Weight Loss Supplements?!



  • WeddedBliss1992
    WeddedBliss1992 Posts: 414 Member
    i just started hydroxycut and i'm not hungry at all during the day. it has really helped me stay within calorie goal.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    If you don't know of any pills - don't bother commenting. She doesn't need people telling her it's not the healthy way of losing weight yada yada. Everyone on here is old enough to make their own decisions.

    Yes there are pills that work. No their not good for you.

    If you aren't going to provide any information for which supplements work, why bother commenting?

  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    If you don't know of any pills - don't bother commenting. She doesn't need people telling her it's not the healthy way of losing weight yada yada. Everyone on here is old enough to make their own decisions.

    Yes there are pills that work. No their not good for you.

    ok There's phentermine which you'll need a doctors prescription for. I used it, lasted 3 weeks before tossing them in the trash as the side effects were terrible.

    I had a friend who used that. It worked for her, but it was mainly an appetite suppressant as I recall -- nothing that a calorie deficit probably also would have accomplished.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Avoid. They dont work. Consume normal food....
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    I used fat burners for a few months several years ago - they worked great while I was using them (along with eating at a deficit and exercising). When I stopped using them, however, I gained over 50 pounds in less than a year, DESPITE continuing to eat at a deficit and still exercising daily. A visit to the doctor showed that I had developed SEVERE hypothyroidism.

    I fully credit those fat burners with destroying my thyroid and permanently f*cking up my metabolism. I now have to be on medication for the rest of my life, eat at a deficit (just to maintain!), and do at least 60 minutes of intense cardio 5-6 days a week (plus weight lifting). Fat burners are NOT worth it.
  • MrCoolGrim
    MrCoolGrim Posts: 351 Member
    I use the sauna belt!

  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    i just started hydroxycut and i'm not hungry at all during the day. it has really helped me stay within calorie goal.

    Sounds healthy.
  • WeddedBliss1992
    WeddedBliss1992 Posts: 414 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    i just started hydroxycut and i'm not hungry at all during the day. it has really helped me stay within calorie goal.

    Sounds healthy.
    healthier than being fat & overweight and eating 4000 calories a day
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    i just started hydroxycut and i'm not hungry at all during the day. it has really helped me stay within calorie goal.

    Sounds healthy.
    healthier than being fat & overweight and eating 4000 calories a day

    So those are the options?

    Use a drug to make yourself not hungry so you starve yourself all day.


    Eat 4000 calories a day.

    Would you say that being anorexic is healthier than being overweight and eating 4,000 calories a day?
  • senglishrose
    senglishrose Posts: 86 Member
    If you don't know of any pills - don't bother commenting. She doesn't need people telling her it's not the healthy way of losing weight yada yada. Everyone on here is old enough to make their own decisions.

    Yes there are pills that work. No their not good for you.

    ok There's phentermine which you'll need a doctors prescription for. I used it, lasted 3 weeks before tossing them in the trash as the side effects were terrible.
    I've also used:

    Green coffee bean extract
    Garcinia Cambogia
    and a few others I can't remember the name of. None of them did diddly squat! !
    The ONLY thing that did help me lose weight was coming on here and religiously weighing, measuring and logging my food. And ofcourse, staying in a calorie deficit.
    I honestly wish I could give you the name of a magic pill or potion, but I can't :disappointed_relieved: you gotta put in the hard yards to get to where you want to be

    my daughter used phentermine -- under a doctor's close watch -- and she was very successful at losing weight. She had no side effects. She actually just had a baby and got back on it yesterday.

    Each person is different and while it's wonderful to be able to lose weight on your own, I'm at a point where I'm considering phentermine myself because I need something to suppress my appetite and I have tried them all -- over the counter -- and nothing is working.

    Nick's right....we're all adults and we have to do what is right for us.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    i just started hydroxycut and i'm not hungry at all during the day. it has really helped me stay within calorie goal.

    That's because of the caffeine content. Any OTC "appetite suppressant" can be labeled as such if they contain caffeine.
  • KariQuiteContrary
    KariQuiteContrary Posts: 274 Member
    Am I the only one here that's bothered by the desire to not feel hungry? Sure, often we "think" we are hungry when we're just bored or sad, etc. Real honest to goodness hunger pangs are your bodies way of reminding you to fuel it. If an appetite suppressant is effective (which most aren't as has been said on here by people with the education to back it up) you're suppressing ALL feelings of hunger and not just those "fake" ones that your brain tries to convince you are the real deal. When you stop taking them (which you should as NONE are recommended to be a lifetime fix) how will you know the difference?

    Food is not the devil. Seriously consider the advice given and stop looking for a quick fix here. It won't work in the long run and may end up jeopardizing your health in a big way. (Just because they claim it's safe now doesn't mean they won't rescind it later...phen phen anyone?) Putting the right kind of food in the right amount into your body and moving every single day is the way to go.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Am I the only one here that's bothered by the desire to not feel hungry? Sure, often we "think" we are hungry when we're just bored or sad, etc. Real honest to goodness hunger pangs are your bodies way of reminding you to fuel it. If an appetite suppressant is effective (which most aren't as has been said on here by people with the education to back it up) you're suppressing ALL feelings of hunger and not just those "fake" ones that your brain tries to convince you are the real deal. When you stop taking them (which you should as NONE are recommended to be a lifetime fix) how will you know the difference?

    Food is not the devil. Seriously consider the advice given and stop looking for a quick fix here. It won't work in the long run and may end up jeopardizing your health in a big way. (Just because they claim it's safe now doesn't mean they won't rescind it later...phen phen anyone?) Putting the right kind of food in the right amount into your body and moving every single day is the way to go.

    No, you are not the only one. And there were comments here stating exactly this that have been removed.

    I completely agree that tricking the body to not feel hunger ALL DAY is a dangerous approach to weight loss and not at all sustainable, especially if someone doesn't want to be on those pills forever. Better to learn good habits the right way the first time around.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    edited March 2015
    MrM27 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    i just started hydroxycut and i'm not hungry at all during the day. it has really helped me stay within calorie goal.

    Sounds healthy.
    healthier than being fat & overweight and eating 4000 calories a day

    So those are the options?

    Use a drug to make yourself not hungry so you starve yourself all day.


    Eat 4000 calories a day.

    Would you say that being anorexic is healthier than being overweight and eating 4,000 calories a day?

    Come on, don't you know that it's always extremes. Never an in between. That's how it works.

    You're right. I guess I'm a special snowflake. Or else, it's


  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    I can say I have used some Cellucor products before, no real change, just increased energy really on top of the coffee I already drink. I have also used MHP Water Xpel, which made a difference when I was cutting some water weight, I also changed my diet at the time which made a difference. ALL IN ALL use your diet, drink lots of water and/or green tea, black tea, or oolong tea. There is no pill or fix of any sort that will result in long-term results..except for what you do in the kitchen. Remember your body is built by what you put in it and how you use it :)

    I drink a lot of black tea, how does that help? :smile:

    Black tea has the most caffeine.
  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    If you don't know of any pills - don't bother commenting. She doesn't need people telling her it's not the healthy way of losing weight yada yada. Everyone on here is old enough to make their own decisions.

    Yes there are pills that work. No their not good for you.

    Took the words out of my mouth.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    If you don't know of any pills - don't bother commenting. She doesn't need people telling her it's not the healthy way of losing weight yada yada. Everyone on here is old enough to make their own decisions.

    Yes there are pills that work. No their not good for you.

    ok There's phentermine which you'll need a doctors prescription for. I used it, lasted 3 weeks before tossing them in the trash as the side effects were terrible.
    I've also used:

    Green coffee bean extract
    Garcinia Cambogia
    and a few others I can't remember the name of. None of them did diddly squat! !
    The ONLY thing that did help me lose weight was coming on here and religiously weighing, measuring and logging my food. And ofcourse, staying in a calorie deficit.
    I honestly wish I could give you the name of a magic pill or potion, but I can't :disappointed_relieved: you gotta put in the hard yards to get to where you want to be

    my daughter used phentermine -- under a doctor's close watch -- and she was very successful at losing weight. She had no side effects. She actually just had a baby and got back on it yesterday.

    Each person is different and while it's wonderful to be able to lose weight on your own, I'm at a point where I'm considering phentermine myself because I need something to suppress my appetite and I have tried them all -- over the counter -- and nothing is working.

    Nick's right....we're all adults and we have to do what is right for us.

    Before switching to a drug, I would consider evaluating the foods you are eating and understand the cause for your inability to lose weight because suppressants don't last forever. Specifically, I would evaluate how much protein, fats and fiber you are eating because if they are low, satiety will be low as well which will make it harder to sustain weight or lose weight. Also, exercise will give you the ability to eat more. So it's potential that switching to a low carb or lower carb diet might be very beneficial for you.
  • wesley58
    wesley58 Posts: 129 Member
    I don't know what works for you. I have been trying some different things, not really to lose weight, but more for health, and not eating certain things, looking to replace some of those benifits such as calcium and magnessium. I take and Omega 3 tablet , and all of the vitamin abc&d. I prefer the RAW, which is vegan. I also take a cranberry, and an evening primrose gel tablet and drink a tablespoon of Flaxseed oil, a tablespoon of MCT oil and a tablespoon of Hemp oil. What this does for me is gives my stomach the full feeling.
    Now this is something that I have been doing on my own, don't know if right or wrong, but I have lost 40 lbs since last August, taking theses supplements and changing my eating habits. Good luck to you, read lots, and try to figure out the right and the wrong.