Morning Workouts...



  • brenstar05
    brenstar05 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks everyone!! These are all great tips and words of encouragement. I definitely want to become a morning "worker outer" because, like many of you have said it is so hard to make yourself work out after a long day of work... and I really just want to go home and relax at the end of the day. So, I appreciate all the tips!!

    I took the first step this week and put my alarm clock across the room. I also only set it for 30 minutes earlier than I "normally" get up so that it wasn't such a shock to my body. So far, I am 1 for 2. One morning I was able to get up and get myself moving and the other, I reset the alarm and went back to bed. I think I just need to keep at it and like you all have said, after awhile it will be second nature.

    Thanks again, MFP Friends!! :smiley::heart:
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    brenstar05 wrote: »
    I reset the alarm and went back to bed.

    Thanks again, MFP Friends!! :smiley::heart:

    You may need a cat. He will not let you back in bed after your alarm goes off.

  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Do you work? For some reason most do not have any issues getting up for work. We train ourselves to do that and though it is for our paycheck, getting up to workout has more value.

    Maybe just doing it for 2 days a week, plan the days and just do it! Even if it is for only a 15 minute workout! This will start the ball rolling on helping you to develop this into a habit if that is what you want.

  • Karstenf
    Karstenf Posts: 85 Member
    Definitely have to force it until it becomes routine. I had to start going to bed earlier. Also, try hydrating before bed. Sometimes early morning sluggishness is from dehydration...and having to pee in the morning will help get you up and moving! Haha
  • brenstar05
    brenstar05 Posts: 70 Member
    Adc7225 wrote: »
    Do you work? For some reason most do not have any issues getting up for work. We train ourselves to do that and though it is for our paycheck, getting up to workout has more value.

    Maybe just doing it for 2 days a week, plan the days and just do it! Even if it is for only a 15 minute workout! This will start the ball rolling on helping you to develop this into a habit if that is what you want.

    Yes, I work. And if I could do that starting at noon, I would. I get out of bed at the last possible second and live 2 minutes from work. I know myself and my non-morning ways, so I do things to make getting to work on time possible. But there is a bigger incentive, at least in my head, for making it to work by 8am and that is not getting fired. If I don't go to the gym there really isn't any repercussion. I would like to go to the gym before work so that it is done, but also so that it makes getting to work on time easier as well. If I'm up and at 'em at 6am, I shouldn't have a problem making it to work by 8am.
  • cbarn025
    cbarn025 Posts: 939 Member
    Just do it. If you really have a goal you're trying to achieve just get up. My passion won't let me sleep pass 8pm.
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    My suggestions are; go to bed early 8pm, set your alarm clock (time setting) up 45 minutes. When you wake up your mind is tricked into thinking your behind and it will jar you into get moving.
  • tjcuts339
    tjcuts339 Posts: 188 Member
    It is easy for me. I am awake before my alarm goes off. I am a morning person. If I waited until after work, I probably would put it off and end up not exercising. Besides, it is really great to get it out of the way first thing in the morning and not have to think about it for the rest of the day. Anything additional (going for walk) is just icing on the cake.

    That is my story also ..I call it mornings. Recess .Feel great go to work feeling. Ready for class. Then a second recess .Yes icing on cake...
  • blondy770
    blondy770 Posts: 2 Member
    i have been going to the gym at 5:30 am for years...I just get it done and get on with my day. I love that everyone at home is still sleeping while I am packing in some miles. It really gives me a good mindset for that day
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    It was tough at first, but eventually the feeling of regret later in the day for not having gotten the workout done was worse than actually getting out of bed when the alarm went off. And after a few mornings of getting up that early, bed time starts happening a bit earlier, and that makes getting up a bit easier.

    I love getting it done early - up before everyone else in the house, and my workout is complete by 6am. Ready to rock the day after that!
  • bjhallen
    bjhallen Posts: 4 Member
    I have guilt at night when I can get my workout in. This pushes me the next day to put it first thing.
  • tjcuts339
    tjcuts339 Posts: 188 Member
    It does truly set mind in a positive state for the day!! Doing this for years now..And feel great!
  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    Morning is "my time"! Even on Saturdays my body now wakes up early! Many years ago when my kids were young, I started this crazy habit because hubby was home in bed and I could get a bike ride or walk/run before the kids got up. Now the kids have their own kids and I'm still doing this! For me, if I don't get a work out done in the morning, it probably won't happen. Bonus: after working out, I'm ready to go and wide awake! My desire was (and still is) to work out and this seemed to be the only way. If you can find someone to work out with you, it might help because you know they will be waiting for you and you have to be there!
  • runem2011
    runem2011 Posts: 34 Member
    I don't workout at any other time I love mornings, set the alarm for 6am and i'm up and away :smiley:
  • valoendara
    I had the same issue. I'm not a morning person at all! The big mistake I made at the start was relying on motivation. Motivation isn't always there and relying on it was setting myself up to fail. T

    Same here. Motivation alone was not dependable for me. I have goals and there are things i need to do in order to achieve them. Exercising for me is a daily binary operation ( 1 or 0 ). Either I did it or i didnt do it. It does get easier as time goes on and it becomes a habit.

  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    first, it does not need to be an all-or-nothing situation. you do not need to start waking up at 4:30am every morning next week. start with one morning. do it on tuesday, because i know you'll probably not want to do it on a monday morning.

    going to bed early is key as well. if you're planning a 5am wake up, going to bed at 11pm might not be good enough. if you're like me, it takes you 30 minutes just to fall asleep. that's barely over five hours of sleep, when every study out there says people need about 7-8 hours a night, at minimum six.

    avoid caffeine after 5pm, and alcohol within an hour or so of bed. this will allow you to fall asleep and go into deep REM sleep quicker. also, avoid watching tv in bed or on the couch before bed. try reading some fiction in bed. i promise, you'll be asleep in less that 30 minutes.

    one thing i do in the morning is give myself an extra 20 minutes to drink a cup of coffee while i wake up and get dressed.

    but then again, i do all of this because i know that my motivation and conviction to exercise in the afternoon is less than in the morning. if you can work out in the afternoon or evening, why do you need to change?
  • MrsSullivan08
    MrsSullivan08 Posts: 274 Member
    I tell myself to workout out even if I don't feel like it in the mornings when I wake up because I tend to feel better throughout the day overall. I tend to have more energy and I too wait until after I workout to eat. I don't eat back my calories from this most days (or try not to), however, my calories are set to 1650 which is sustainable for me. I only workout in the mornings Monday-Friday then I get the whole weekend to relax. It has been a lot easier on me knowing when I workout and knowing that I only have to do it 5 days a week.
  • tjcuts339
    tjcuts339 Posts: 188 Member
    SuzyH wrote: »
    Morning is "my time"! Even on Saturdays my body now wakes up early! Many years ago when my kids were young, I started this crazy habit because hubby was home in bed and I could get a bike ride or walk/run before the kids got up. Now the kids have their own kids and I'm still doing this! For me, if I don't get a work out done in the morning, it probably won't happen. Bonus: after working out, I'm ready to go and wide awake! My desire was (and still is) to work out and this seemed to be the only way. If you can find someone to work out with you, it might help because you know they will be waiting for you and you have to be there! Never could KEEP Friends true to the game! [Thats whe MFP is so nice...All you are still loving the. Journey.....
  • tjcuts339
    tjcuts339 Posts: 188 Member
    Agreed. Susie
  • blakexx3
    blakexx3 Posts: 89 Member
    brenstar05 wrote: »
    How do people who work out in the morning motivate themselves to get up out of bed and to the gym (or outside or in front of the DVD player, etc.)? I have such a hard time waking up in the morning when the alarm goes off. No matter how prepared I am... clothes set out the night before, bag packed, go to bed early... nothing helps.

    Looking for suggestions on how to train my body to wake up earlier....

    I'm not sure how early you're talking about but I work out in the morning (usually around 8-9) and my biggest motivation is knowing how much better I will feel about myself after I work out. Even if I have a "bad" gym session (asthma attack or not doing as much as I know I can) knowing that I still went makes me feel better. I also eat healthier for the day when I workout. There's also a lot of research evidencing that you burn more more calories throughout the day when you go to the gym in the morning vs any other time of the day.