gym = embarrasing



  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    ferziano wrote: »
    just to let you know, the people you see at the gym had the same feeling you have now. it'll pass and you'll be in beast mode soon enough like everyone else in there

    I have been overweight for the major of my life. I never felt negative feeling about where or what gym I workout at.

    I think he was referring to the intimidating feeling of going to the gym for the first few times. I know I felt it, especially when I started lifting. I think the majority of people feel it. Cheers to you if you haven't experienced that because it really is an awful feeling. Haha. But yes, you have to get over it and in no time you're seeing changes, getting stronger, feeling more comfortable in your own skin and in turn feeling more comfortable doin your thing at the gym.

  • LifeInTheBikeLane
    LifeInTheBikeLane Posts: 345 Member
    When I first went I was very embarassed but quickly got over it.

    I took my mom for the first time last night. She hasn't been to a gym in probably 30 years. She kept saying "I feel like everyone is staring at me." I would snap at her to stop thinking that way, it's not true. She felt very self conscious and unsure of herself. I realized after a few minutes that it wasn't her fault, it was common. I kept assuring her it was okay because no one there cared what she looked like. I pointed out many other people of similar age and size that were working out there as well to help her feel for comfortable. By the time we left she felt much more at ease.
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    edited March 2015

    Do not worry about what people think at gym. Do your thing and leave. Seriously no one cares and no one bothers. Everyone is trying to get the workout done.

    EDTA: I have no idea why in the world everytime ... everytime someone has to even mention about PF and people will charge in to bash. C'mon guys it's getting old and boring.
    Every gym has it's ups and downs. Every gym.
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    No. You only feel embarrassed when you go to the gym without a plan. If you have a solid plan and done your research you shouldn't feel any embarrassment.
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    Dont ever feel self conscious in the gym. No one notices or pays any special attention to your body - but people will notice and compliment you when they see great positive change. My gym is a very social place to me, where I feel among friends. I see the same faces every day, and it feels great. Once I made more friends at my gym, it became easier and easier to go. It was like a treat to get to see all of them.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    ferziano wrote: »
    just to let you know, the people you see at the gym had the same feeling you have now. it'll pass and you'll be in beast mode soon enough like everyone else in there

    I have been overweight for the major of my life. I never felt negative feeling about where or what gym I workout at.

    I think he was referring to the intimidating feeling of going to the gym for the first few times. I know I felt it, especially when I started lifting. I think the majority of people feel it. Cheers to you if you haven't experienced that because it really is an awful feeling. Haha. But yes, you have to get over it and in no time you're seeing changes, getting stronger, feeling more comfortable in your own skin and in turn feeling more comfortable doin your thing at the gym.

    Well it helps to have other there to. I had my older brother most of his lifting friends when I started so I never saw this new intimidating place known as the gym to some. Even at my worst when I used to swim at my school pool and to know that my tits were bigger than some of the women there. I still never had a issue. Why be insecure about that?
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Nah. I'm not looking at the other people and I doubt they are looking at me. I only look over if someone is doing something really noisy and obnoxious like clanging the weight stack down over and over.
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    ferziano wrote: »
    just to let you know, the people you see at the gym had the same feeling you have now. it'll pass and you'll be in beast mode soon enough like everyone else in there

    I have been overweight for the major of my life. I never felt negative feeling about where or what gym I workout at.

    I think he was referring to the intimidating feeling of going to the gym for the first few times. I know I felt it, especially when I started lifting. I think the majority of people feel it. Cheers to you if you haven't experienced that because it really is an awful feeling. Haha. But yes, you have to get over it and in no time you're seeing changes, getting stronger, feeling more comfortable in your own skin and in turn feeling more comfortable doin your thing at the gym.

    Well it helps to have other there to. I had my older brother most of his lifting friends when I started so I never saw this new intimidating place known as the gym to some. Even at my worst when I used to swim at my school pool and to know that my tits were bigger than some of the women there. I still never had a issue. Why be insecure about that?

    I think that's awesome that you are so comfortable with yourself. For me and many others I think the intimidation comes / came not from being worried about others judging your looks / figure etc. but comes from a place of insecurity about not doing it right, or being lost and looking like a complete moron having no clue what you are doing while surrounded by all of these fit people that know what they are doing. Haha!! But as a poster above mentioned, if you put the time in and the research and have a solid plan when you go that will help alot! !

  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    My gym embarrassment comes and goes. The fewer people there, the better I feel. I enjoy Zumba but I am a nightmare to be next to. I get claustrophobic when there are too many people in the gym and will sometimes cut my work outs short just so I can leave.

    I tried working out with my BF once at the gym and he commented on how many guys were checking me out, which made me even more self conscious about how I looked and my form, or if I looked like an octopus dying in pain.

    I have had a few people comment on my form and try to correct it. I have had 2 gentlemen save me from being pinned by a barbell on separate occasions (talk about embarrassing!).

    I try really hard not to judge others at the gym, but I am not perfect. People who get judged: Deadlifters in Squat Racks when there is a line, women who wear make up and dangley jewelry trying, and people who drape towels over multiple resistance machines so they can do a circuit. They are judged as Rude, Stupid (jewelry can be super dangerous), and Rude, in that order.

    I have run into several people from Outside The Gym and it is hella awkward for me. They want to chat or catch up or w/e and all I want to do is keep moving so my HR stays up and so I can get to work on time.

    So bottom line, most people don't give *kitten* about you, just do what you need to do.
  • Teddy_B
    Teddy_B Posts: 69 Member
    I used to feel the same way. It didn't take long before I realized that everyone else at the gym was there to do their own thing, just like I was. Most people are too wrapped up in their own workouts to worry about what you look like or what you're doing there.
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    Anyone else feel the same way? I can't shake the feeling of embarrassment everytime I step into the gym though I know with time it will go away. But does anyone share the same feeling?

    If it helps, nobody at the gym will be looking down on you, in fact it's more likely the complete opposite. Even the 'meatheads' in gyms are usually really good people who'll either pay you little notice or even give you help and advice. There's generally an unspoken rapport between gym users. Everyone there is there for a good reason, so everyone gets respected for that.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    ferziano wrote: »
    just to let you know, the people you see at the gym had the same feeling you have now. it'll pass and you'll be in beast mode soon enough like everyone else in there

    I have been overweight for the major of my life. I never felt negative feeling about where or what gym I workout at.

    I think he was referring to the intimidating feeling of going to the gym for the first few times. I know I felt it, especially when I started lifting. I think the majority of people feel it. Cheers to you if you haven't experienced that because it really is an awful feeling. Haha. But yes, you have to get over it and in no time you're seeing changes, getting stronger, feeling more comfortable in your own skin and in turn feeling more comfortable doin your thing at the gym.

    Well it helps to have other there to. I had my older brother most of his lifting friends when I started so I never saw this new intimidating place known as the gym to some. Even at my worst when I used to swim at my school pool and to know that my tits were bigger than some of the women there. I still never had a issue. Why be insecure about that?

    I think that's awesome that you are so comfortable with yourself. For me and many others I think the intimidation comes / came not from being worried about others judging your looks / figure etc. but comes from a place of insecurity about not doing it right, or being lost and looking like a complete moron having no clue what you are doing while surrounded by all of these fit people that know what they are doing. Haha!! But as a poster above mentioned, if you put the time in and the research and have a solid plan when you go that will help alot! !

    Two things
    1) I did just wake up one day and be fine that my tits are big. That my tits are where sometimes bigger than women I would talk. I am still not fine with this. It is what it is. It is more acceptance and hoping with weight loss it will finally turn to pecs.

    2)I learn to laugh at myself. So when someone pokes fun at me for whatever I have more likely already handle that and laughed at myself about.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited March 2015
    I can understand the apprehension, but people arent interested. When I see really heavy people then I hope they keep it up and admire them for doing something about their situation.

    When I first went I joined a small gym that had lots of pensioners and people recovering from injuries and it was less intimidating. I was so interested and focused on what I wanted to do and learning about he equipment with mu plan and making note of all the weights and my performance that I was obvliovious to anything else. Knowing what you are going to do when you get there is a big boon and if you record times and weights then you cna see your performance and improvements. I already knew I was unfit, but patted myself on the back for getting my *kitten* into gear and doing something about it.
  • markiend
    markiend Posts: 461 Member
    It's a normal reaction for many people. Once you try and move yourself out of your comfort zone , you ( like me ) will be the better for it.

    It can seem daunting , but only lasts a day or 2. There are idiots at the gym , much the same as there are idiots at the supermarket or walking along the street. It wouldn't stop you walking to the shops or getting your groceries ..

    You'll be fine :)
  • spartan_d
    spartan_d Posts: 727 Member
    jcondeee wrote: »
    I have also felt that way at gyms but recently I joing Planet Fitness and love it. It's a "No judgement Zone"
    Sorry, but no. I don't want to start another PF bashfest here, but it's the most judgmental gym around.

    The worst part is that they try to foster the same insecurities that the OP posted about. They will tell you that other gyms are filled with amazingly buff people who will sneer at and ridicule average folks. The reality is that the vast majority of gyms are filled with everyday people, and the more advanced folks are often among the most supportive. After all, they know that getting in shape takes hard work, and they have a passion for doing so.

    Don't want to be judged? That's great, but Planet Fitness is NOT the solution. They're the problem.
  • ScorpioJack_91
    ScorpioJack_91 Posts: 5,241 Member
    edited March 2015
    spartan_d wrote: »
    jcondeee wrote: »
    I have also felt that way at gyms but recently I joing Planet Fitness and love it. It's a "No judgement Zone"
    Sorry, but no. I don't want to start another PF bashfest here, but it's the most judgmental gym around.

    The worst part is that they try to foster the same insecurities that the OP posted about. They will tell you that other gyms are filled with amazingly buff people who will sneer at and ridicule average folks. The reality is that the vast majority of gyms are filled with everyday people, and the more advanced folks are often among the most supportive. After all, they know that getting in shape takes hard work, and they have a passion for doing so.

    Don't want to be judged? That's great, but Planet Fitness is NOT the solution. They're the problem.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    runner475 wrote: »

    Do not worry about what people think at gym. Do your thing and leave. Seriously no one cares and no one bothers. Everyone is trying to get the workout done.

    EDTA: I have no idea why in the world everytime ... everytime someone has to even mention about PF and people will charge in to bash. C'mon guys it's getting old and boring.
    Every gym has it's ups and downs. Every gym.

    I agree, gym bashing along with philosophy bashing and opinion bashing, etc ...its old and boring and a waste of a post.

  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Yes, A lot of people feel this way. No, you really shouldn't, but human nature being what it is, sometimes you just do. My best advice to you would be to summon up as much confidence as you can and engage some of those in the gym, ask for help, ask if they can demonstrate proper form to you....anything, just get engaged. I posted in a different thread, I am still the scrawny guy in the gym I go to, but I have engaged the people there and found they are, for the most part, really good people. I think I am now the mascot or something. But whatever, Don't. Ever. Quit.
  • kianabj
    kianabj Posts: 6 Member
    well I do feel embarrassed, I actually think girls behind me where laughing at me, because I was struggling with the exercises. its hard enough to start going to the gym but to have people make fun of you is just stupid, and it makes you not want to do. But I will be sad today, and im going back tomorrow.
  • Aerinity
    Aerinity Posts: 16 Member
    Anyone else feel the same way? I can't shake the feeling of embarrassment everytime I step into the gym though I know with time it will go away. But does anyone share the same feeling?

    I used to get this way. It fades with time. Especially, if you become a gym regular and the staff starts getting to know you by name. Then it can feel really welcoming.