When is it okay to wear a bikini?



  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    WHen you go shopping at Walmart Never to the beach.

    Guess where I'm shopping, tomorrow! It is ON!
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    they should not make bikini's above size 8 to save ladies the dilemna. if you are not sure if you cant pull it off then you are not ready. seen many women who look great in pants and shorts, not so much in bikini
  • wannabehealthyagain
    I will personally never wear a bikini no matter what....but I firmly believe that if you want to then you should :) I just don't want to LOL
  • hooligansailor
    How's about them there Seattle Seahawks!?!?
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Whenever. :)
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    Personally I would not ---but my personal opinion obviously is outnumbered by everyone…sometimes what everybody else says and does is ok -is not always right….
    in the picture you look fine. If your hiding major love handles forgoe the bikini and get a one piece.
    I;m not the one to judge nor anyone else but when i do see someone ill fitted in a bikini I just know I would feel shameful. But hey if you have no shame then go on girl saddle up them cheeks haha
  • Bananafish06
    Bananafish06 Posts: 13 Member
    This might not be the most popular response but if your belly sags over the front of your bikini and it looks like you're not actually wearing a bottom piece then you should probably just get a one piece suit.

    Also if you are heavier PLEASE get one that fits properly.

    Sorry, but I disagree. You should dress for yourself in a way that feels comfortable to you. A woman who is 400 lbs has just as much right to choose any swimsuit she wishes as any 90 lb model. Whether or not her swimsuit fits properly or exposes fat rolls is no one's concern but her own. If you don't like the sight of it then look away. Also, it's quite obvious by the OP's photo that she is no where near that large.
  • MysteriousDreamer
    MysteriousDreamer Posts: 96 Member
    they should not make bikini's above size 8 to save ladies the dilemna. if you are not sure if you cant pull it off then you are not ready. seen many women who look great in pants and shorts, not so much in bikini

    What a load of rubbish! My friend is a size 12 and looks hot in an bikini. Yet I have a size 4 friend who looks horrible in a bikini!
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    As long as your butt doesn't sag, as long as your bust does not sag, as long as you do not have loose skin hanging off your arms, waist or legs, you can look good in a bikini at that size!

    P. S. Marilyn Monroe would not wear her previous size in today's modern world. Manufacturers have since those days upped their garment measurements by several sizes--as a marketing tool!
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    When you go to the beach. Never while shopping at WalMart.

    Seriously, wear what you feel good wearing and wear it proud!

    :laugh: This. Unless you want to end up photographed and put online. Walmart is the worst place ever to suffer a wardrobe malfunction thanks to one site in particular.
  • 1911JR
    1911JR Posts: 276
    I'm 5'9.5" tall and I weigh 163 164 pounds! Since November I've lost over 30 pounds! I wear a size 10 now :) Even though I'm not tight would it be okay to wear a bikini? In my picture I weigh about 185 btw

    You remember the Southern Comfort commercial with the dude walking down the beach in a speedo? Honey, be comfortable in your own skin.