Are Jillian Michaels workouts do-able?

Hello, I'm thinking of starting Jillian Michaels 30 days shred and even Jilliam Michele's 6 pack workouts. I've don't beach body's P90 (not p90x) for a little over 2 months and need to switch it up. I'm not dropping my goal 1.5 lbs per wk anymore, so figured this is a good way to switch it up. I'm just wondering if I'll be able to get through these workouts, or if it'll turn me off because it's too hard.

Any feedback would be appreciated!


  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I love 30 day shred! Its a little repetitive but it's still awesome!
  • Puti98
    Puti98 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks for the reply @ogmomma2012‌ ! I'm thinking today would be a good day to start.
  • aaa15
    aaa15 Posts: 40 Member
    I don't like 30 Day Shred. I love Ripped in 30, Six Week Six Pack, Shred it with Weights and Burn Fat Boost Metabolism. My absolute favorites are Killer Buns and Thighs and No More Trouble Zones . She's challenging but highly effective!
  • Puti98
    Puti98 Posts: 40 Member
    @aaa15‌ , Ahhh, I'll look into those as well. I'm thinking of purchasing Amazon Prime today so that I can stream all of these videos using Amazon prime instant video and my Apple TV. This way if I don't like one, I can move on to another one! Thanks!
  • maggierenee88
    maggierenee88 Posts: 352 Member
    You can do it for sure. I like 30 day shred too but like others have said sort of repetitive. I've been doing her 90 day body revolution and it's good! I'm on week 8. They're around 30 min workouts.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I'd do Jillian Michaels.

    Wait, not what we're talking about.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    they're not easy, but they're do able. some of my favorites because they're quick.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    I've never seen her smile. I wonder why?
  • Puti98
    Puti98 Posts: 40 Member
    @maggierenee88‌ : seems like her revolution workout is a hit! I'll have to look into that too! Thanks
  • aaa15
    aaa15 Posts: 40 Member
    Puti98 wrote: »
    @aaa15‌ , Ahhh, I'll look into those as well. I'm thinking of purchasing Amazon Prime today so that I can stream all of these videos using Amazon prime instant video and my Apple TV. This way if I don't like one, I can move on to another one! Thanks!

    Great! Also YouTube has level one videos of a lot of her workouts. Check em out! That's what got me to buy them. I got them on Amazon for less than eight dollars each. I have about 7 of her workout dvds now. I do them in rotation. Good luck!
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    I tried doing one of her workouts once, but the DVD was too small.
  • Puti98
    Puti98 Posts: 40 Member
    @aaa15‌ : will do! Just may purchase Amazon prime just to stream all of these today and check them out
  • aaa15
    aaa15 Posts: 40 Member
    I tried doing one of her workouts once, but the DVD was too small.

  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    LoL! I often say to my husband (on my way to work out) "I'm going to do Jillian now." We always laugh...(naughty!) Hey, she is kind of hot but not my type. ;)

    To the OP - yes, very doable. I love 30 day shred - well, I don't LOVE it, but it is a damn good work out - and also do the Ripped in 30 sometimes. I like how she does things in segments so you can make your workout fit your time frame. I will say that occasionally I run into a move I simply cannot do. So I try to modify during those times or do some cardio during that part of the tape - but that is mostly on the Ripped DVD. There is one move...don't remember what she calls it...when you have your hands up like you are being held at gunpoint and then you kneel down to one knee and then the other and then back up. I simply cannot do this with my hands up. So I just don't.
  • Puti98
    Puti98 Posts: 40 Member
    @Jennloella‌ : I'm kind of glad I posted this, thinking I'll skip p90 today and try out one of Jillian Michaels workouts instead
  • aaa15
    aaa15 Posts: 40 Member
    DaneanP wrote: »
    To the OP - yes, very doable. I love 30 day shred - well, I don't LOVE it, but it is a damn good work out - and also do the Ripped in 30 sometimes. I like how she does things in segments so you can make your workout fit your time frame. I will say that occasionally I run into a move I simply cannot do. So I try to modify during those times or do some cardio during that part of the tape - but that is mostly on the Ripped DVD. There is one move...don't remember what she calls it...when you have your hands up like you are being held at gunpoint and then you kneel down to one knee and then the other and then back up. I simply cannot do this with my hands up. So I just don't.

    Oh God! The Surrender! I hate that so much!
  • Puti98
    Puti98 Posts: 40 Member
    @DaneanP‌ : lol! I hear ya! Sometimes there are just things we can't do, so modifying is always the way to go! I'm pretty flexible and not too out of shape, so thinking I may challenge myself and try this out! Thanks!
  • aaa15
    aaa15 Posts: 40 Member
    She offers modifications for every move so it's definitely doable
  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    Yes - The Surrender! :s I want to kill her when this one pops up! She makes it look sooooooo easy.
    Right on Puti98. Let us know what you think. There are actually quite a few 90 Day Shred threads out there.
  • Puti98
    Puti98 Posts: 40 Member
    If anyone logs in daily and uses other people's burned calories as motivation, as I do, please feel free to add me!

    On those days that I don't feel like working out and I see my feed showing how many calories others have burned it motivates me to get off my *kitten* and workout! Lol!