What to do with kale?



  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    Here's my sexiest kale recipe. My husband and I love this so much that we usually end up eating a whole head of kale each, which I don't really recommend, fiber wise!! Anyway, its simple and if you like a little spice this is for you:

    1 head kale, cleaned and chopped (I remove the large central stem in each leaf)
    2 T olive oil
    3 cloves garlic, minced
    1 tsp red pepper flakes
    1 lemon
    salt to taste

    Steam-saute your kale first, which means, after you wash it throw it directly into a skillet on med-low and put a lid on it. The residual water on the leaves will slightly steam the kale and will soften it. Keep the lid on for about 5 min, then remove the kale from the pan. Now put the oil in the pan on medium high and, when the oil is hot, toss in your garlic and red pepper flakes until the garlic just begins to golden. Throw in your kale and toss in the oil until it is cooked to your liking. Add salt as to your taste and toss. Take off the heat and squeeze lemon juice over the whole thing. Dig in!!!
  • YvonneCT
    YvonneCT Posts: 41 Member
    I like to saute mine with garlic, olive oil, maybe some chopped tomatoes. Yum, yum. :tongue:
  • YvonneCT
    YvonneCT Posts: 41 Member
    I like to saute mine with garlic, olive oil, maybe some chopped tomatoes. Yum, yum. :tongue:
  • carriepbm
    carriepbm Posts: 61 Member
    I love kale (and other greens) cooked like this - it's so easy!

    Heat a can of chicken/beef/veg broth in a large pot on the stove. Add lots of minced garlic and red pepper flakes in broth, and put in cut up kale. (You can easily fill a pot with a bunch of kale, but it will cook down.) Cover and cook on medium high for 5 minutes, then on medium low another 5 or 10 minutes according to taste (I vote for 5 minutes).

    If you're rational, scoop some out and put it on your plate. Often I dump it into a bowl though and just eat that for a meal. :)

    Even in the heat this only takes a few minutes. Add some cubed tofu for the protein and it's a main dish soup.
  • luan999
    luan999 Posts: 87 Member
    i add it to my morning smoothies...along with frozen berries,organic peanut butter, quark fat free cheese, almond milk, spoon honey, sunflower and pumpkin seeds...and truthfully i cant taste the kale!:wink:
  • popshoveit
    popshoveit Posts: 42
    It gets tossed into my magic bullet and finds its way into soups, pasta sauces, muffins, and smoothies. I keep it frozen in my freezer when I have a lot of it (blanch, dry, freeze) good luck!
  • coco3382458
    coco3382458 Posts: 296 Member
    make kale chips, or a kale pesto to put on sandwich, I also always put kale in my soups...LOVE Kale!!
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    It's good in smoothies!
  • froyojr
    froyojr Posts: 60
    It's good in a frittata.
  • luan999
    luan999 Posts: 87 Member
    i buy heaps too when its in season in the uk and freeze it...have planted my own too, so it should be ready in 2 months lol!:wink:
  • Guthrie98
    Guthrie98 Posts: 5
    I wash kale pat dry and the rub olive oil on it. Place on foil on baking sheet and season with garlic and sea salt and bake at 400 til crisp. Takes the place of chips or fries.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It's good as a side dish just sauted in a little olive oil and garlic. Also good chopped and mixed into tomato based pasta sauces or lasanga. Raw it's good in salads or in sandwich wraps.
  • autumny70
    autumny70 Posts: 127 Member
  • NanaMAT3
    NanaMAT3 Posts: 43 Member
    I just made this last night !!! Took some fennel and garlic, sauteed in some chicken stock, then wilted in the kale -- DELISH !!!

  • AlexisNYC1
    MMmmmmmmmm, I love me some kale:) I probably have it once a week because it tastes amazing and is so good for you! I usually saute it and it comes out very flavorful and delicious! Here's a link on different, simple ways to prepare it:)
