I'm thinking of giving up coffee. Thoughts?



  • the_nerdgasm
    the_nerdgasm Posts: 86 Member
    I cut coffee and instead drink tea now. Honestly, I'd recommend it. It's nice being able to wake up and function under your own energy and not require an outside source. It makes exercising in the morning easier (no caffeine headaches to worry about). And now if I'm really tired and do want a cup of coffee, that coffee REALLY wakes me up. Before, it had little to no effect.
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    I cut down on my coffee for the same reason. I still have one cup a day with sugar and cream, I just fit it in (I also cut back on the sugar quite a bit and avoid dark roasts in general). The rest of the day I drink green tea, which strangely enough I prefer black.
  • Selah722
    Selah722 Posts: 86 Member
    I've been a Barista for 3 Years and have heard A LOT about coffee. A couple things you should know: Drink good coffee. I mean Organic fresh roasted freshly ground coffee. My dentist drinks it everyday without fail. The only coffee that is bad for your teeth ( and the rest of you is cheap ( Folders) coffee. Develop a taste for good stuff. also. Black is best. no more than 16oz cup a day. after that it dehydrates you. I LOVE putting pure vermont maple syrup in mine. try that for a sweetener that isn't bad for you. and you can always use a little Organic heavy cream (a little goes a long way) or coconut cream (which is actually good for ya!)
  • JenSD6
    JenSD6 Posts: 454 Member
    I used to drink my milk and sugar with a little coffee. It was the only way to drink the absolutely vile stuff we used to have here at work. I still have nightmares about that "coffee".

    I ended up cutting out the dairy completely to save my sanity and while I was at it a few calories. You never knew each day if there was cream, milk, both, neither, or who it belonged to in the work fridge. Decided to just start drinking it without dairy, and I haven't looked back.

    Now I just use a packet of splenda or a splash of a SF syrup. Can't quite do straight black, though that's how I drink my tea.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Coffee that isn't black =/= coffee. Learn to like it black, and you'll be set.

    Ah This^
    It's a sacrilege to waste a good coffee with cream and sugar!
    tat2cookie wrote: »
    Coffee is the elixir of the gods that keeps me from committing various degrees of violence in the morning. The only way one should take is it backity black black.
    And This^^
    hal1964 wrote: »
    Coffee is good for you. The government says so and we know what that's all about. New dietary guidelines from health.gov.

    And This^^

    Also there are studies showing it improves workout performance - http://www.runnersworld.com/nutrition-for-runners/eight-reasons-to-sip-on-coffee and may help reduce the risk of melanoma - http://www.runnersworld.com/health/drinking-coffee-may-reduce-melanoma-risk

    @PaulaKro‌ - why is drinking (black) coffee not eating 'clean'?
  • Russandol
    Russandol Posts: 71 Member
    Selah722 wrote: »
    Black is best. no more than 16oz cup a day. after that it dehydrates you.

    I seem to recall reading that the dehydration thing is a myth. Sure, caffeine dehydrates you a little bit, but the water that you used to brew the coffee basically rehydrates you.

    Aha, here we go: http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0084154 -> "No Evidence of Dehydration with Moderate Daily Coffee Intake". The subjects in the study consumed 27 oz of coffee daily, so the 16 oz cut-off seems to be somewhat arbitrary.

    To OP: I don't see why you'd have to cut out coffee if you enjoy drinking it. Just make room for it in your calorie budget. :)
  • FRJM
    FRJM Posts: 91 Member
    I used to drink in excess of 10 cups of black coffee a day....although I love coffee, I felt terrible and my sleep pattern was horrendous. I've now cut down to 2 cups a day (3 at the very most) and I sleep loads better.

    If it's purely the calorie content you are concerned about, make it fit....pointless drinking it black if you don't like it that way. If you like cream n sugar, have cream n sugar, just make it fit into your plan :smile:
  • angielisa75
    angielisa75 Posts: 46 Member
    Not sure exactly how much sugar and cream you put in your coffee but say you take 3X3, Start by eliminating one sugar one week then 1 cram the next until you are down to 1x1 or even better none.
  • alba_merula
    alba_merula Posts: 15 Member
    I have a low blood pressure, and I love how coffee can wake me up, not to mention the taste. My type of coffee was the latte or the cappuccino (and I think this is coffee, too - yes, it's different, but I think it IS coffee, I'm not covering the taste, I combine it).

    Your headache can be a result of a change in blood pressure as well. Low, or relatively low bloodpressure can cause a headache; if yor body gets used to it, it will go away, or you may try different staregies to raise it, like replacing the morning coffee with some excercise.

    I have been diagnosed recently with insulin resistance, which meant I should give up sugar and all type of sweeteners, milk and caffein. I gave up sugar & co. a year ago, fortunately (for the sake of less calories per cup); now I drink a rather watery decaffeinated coffee with a minimal amount of milk. I miss the caffeine, though I got used to the new taste; for me it's also the one treat I gave place in my diet.
    Perhaps one day I'll give it up altogether; but coffee has also health benefits, and I'm not sure that a small amout of it should be out of everybody's life.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Assuming by the fact you call it cream and not milk I'm guessing you are American, do you not get low fat cream/milk over there? We have 1% & 2% fat milk in England with doesn't bump coffee up that much...
  • Brice1029
    Brice1029 Posts: 2 Member
    Brandzilla wrote: »
    I pile on the cream and sugar. I've tried cutting down on the cream and sugar but dammit I love it! I've cut down to one cup a day. For the past 4 days other than my one cup of coffee I've only had water and I've been eating cleaner. I had headaches (withdrawals? Sugar addiction?) for the first 3 days. I'm thinking of giving up coffee. Anyone done this? Thoughts on this? Am I crazy? I feel crazy for even thinking of giving up my love coffee.

  • Brice1029
    Brice1029 Posts: 2 Member
    If you want to cut back you should do this gradually. When people stop coffee cold turkey you will most likely have severe headaches. Worked for a Neirologists for several years and cutting coffee out was a big step. Severe headaches for 2 weeks. Believe me it is worth it. I wouldn't have thought without coffee, I have more energy and feel so much healthier.