Frans's First Bulking Attempt in 12 weeks



  • nerdygymrat9
    nerdygymrat9 Posts: 163 Member
    terizius wrote: »
    Awesome. Can see improvements in shoulders and arms. Good stuff.

    Thanks man! Forgot that I took my BF% too. I know the device was probably off (it said I was back down to around 11% but trendwise, it seems I'm slowly going up in weight but losing a little fat?
  • terizius
    terizius Posts: 425 Member
    I experienced the same thing in the first half of my last bulk and this one. Both of those trends reversed about 2-3 weeks in.
  • nerdygymrat9
    nerdygymrat9 Posts: 163 Member
    ^ But I am 8 weeks lol, now on week 9
  • nerdygymrat9
    nerdygymrat9 Posts: 163 Member
    Hey everyone! Time for my weekly update on my progress:

    Week 9 of the bulk (and differences from last week):

    Weight 147.5 pounds (+1 pound)
    Chest: 37.75", + .25"
    Waist: 32.5", + .125"
    Arms (flexed): 13.125", no change
    Neck: 15.125", + .125"
    Thighs: 21.75", + .125"
    Hips: 36.75", + .125"

    Some small gains across the board (including around the midsection but hey it is a small change and it comes with the territory lol). Close to 38" in the chest which is my goal to hit in the next 3 weeks :) Also, just feeling a little stronger this week so it is a great feeling to have! Going to try out the fat calipers I have this week and see if I could get a decent estimate as to where I am (in addition to the Omron device). Enjoy your week everyone!
  • jeichelb83
    jeichelb83 Posts: 172 Member
    Looking great Frans, congrats!
  • terizius
    terizius Posts: 425 Member
    Awesome stuff! Keep up the gains.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
  • nerdygymrat9
    nerdygymrat9 Posts: 163 Member
    Thanks everyone :)
  • mikevandewetering
    mikevandewetering Posts: 155 Member
    edited April 2015
    Seeing progress, keep it up :)
  • mikevandewetering
    mikevandewetering Posts: 155 Member
    edited April 2015
    Whats your favorite musclegroup to train?

  • scottf4413
    scottf4413 Posts: 73 Member
    Great job, Fran! Keep it up, buddy. You're inspiring.
  • nerdygymrat9
    nerdygymrat9 Posts: 163 Member
    Seeing progress, keep it up :)

    Thank you Mike :)

    Whats your favorite musclegroup to train?

    I love Chest day for sure :) I love feeling that pump post workout!
    scottf4413 wrote: »
    Great job, Fran! Keep it up, buddy. You're inspiring.

    Thank you so much Scott, much appreciated!
  • nerdygymrat9
    nerdygymrat9 Posts: 163 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hey everyone! Week 10 of my bulk is complete and here are my measurements and a few updated pictures:

    Weight: 147.5 pounds (no change)
    Chest: 37.875", +.125"
    Waist: 32.5", no change
    Arms (flexed): 13.25" +.125"
    Hips: 37", +.125"
    Thighs (both): 22", +.25"
    Neck: 15", no change

    Kind of bummed about not gaining weight but the gains elsewhere are still really good :) Definitely surprised that my legs (thighs) had the most growth this week so I guess the heavier weights I used during the squats, lunges, and dumbbell deadlift from my Bulk Leg workout did make an impact :)

  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Woohoo Fran! Up the calories! Go awwnnn!
  • nerdygymrat9
    nerdygymrat9 Posts: 163 Member
    Woohoo Fran! Up the calories! Go awwnnn!

    Lol yeah I decided to up my calories by 100 to see if that will help out this week (so now at 3100 calories) :) Thank you Springfield!
  • terizius
    terizius Posts: 425 Member
    Nice job, I had to increase my calories by 100 also. We are both at 3100 atm.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I'm literally living through you guys at the moment! I wish I was bulking!! Waaaaa
  • nerdygymrat9
    nerdygymrat9 Posts: 163 Member
    I'm literally living through you guys at the moment! I wish I was bulking!! Waaaaa

    @Springfield1970, lol I hope our journey is just as exciting for you as for us! Btw you never accepted my friend request :(

  • terizius
    terizius Posts: 425 Member
    Springfield, you are already more awesome than both of us! Let us catch up before you start bulking again ;)
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    Read on for reasons why aligning your nutrition plan with your exercise routine will help you get the body you want.

    Why You Can’t Out-Train a Bad Diet
    1. You’re not a professional athlete.

    If you justify frequent fried chicken or pasta dinners with the Flywheel class or CrossFit WOD on your schedule the following morning, you might want to recalculate how many calories you’re actually burning in comparison to the ones you’re taking in. “The majority of people are not serious athletes, meaning they don’t require the same type and amount of fuel as the pros,” says Haas. “Eating a calorically dense, high-carbohydrate meal or snack makes sense for a competitive cyclist about to endure a 100-mile road race, but it doesn’t make sense for someone who is about to take a two-mile jog around the block.”

    Instead, opt for a healthier form of chicken such as grilled or poached and save the spaghetti for a post-race meal. Yes, it’s OK to have a cheat here and there, but try not to make it a weekly or even bi-weekly thing. And don’t bother justifying it with an intense sweat session you may have had earlier — it’s called a cheat meal for a reason.

    A very restrictive eating plan, paired with hardcore exercise, could leave you leaning on muscle mass for energy.
    2. You won’t be able to hit your peak if you’re overdoing it with the wrong foods.

    To effectively change your physique and stay toned requires intense exercise. You won’t have the physical endurance to push through tough workouts if your diet isn’t up to snuff. Yes, that unfortunately means that while Reese’s Pieces and soda may give you a sugar high that you mistake as energy, they won’t fuel you to PR on the bench or around the track. Also, if you’re consuming high-fat foods in the evening, they could be disrupting your sleep, according to Brazilian researchers — which will leave you too tired to go all out at the gym.

    You’ll need a combination of carbohydrates and protein to recover following a workout, as well as adequate carbs beforehand, too. “They’re the preferred energy for the exercisers’ muscles and mind,” says Jennifer McDaniel, R.D.N., founder of McDaniel Nutrition Therapy in St. Louis and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

    Watch out for taking in too much fat; that often translates to an abundance of calories as well, which quickly packs on as extra pounds. Another diet pitfall to avoid when training is extremely high amounts of carbs or fiber. “These could cause annoying digestive issues and prevent you from performing well,” says McDaniel. In general, aim to get about 30 percent of your diet from protein, 40 percent from carbs and 30 percent from fat.

    RELATED: 11 No-Bake Energy Bites Recipes

    Photo: Pond5

    3. You won’t have the energy to exercise if you’re not eating enough.

    Keep in mind that a diet you might think is healthy — one that’s super-low in carbs or calories — is just as harmful to your workout plan as one that’s high in fat. A very restrictive eating plan, paired with hardcore exercise, could leave you leaning on muscle mass for energy, says McDaniel. Not getting enough fat (fat-soluble vitamins, like vitamins A and D, and essential fatty acids, like omega-3s, in particular), she adds, “leaves you unable to produce energy and grow muscle because it lowers your levels of hormones like insulin and testosterone — which are important for building lean-body mass.”

    Additionally, maintaining a very restrictive diet for a prolonged period can lead to a reduction in muscle tissue and can decrease the ability of your skeletal muscles (the ones needed for lifting, walking, and other forms of exercise) to perform well, found a study published in the journal Advances in Nutrition.

    “A chronic low-carb diet may lead to micronutrient deficiencies and increased inflammation throughout the body, which both make you more susceptible to injury.”
    4. You won’t want to exercise.

    Unhealthy food choices — whether you’re eating too much fat, too many calories, or not enough of either—may make you feel slow and less driven to exercise. “Diet and exercise are a feedback loop,” says McDaniel. “When you eat well, you are motivated to move, and when you move, you are more motivated to eat better.” Consider, for instance, a low-carb, high-fat diet; it might not only weaken training adaptations and hinder performance, McDaniel adds, but can also lead to a ‘hangry’ mood. Translation: You’ll be less likely to want to get to the gym.

    5. You won’t be able to tone your target areas.

    Having a hard time sculpting a better butt or washboard abs? When you consume excess calories and can’t burn them all off solely from your workouts, they head right to these trouble zones. “It’s dependent on your specific body type,” says Haas, “but generally, women tend to gain weight in the hips and thighs, while men pack it on around their midsection.” So even if you’ve gained muscle in these areas, it will be covered by a layer of fat. And abs exercises alone aren’t enough to decrease your body-fat percentage or abdominal fat, according to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

    Keeping your diet in check will help because to become truly toned, you’ll need to build muscle and burn more calories than you’re consuming at the same time. It’s easier to do so if you don’t treat yourself to nachos or ice cream in the first place.

    6. You could get sick — or hurt.

    Low-carb and low-fat diets can be mentally draining and have a negative impact on heart health, says McDaniel. Plus, she says, “Following a chronic low-carb diet may lead to micronutrient deficiencies and increased inflammation throughout the body, which both make you more susceptible to injury.” Studies have found that not taking in an adequate amount of healthy fats may raise your chances for overuse injuries (such as stress fractures and tendonitis) and it doesn’t allow your body to protect itself in order to stay healthy. Furthermore, if you pair a low-fat diet with intense exercise, that can lower your immunity even further.

    Regular sweat sessions are, of course, key for staying in shape and maintaining your overall health. However, says McDaniel, “Remember that exercise sustains weight loss — but a healthy diet is what drives it.”