Sweets! How to kick the cravings!



  • mearl001
    mearl001 Posts: 2 Member
    Those are really good suggestions!
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    I discovered something recently that I was quick to fall in love with. It might sound gross, but adding vanilla and some milk to orange juice is delicious. Tastes like a creamsicle, but I'm willing to bet it's more healthy :P
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I discovered something recently that I was quick to fall in love with. It might sound gross, but adding vanilla and some milk to orange juice is delicious. Tastes like a creamsicle, but I'm willing to bet it's more healthy :P

    I never comment on what other people like. But that sounds atrocious.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I discovered something recently that I was quick to fall in love with. It might sound gross, but adding vanilla and some milk to orange juice is delicious. Tastes like a creamsicle, but I'm willing to bet it's more healthy :P

    I never comment on what other people like. But that sounds atrocious.
    Hahaha! My boyfriend said the same thing while watching me make it. I got the idea from this page: http://www.dominicancooking.com/976-morir-sonando-milk-and-orange-juice.html Though I don't add sugar to mine.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I discovered something recently that I was quick to fall in love with. It might sound gross, but adding vanilla and some milk to orange juice is delicious. Tastes like a creamsicle, but I'm willing to bet it's more healthy :P

    I never comment on what other people like. But that sounds atrocious.
    Hahaha! My boyfriend said the same thing while watching me make it. I got the idea from this page: http://www.dominicancooking.com/976-morir-sonando-milk-and-orange-juice.html Though I don't add sugar to mine.

    Ohhh. So it's a thing.
  • hjeubanks
    hjeubanks Posts: 18 Member
    edited March 2015
    arditarose wrote: »
    I discovered something recently that I was quick to fall in love with. It might sound gross, but adding vanilla and some milk to orange juice is delicious. Tastes like a creamsicle, but I'm willing to bet it's more healthy :P

    I never comment on what other people like. But that sounds atrocious.

    ha ha! that does sound atrocious, yet, delicious...maybe? ;)
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    Apparently Orange Julius is pretty much that, though they add powdered egg whites as well... I think. I don't think I've ever tried Orange Julius :P
  • littlebee55
    littlebee55 Posts: 71 Member
    Sometimes I make a cup of no-sugar-added hot chocolate. It's only 50 calories and takes me a few minutes to drink. I also keep a good-size supply of Werther's Sugar Free caramels on hand. Both of those things have saved me more than once.
  • alexleiiigh
    alexleiiigh Posts: 14 Member
    95% no added sugar high protein peanut butter with apple slices dipped in or carrot sticks!! So yummy. Or i have dark choco chips x ;)
  • facat820
    facat820 Posts: 4 Member
    Chocolate tea, coconut milk in some coffee, chocolate protein powder, and fruit. Its hard at first. I let myself have real sweets every Now and then as long as I have been keeping up with eating healthy and my workout routine. Also I've been meaning to try the avocado chocolate mousse.
    aharp277 wrote: »
    OdesAngel wrote: »
    I don't have substitutes. I eat the real thing, just measured out and logged to fit.
    <<<<<<<<<pecan tart portion tonight.

    Unfortunately I had to find subs for sweets. I'm addicted to food and eating only one piece of something is almost impossible for me. But with healthy substitutes I can eat more without all the calories.

    I am the same way as well. I have issues with stopping at just a small portion. I agree with the substitutes. Sugar free Fudge pops are also good for chocolate cravings. They are only like 40 calories for one. It usually does the trick for me. And yes, you should try the Toasted Coconut yogurt, it's my favorite.

  • justsayinisall
    justsayinisall Posts: 162 Member
    I discovered something recently that I was quick to fall in love with. It might sound gross, but adding vanilla and some milk to orange juice is delicious. Tastes like a creamsicle, but I'm willing to bet it's more healthy :P

    also try it mixed with diet root beer. tastes like a root beer float
  • tantamount5
    tantamount5 Posts: 10 Member
    denitrakr wrote: »
    Rice cake... Either dark chocolate or caramel corn. In the evenings I'll sometimes have a cup of (black) coffee and a tablespoon of semi-sweet baking chips. Since I actually prefer dark chocolate over milk chocolate, it works well, and the coffee just tops it off and makes it feel (psychologically) like I had more than I actually did. [/
  • tantamount5
    tantamount5 Posts: 10 Member
    I like fat free ricotta cheese mixed with cocoa powder vanilla and splenda
  • amszar
    amszar Posts: 1 Member
    Mini snickers icecream bars. Only 90 calories for the mini.
  • tlharin
    tlharin Posts: 143 Member
    I try to budget for a bit of chocolate and/or banana every day, or some other small treat. When I don't budget but have a craving I try a cup of Earl Grey tea and a clementine. Earl Grey has always had a waft of "fruit loops" to me, which makes it seem sweet even without adding anything.
  • creemama85
    creemama85 Posts: 1 Member
    I love making Yonanas (pretty much blended up frozen bananas that looks like ice cream) with a little coconut and dark chocolate.
    I also found a recipe for pb fudge that is coconut oil, peanut butter, vanilla, honey and cocoa. So yummy!
  • brandiablay
    brandiablay Posts: 4 Member
    Grapes are usually my go to to curb a sweet craving. They're good to eat before a meal too, since they're made up of 81 percent water, they are low in energy density, meaning they don't contain many calories per gram. Foods that are low in energy density can help you maintain a healthy weight or lose weight, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, since you can use them to fill up without going over your daily calories. It is the amount of food you eat that fills you up, not the amount of calories.
  • melissaTwinmom
    melissaTwinmom Posts: 4 Member
    Dark chocolate helps me. One dove square dark choc is 45 calories.
  • kchezelle
    kchezelle Posts: 110 Member
    I take TLS Core. Helped to satisfy my cravings. I have a huge sweet tooth, but I'm surprised it really helped
  • lnmoon84
    lnmoon84 Posts: 4
    I love chocolate almond milk! Not only does it help with the sweet, I am also getting in my calcium and other goodies since I can't do milk at all