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    katinaelsa wrote: »
    Doesn't Gatorade have a lot of calories? They don't sell it in England (that I know of) but I always assumed it was a fizzy drink.

    And considering I drink coffee with just milk and it fits into my calorie allowance, then it doesn't make a scrap of difference to weight loss. I lost 66lbs after my 2nd baby, all my baby weight plus another 30lbs!

    Its a energy drink
    How long it toke u to lost the baby weight

    I expect it has more calories in it than a cup of coffee with milk.

    It took me just over a year to lose the baby weigh after my other two, but I think it might take a little longer this time. I found, especially after my 2nd, that I lost a lot faster once she turned a year old. Not sure if it's to do with hormones or something.
  • Phoenix_Down
    Phoenix_Down Posts: 530 Member
    I finally committed to weight loss and fitness after my second baby. I gained 50 lbs and after my 6 week check up, I started exercising regularly and calorie counting.

    Focus on calories in vs out for weight loss. Exercise for fitness. Both are great to incorporate but sometimes with a LO, exercise can be sporadic. I'd try to at least do dancing games when my littlest would sleep (my eldest thought it was funny). Make sure you're getting good sleep (well, as good as you can!) and don't try to pick an overly aggressive deficit. Log consistently and honestly. Even if you have days over. Baby steps :)

    Don't fall for diet schemes and fads. There's no such thing as spot reduction and if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Remember slow weight loss wins over quick. And patience. The scale will fluctuate, you're looking for a downward trend over weeks, not days. Here's a great read

    Best of luck to you and congrats on your little one =)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    There is no magic tea. Eat at a caloric deficit and you'll lose.
  • katinaelsa
    katinaelsa Posts: 18 Member
    I finally committed to weight loss and fitness after my second baby. I gained 50 lbs and after my 6 week check up, I started exercising regularly and calorie counting.

    Focus on calories in vs out for weight loss. Exercise for fitness. Both are great to incorporate but sometimes with a LO, exercise can be sporadic. I'd try to at least do dancing games when my littlest would sleep (my eldest thought it was funny). Make sure you're getting good sleep (well, as good as you can!) and don't try to pick an overly aggressive deficit. Log consistently and honestly. Even if you have days over. Baby steps :)

    Don't fall for diet schemes and fads. There's no such thing as spot reduction and if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Remember slow weight loss wins over quick. And patience. The scale will fluctuate, you're looking for a downward trend over weeks, not days. Here's a great read

    Best of luck to you and congrats on your little one =)

    Awww thanx
    will do i really appricate it
  • katinaelsa
    katinaelsa Posts: 18 Member
    I stoped the fit tea n tryd the 1500 cal diet evn thou i normally eat less than 700 cal n startd to gain should i go back to the tea n 700 cal or start to work out n continue with the 1500 cal diet cuz i c the tea n pills workd so n if i eat less than 1500 cal do i loss more?
  • katinaelsa
    katinaelsa Posts: 18 Member
    Nevr mind the last q evn thou i ddnt get any answrs i gaind it all back with the deflict cal il go back to wht workd with me
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    No harder than anyone else losing weight gained for any other reason. Pregnancy fat isn't special.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    No harder than anyone else losing weight gained for any other reason. Pregnancy fat isn't special.

    How many babies have you had? :)

    It is harder as you still have pregnancy hormones in your body, and you're sleep deprived. My baby is 11 months nearly and still wakes in the night.

    I've found with my other two babies that the weight doesn't start to really fall off until they turn 1. No idea why, I don't change anything.
  • katinaelsa
    katinaelsa Posts: 18 Member

    Its harder to lose baby fat

    6 months ago first baby
  • OverlandingRN
    OverlandingRN Posts: 6 Member
    No harder than anyone else losing weight gained for any other reason. Pregnancy fat isn't special.

    Actually, the roller coaster of post-pregnancy hormone fluctuations (which can take anywhere from several months to a year to level off) compounded with additional stress and lack of consistent adequate rest does contribute significantly to difficulty with weight loss after baby.