Whole Milk vs Skim



  • moglovesshoez
    moglovesshoez Posts: 83 Member
    Coconut milk or whole milk for me :) although if its going I'd take single cream over anything else!!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I rarely drink milk, but I eat lots of dairy. For those for which there are options (yogurt and cottage cheese), I mostly do 2%, but sometimes whole. When I buy actual milk I get it from a local farm and get the full fat version typically. Skimming fat out of milk is something that humans have been doing for ages, though, so I don't really buy the "too processed" thing. I also am not scared of fat, and sometimes enjoy the full fat version, but mostly in cottage cheese and yogurt they taste equally good to me, and I like having dairy available as a low fat protein source. If I found full fat more filling or significantly better tasting I'd switch to it, though--I'm pretty neutral as to which is best.
  • I have skim - funny hearing all the negative things about it! I guess it's just what you're used to. To me, fattier milks taste thicker and creamier...which I guess is why people like them! But I'm not used to it. Though I don't drink milk, I just have it in smoothies and with cereal and stuff.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I used to believe that saturated fat was the cause of artherosclerosis so I always drank skim milk. Those memories hurt. The stuff is disgusting and whole fat dairy has been completely vindicated in multiple well designed studies:

    Now I enjoy whole milk, or 2%. Both taste so much better than skim.
  • KrunchyMama
    KrunchyMama Posts: 420 Member

    Yeah that's normal cream then. The calories and fat are the same as the carton of cream in my fridge . I've honestly never known anyone who puts that in their coffee. It sounds nice though :smile:

    It's even better over cereal! Every now and then my kids request cereal, so that's what I give them (with maybe 3 tbsp of cream), but they never finish it all (which is why we rarely have cereal in the house and why we never have milk in the house). It's sooo good!
  • KrunchyMama
    KrunchyMama Posts: 420 Member

    I'm in Aus too. All I want to do is try cream in my coffee now but does that mean I add the cream when I put my almond milk in.

    When I make my coffee I put coffee and a sweetener in then my almond milk then the water. Where should I add the cream ? lol

    Try just coffee + cream. I find if I add sweetener then it's too sweet! :)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited March 2015
    psmd wrote: »
    When you guys say you add "cream" to your coffee, do you mean cream, cream ? Like the stuff you whip and put on top of a cake etc etc?

    So I mean the kind of cream that's in the dairy section, I think it's called "light cream." I don't think it's whipping cream. It's 60 cal and 5g of fat per 30 mL. It is sooo good and doesn't take a lot to make coffee good.

    Yeah that's normal cream then. The calories and fat are the same as the carton of cream in my fridge . I've honestly never known anyone who puts that in their coffee. It sounds nice though :smile:

    I'm in Aus too. All I want to do is try cream in my coffee now but does that mean I add the cream when I put my almond milk in.

    When I make my coffee I put coffee and a sweetener in then my almond milk then the water. Where should I add the cream ? lol

    People who use cream use it instead of milk. Isn't the almond milk a milk replacement? You'd use it instead of that. But to be honest I'm not understanding why you are adding water at the end. I would make coffee and then (if I were to add something) add it to the finished black coffee. I like it black now, but back in college I'd just pour the dairy into the black coffee.

  • ivoluntas
    ivoluntas Posts: 30 Member
    I have skim - funny hearing all the negative things about it! I guess it's just what you're used to. To me, fattier milks taste thicker and creamier...which I guess is why people like them! But I'm not used to it. Though I don't drink milk, I just have it in smoothies and with cereal and stuff.

    I have found that drinking only skim has made me less tolerant of whole milk and its smell. It's much stronger than I remember. Skim is much lighter in many ways and I think that is why I prefer it.
  • yansbans
    yansbans Posts: 11 Member
    Non-homogenized whole milk. Can't find raw milk easily, otherwise I would opt for the raw. Has to be whole milk though.
  • zombiegirlfriend
    zombiegirlfriend Posts: 24 Member
    Katgan wrote: »
    I don't eat or drink anything that is low fat since it's more processed.

    I'm trying SO hard to eat WHOLE food but it's so hard to see "Diet" "Low Fat" "Fat Free" everywhere, especially at Gyms and health food stores.

    Every couple of years the research "changes" - but whole food is whole food.

    This makes me think "Whole" milk is the way to go. Does anyone know the rules (in the US) regarding Raw milk, and the pasteurization thereof?

  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    yansbans wrote: »
    Non-homogenized whole milk. Can't find raw milk easily, otherwise I would opt for the raw. Has to be whole milk though.

    I love the non-homogenized! My husband thinks that it is gross to get the little bits of cream so he still gets regular milk and I get what I consider the good stuff :)

  • SciranBG
    SciranBG Posts: 97 Member
    Almond milk, but I love me some heavy cream/half&half, so I will sometimes mix the two.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I use whole. The lower fat versions taste gross to me and skim it like chalk water IMHO. That said, I measure the milk and keep track of the calories carefully.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    We drink 1%. Is that a Canadian thing? I could never bring myself to drink skim. It looks blue. I see new MFP'ers getting surprised by the sugar content in skim milk. Yes, without the fat, all you've got left is the protein and the natural lactose sugar. So it will look sweeter than the fuller fat milks.

    IMO low fat milk does not fall in to the "more processed" category. I mean, you could low-fat milk yourself by skimming the fat off. If we had time to milk the cow. And grow the hay. And all that.

    I do avoid "low fat" peanut butter and prepackaged cookies and the lot because they tend to add sugar to make it more palatable. C'mon people! I mean the manufacturers. I'm not fooled.

    I also get annoyed when foods naturally low in fat are now marketed that way. Like low-fat Jell-O. C'mon people! I mean the manufacturers.
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    I generally buy organic whole milk for my family (and lactaid for my one lactose-intolerant kiddo). I only drink about half a cup per day (in my coffee/protein drink) and it's replacing half-and-half, so I think it's a good calorie value!

    I don't mind low-fat yogurt and cottage cheese, but for hard cheeses I prefer full-fat. No-fat is just a non-thing in my dairy world.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    We drink 1%. Is that a Canadian thing? I could never bring myself to drink skim. It looks blue. I see new MFP'ers getting surprised by the sugar content in skim milk. Yes, without the fat, all you've got left is the protein and the natural lactose sugar. So it will look sweeter than the fuller fat milks.

    IMO low fat milk does not fall in to the "more processed" category. I mean, you could low-fat milk yourself by skimming the fat off. If we had time to milk the cow. And grow the hay. And all that.

    I do avoid "low fat" peanut butter and prepackaged cookies and the lot because they tend to add sugar to make it more palatable. C'mon people! I mean the manufacturers. I'm not fooled.

    I also get annoyed when foods naturally low in fat are now marketed that way. Like low-fat Jell-O. C'mon people! I mean the manufacturers.

    We have 1% here in the US too. I think that reduced fat is 2% and low fat is 1%. I could swear that I used to see 1/2% when I was a kid but I never see that now. And skim is now call fat free on the labels.
  • JazzFischer1989
    JazzFischer1989 Posts: 531 Member
    I opt for almond milk as of recently but before that, I went for fat-free or 1% lactaid milk. I didn't grow up in a milk-drinking household so I don't miss the fat content.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    i prefer 2% but have gotten used to, and buy, 1%, Can't do skim. it's like... water. I drink THAT all day. LOLOL
  • pap3rw1ngs
    pap3rw1ngs Posts: 58 Member
    I drink mostly semi-skimmed. I enjoy milk but skimmed is so watery and I can't often justify the calories for whole.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    Raw, Whole or 2% for me. I dont mind the fat for the taste I prefer.