Body Wraps please stop the insanity



  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    I had a similar thing with a friend of mine selling something that could lose you 14lb in 2 weeks or something. I questioned him and asked to see the evidence that this was a true loss that stayed off once the detox program was over and all I got was verbally abused! It was very frustrating and very annoying! But also quite funny! I come from a science and sales background and in my opinion if you have a product that truly works and has been tested and proven you would be really happy to wax lyrical all about it. These people were not. Evidence right there of falsehood. I cursed, then smiled and felt very sorry for them in their silly deluded little lives! :) I am doing very well without them thank you very much!
  • SoVeracious
    SoVeracious Posts: 17 Member
    These wraps are a joke! I won't waste a dime on them.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I had a similar thing with a friend of mine selling something that could lose you 14lb in 2 weeks or something. I questioned him and asked to see the evidence that this was a true loss that stayed off once the detox program was over and all I got was verbally abused! It was very frustrating and very annoying! But also quite funny! I come from a science and sales background and in my opinion if you have a product that truly works and has been tested and proven you would be really happy to wax lyrical all about it. These people were not. Evidence right there of falsehood. I cursed, then smiled and felt very sorry for them in their silly deluded little lives! :) I am doing very well without them thank you very much!

    The woman on this facebook page became down right belligerent! And I wasn't being rude I was simply stating facts....The name of the facebook page is Queen of Denial (yes her name suits her well). Go look at yesterdays posts - she deleted all my comments but you can see her post about the bored trolls....that was about me. lol
  • hippiejacket0810
    hippiejacket0810 Posts: 68 Member
    I think a body wrap is good for a one night thing. Like you're going out and wanna wear this really cute outfit but haven't quite lost the weight yet. Then yes, do the wrap. But your tummy will come back!
  • I am almost 59 years old and these things have been around since I was in my 20s. There was actually a storefront in a high end community near me that did them. I went there when I was 40 and had one done because I wanted to fit better in my little black velvet dress for a company Christmas party. I went that day and the party was that night. I felt great and fit just right in the dress. it was a quick fix to rid myself of water weight for a night. The inches were back within the week.

    I got invited to a body wrap party an just ignored teh invite because I know they are NOT gonig to listen to reason.
  • That is exactly what I used one for years ago.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    There is a wrap with chemicals in that works different to body wraps it brakes down and burns fat cells after the wrap for 3 days but very expensive its called shrinking violate wraps or something but dosant work like normal wraps wrre they just drain you of water and then you gain it back the second you have a sip of water haha x

    nope, i've had it - doesn't work.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    That's too bad there will always be gimmicks and people to buy them. Usually, if you read the fine prints, it always says "results may vary. Must be combined with a nutrition plan and exercise".
    Yeah! So, just ditch the gimmick and eat less and move more! But people don't want that!
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    And about the "wrap with chemicals", it sounds to me like a new way to get cancer.
  • auria17
    auria17 Posts: 94 Member
    I've done one, it was awesome, it is kind of like doing a wrap at the spa but a lot more work. And I do feel like it helped drain stuff from my lymph system, as one of the only exercises that does that is the rebounder. Yes I lost lbs and inches, and yes I feel like my skin was firmer and I over all felt better on the inside too after the treatment. The wrap also included a half hour in an infared sauna, this has a lot of health benefits as well.

    So if you have the money to do a body wrap, I would say try it before saying a bunch of bad stuff about it. It is a spa treatment the same as any other but just requires more work from you then just lying there.
  • KatC_88
    KatC_88 Posts: 101 Member
    The wraps DID help with my skin after having my baby few years ago. They helped everything to go back how its suppose to look SKIN WISE. The weight I lost was from kicking my butt in the gym and dieting. I am a fan of some of the wraps(not all some are scams) but not for weight loss purposes, for helping to rehydrate my skin and I do believe it helped.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    There's a member of a women's group I belong to that sells them, when we have our meetings, she'll pass out her cards, but if you were to look at her, she is not thin or firm or fit for that matter, she either does not use them or (more likely) they do not work. Suffice it to say, I have never purchased any.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Too many people really want to believe there's a quick fix...

  • sunflwrgrl412
    sunflwrgrl412 Posts: 130 Member
    I've been offered these too, no thanks. I am smarter than that. Also, with all this advocare stuff all over my small town. I don't want to use any drinks, powders or potions. I want to do it the right way. What happens when you stop taking it??? You'll gain it back and probably more. I'll save my money for a new wardrobe while they drink their sparks in their saran wrap.
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    I've done one, it was awesome, it is kind of like doing a wrap at the spa but a lot more work. And I do feel like it helped drain stuff from my lymph system, as one of the only exercises that does that is the rebounder. Yes I lost lbs and inches, and yes I feel like my skin was firmer and I over all felt better on the inside too after the treatment. The wrap also included a half hour in an infared sauna, this has a lot of health benefits as well.

    So if you have the money to do a body wrap, I would say try it before saying a bunch of bad stuff about it. It is a spa treatment the same as any other but just requires more work from you then just lying there.

    I think this is different than all of the "do it at home" gimmicks! I had a mud wrap at the spa, it was amazing for my skin, didn't lose any weight, but like you said, it's a spa treatment!
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Im not saying THERE DEFO IS im just saying thats the new "thing" were i live in liverpool ....iv heard nothing but good things about it including 1 women who has lost 7 stone in 5 months 1 wrap a week and eating heathly no exercise what so ever ( i actually know her so i know its not a lie and she deffo dosant exercise as you can imagine her skin)
  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    UGH! The wraps do the same thing as if you were to put preparation H on your stomach. It temporarily (key word there) shrinks the skin down, and in a couple of days it springs right back!

    Diet and exercise people!! :)

    exactly what i was goin to say.. huge investment to keep doing i dont know... forever!
  • Kpablo
    Kpablo Posts: 355 Member
    I did it once. My inches reduced for 4 or so days. But then went back to what it was. This is a gimmick and really it's stupid.

    I have a friend who has done it for about a year or so I guess, she went to the conference for these wraps and posted pictures...they're all over weight. LOL. YES! IT TOTALLY WORKS. hehehe.

    I'll stick to kicking my *kitten* in the gym and in the kitchen.
  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    I actually sell body wraps and I have noticed a big difference. It depends on the type of body wrap that you get. I agree some are just gimmicks and just make you loose water weight and only works temporarily. I sell the it works wraps. We actually don't claim that you should use it to lose weight. I have lost a good amount of weight but I contribute most of that to diet and exercise. However, the wraps are a good way to help. It does going into your system and breaks down the fat cells. However, its big benefit is to firm, tighten, and tone your skin. After a wrap people will lose inches. Not everyone, but most. I often have lost inches when I do them. It is not water weight! You are required to drink at least a full bottle of water while wearing the wrap and continue drinking for another 3 days. My parents have had it done on their chin to reduce the sagginess and they noticed a big difference. Not all body wraps work and I don't claim that my wrap works on everyone. However, my wrap does work on many people who have seen a difference. Check out to see how they work.

    so are you saying this is not temporary??
    if its not water weight are you saying you are losing fat or muscle?? or what are you losing?

    Also if this were not a gimmick like every other one.. you would not have to keep reapplying.. whatever would be lost would be gone and not coming back..

    And yes all of these gimmick sales ppl use the same phrase its " not everyone but most"
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    I think I may buy some cling film in bulk and go find me some suckers.
