Recruiting new members, all welcome (PSB week 11)



  • gnme4243
    gnme4243 Posts: 120
    I have TOTALLY been thinking about going RAW! (get ur minds outta the gutter!) lol But seriously! You have ne good recipes..I still have to get a food processor but I'm really interested. How is the lifestyle going for you?

    onyx- I love it actually. It's not for everyone, but it works for our family. It does take some getting used to, it's definitely not a one-size-fits-all way of eating. You can really learn alot about how to tailor it to fit the way your own body handles food (protein, fats, carbs, sugars- etc..) and I am still in such a baby stage trying to learn as fast as I can, and process it all.

    My husband and 11 yr old are both doing it too, we just all decided we wanted to go for it 100%. Changing how we were all eating the past few months since joining MFP helped with the transition though. My husband and I did a cleanse/juice fast for about a week when we started too, and that actually helped alot.

    Initially I was going to go completely vegan raw, and my husband and son were going to do 100% raw, but still eat raw goat cheese and raw goat's milk kefir, but then I was missing cheese a week ago, and decided to have some. Well, for 4 days straight- lol. I gained weight, felt like crap, and will absolutely not be eating any form of animal products now. Still not vegan as I do eat raw honey. But DH and DS do great with the raw goats dairy.

    A food processor and a dehydrator are must haves for us, but it all depends on how you want to eat. You may not really need either at first, or ever.

    A great book you could see about getting from your library (or would be The Live Food Factor by Susan Schenk and probably anything by Gabriel Cousens. I started with Susan's book, and am now reading stuff by several other raw foodists. It helps to research it and read up on it, lots of stuff online too.

    I don't know alot about it all as I just started a month ago, but happy to help with any questions if you decide to switch and ever have any. :flowerforyou:
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    Hello....I've been absent from the PSB's. Sorry!!!! I'm Reanna and can't find the old posts so I'll just post what I was at the beginning and where I am now.

    Starting weight = 220

    Current weight = 203

    I'm just beginning to do P90X, so I'm on round 1, have a feeling it'll take a few rounds to look fantastic but I'm ready for it. A little about me. I'm a mom of 4 beautiful little kids all under the age of 10. I'm a wife, we will celebrate our 11th anniversary in July. I'm am soo ready to be fit and thinner than I currently am. I wish you all the best of luck! This group is truly wonderful and I'm back. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    my name is kizzy...born in california, but raised in oklahoma and now i live in phoenix, arizona...been living here since january...i have always been overweight my ENTIRE highest weight EVER was 189 ibs, that was back in 2002/2003..i vowed to myself that i would never reach the 200 mark and since then i never did...i've joined an in person weight loss support group that same year and stuck with it for a couple of lowest weight since joining was in the 150s...i stopped going after a couple of years and now i weigh 180 i gained ALMOST all my weight back....

    i started getting serious about weight loss plan this month workout for this month is 30 day slimdown with jillian michaels and my eating plan is staying within calorie range...measuring portions and counting calories...i drink at least 64 oz of water every day...and just this week i started eating salad..

    i joined this group because it actually looks like it's a quite active group and i do have 80 ibs to lose for my height, i'm 4'8".

    2. Set Goals (Let us know what your weight loss goals are)
    -drink at least 64 oz water for the rest of june
    -measure out portions for the rest of june
    -count calories for the rest of june
    -eat at least one serving of fruit/veggie for the rest of june
    -do at least 30 mins daily of exercise
    -finish 30 day slimdown with jillian michaels for june
    -start regular walking routine again and do that for the rest of june
    -stay within calorie range for the rest of june
    -sometime later this year hire personal trainer again
    -sometime later this year get a membership at gym
    -start working out at work on lunch break
    -buy a scale (so far i've been weighing in at mall that has scale and costing 25 cents each time)
    -try out one week of nutrisystem
    -try out the biggest loser meal delivery plan
    -join the biggest loser online club

    3. Things you wanna change (Let us know what are the things you wanna change about yourself, can be personal and weight loss related)
    -i want to be size 16 by the end of this year

    4. Take Before Pictures (Take pictures hopefully you will take this this Monday, post them on your profile) i will do this, this coming monday

    5. size 20
    ***THIS WEEKS DAILY CHALLENGE: Find and post one positive thing about yourself (Things you like about yourself, or even if someone says something good about you) i love to smile
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Woo hoo! Welcome back Reanna. Stick around, we missed you. :wink:

    I'm heading to bed ladies (and gentlemen who are welcome to join as well. Don't be intimidated to be called a Barbie, you can be fabulous too!) Hope to see you all tomorrow.

    Edit: Welcome to kizzym! Welcome to anyone else that posts throughout the night or while I'm at work tomorrow.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies.

    Alright back from the gym. Hi all my name is Ruth and I am 33 and single and no kids. MN born and bread but living just outside of Charlotte NC in SC. I started with MFP back at the end of 2/10 and it has been working great for me. I also have a personal trainer that I heart and would not be able to do what I have been with out her. Years of sitting on my *kitten* in a cube has added on to what has always been a big girl body. When I started I was in a small 20 or large 18 now I am in a small 16 or large 14. I really wish I could loose more of my chest because I am becoming apple shape but I was always hourglass and it is disturbing to me. I have progress pictures in my photos but my camera decided to take a swim in a cooler over Memorial day weekend.

    I post a daily quote every morning in my status and I think I will start posting it here as well as long as people would like me to.
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    that would be great i would love to read the quotes
  • tinabosquez
    tinabosquez Posts: 107
    Sorry guys, I have been MIA but trying so hard to get back on track......and I need you all to smack my azz back to reality. It's been a horrible few weeks, I want to forget them. lol I just pulled my original post from our 1st thread, so here it is for the newbies. I am going out of town for about 5 days, so hoping to keep it together. I have a bridal shower and a bachelorette pray for me!!!!!

    anywho, he is my original thread~

    Hello Plus Size Barbies! My name is Tina, not short for anything, just plain old Tina. lol I am going to be 33 years old on April 5th, and it's freakin me out. I am happily married with 2 beautiful girls, Angelina is 8 and Arianna is 3 years old. I live in Newport Michigan, which is right next to Monroe MI. I am a stay at home mommy, haven't worked in 4 years now. Since joining MFP 11 weeks ago, I lost 20 lbs. I am very excited to join this group, because I think I need some challenges to push me along, and motivation is something I NEED. Right now, I am in a size 24 pants (they are loose!) and I THOUGHT I was still wearing a 22/24 top, until I went to Fashin bug on Friday and bought a size 18/20 top!!!!!!! Right now, my goal is to get into a nice size 18, because I am 5'8 so I am on the taller side for a girl. I posted my FULL BODY shot for all you ladies, so I have met that goal.

    Challenge: One positive thing about me, is I always try and stay positive, even when things are going crappy, I still try and look on the bright side. I have been nervous to post my weight, but now I am like Who Gives a ****? So here goes girls.

    Highest Weight: 314
    Goal Weight: 200 (for now!)
    P.S.B Starting Weight: 297.5 (YES, I am up)
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    Hello all! I am back. I got a little lazy and quit posting. (sorry) I don't know my specifics as far as week by week weigh ins. I'm pretty sure I've lost around 30 lbs since week 1 of PSB!!! Its been a little slower, but I am hoping to keep plugging away. I will try to be better about posting. Keep working hard ladies!!!!!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Quote of the day: "Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning." - Mohandas Karamchand (Mahatma) Gandhi
  • NancyMoedt
    NancyMoedt Posts: 207
    Good Morning All. Welcome to the new PSB's, Hello to everyone!

    I'm Nancy. I'm 33, married and no kids. I work for a health insurance company up in Canada and I come from a family of 6 brothers, 1 sister and me, who all love food.

    I had a really good week minus the sinus cold. It was like magic.

    Here's the rundown:

    Weigh in:
    Starting weight: 245
    Week 1: goal- None - Actual- Unknown
    Week 2: goal- 240 Actual- 239.4
    Week 3: goal- 238 Actual- 240.6
    Week 4: goal- 235 Actual- 234.8
    Week 5: goal- 233 Actual 236.2 - End of April
    Week 6: goal - 230 - Actual 235.4
    Week 7: goal - 233 - Actual 230.8
    Week 8: goal - 228 - Actual 228.0
    Week 9: goal - 226 - Actual 236.0
    Week 10: goal - 230 - Actual 231.4 - End of May
    Week 11: goal - 225 - Actual 226.2 - :love:
    # lbs lost: 18.8
    # lbs to go: 76.2

    Thank you also for keeping me accountable. You guys deserve a medal. :smooched:

    Hugs. :flowerforyou:
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    A quick hello PSB! Need to leave for work in a minute.

    For all the new members, my name is Stephanie. I "live" near Milwaukee with my boyfriend, rabbit (Jujubee), and dog (Muffin). We have no plans for children. :noway: It's hard enough to take care of ourselves!

    I say "live" because my job keeps me traveling about 50% of the time (or more). I'm in Allentown, PA this morning, will fly back to Milwaukee tonight, then fly down to Knoxville on Monday morning and won't be home until the following Saturday afternoon. :explode:

    I was in a nasty car accident just over two years ago and almost lost my left arm. Getting back into exercise has been a real challenge trying to figure out how to push myself hard without hurting myself. I've really let my whole body go since the accident. I've been so afraid of doing anything that might hurt or be uncomfortable that my entire body went to hell. Ended up in physical therapy for my back at the end of last year because I'd lost so much muscle in my core that my back just couldn't handle my weight.

    If you need some one to kick your butt, that's me! I personally need the tough love to keep on track so please call me on my bs if I get whiney. :wink:
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    I personally need the tough love to keep on track so please call me on my bs if I get whiney. :wink:

    Me toooooo!! I love me some tough love!! Don't sugar coat it when I'm being a whiney brat, tell me like it is!!

    I weighed in this morning, with a loss. (WOOT WOOT!)

    I'll go back and gather my numbers from the last time I weighed in with the PSB's, so that I can do a comparison.

    Happy Friday ladies!!
  • shawnae2
    shawnae2 Posts: 105
    I forgot to weigh in this morning. I am scared too because I have not been eating well. I need a swift kick in the @%$! I have this horrible cold so I haven't been working out either. I miss running too!! I am hoping by Monday I can breath and get my run on. I did manage to throw away the doughnuts this morning even though I wanted to shovel them in my mouth. 16 hour shifts are kicking my butt and am in need of sleep and some healthy food choices!! I will let everyone know how my weigh in goes tomorrow!
  • hblaura
    hblaura Posts: 7
    Thank you for inviting me to join. :love: I am new at MFP. Have attempted many other lifestyle changes, but always had excuses to not succeed. I have been suffering with depression, but now believe I have made a breakthrough and am thinking maybe, just maybe this time I can avoid the excuses.

    My weight got up to 170, that is when I decided I need to stop the nonsence.

    SW with MFP: 164
    Goal Weight: 120 (aproximately)

    mini goal: drink 8 glasses of water every day:drinker:
    mini goal: walk at least 30 min. every other day (every day would be better)

    Week 1: .5 (starting mid week, Friday)
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Hi, all! I'm new to this group as well. It is nice to be in a group with a ways to go. I'm Melody, I'm married will be 35 (sigh) in a few weeks. I have a little boy who is 4, and would love for him to have a sibling sometime soon! I joined MFP about a month ago and got started (again) on trying to live healthier. I joined the group to get some more accountability and be around others with similar goals. My plan for losing weight (and getting healthier) is just to eat healthier. For me, that means making sure I get in enough fruits & veggies, get in enough water, and try not to eat tons of processed food. I also have insulin resistance so I'm playing around with increasing protein/decreasing carbs (right now I'm doing 25% protein, 45% carbs as a first step). I'm also increasing the exercise. I started a Conservative Couch25K this week, but hurt my foot a little earlier in the week so now I guess I'll be starting it over next week!

    My ultimate goal for weight loss is to lose over 100 pounds to get to a healthy weight range of 130. Once I get there, I'll figure out if I want to lose more, but right now that is quite enough of a goal for me. My initial goal is to get under 200, which is 34 pounds away! I would also like to run a 5K towards the end of this year or the beginning of next.

    Some stats:
    Starting Weight: 238.4 (my highest weight EVER, including when I was pg with my son)
    Starting Clothes Size: 22W pants (and they are getting a little tight), size 5 Venezia jeans (I don't know what the equivalent is, but they are probably the easiest way for me to measure progress), size XL or XXL in shirts

    Current Weight: 233 (yay! That is just a tad below my weight just before having my son!)
    Current Clothes Size: same

    Mini Goals -- Exercise: Exercise 4-5 days a week -- using My Fitness Coach on the Wii, walking outside or Leslie Sansone in-home walking, and Wii Sports for fun! :)

    Mini Goals -- Food: Eat my daily allowance of calories (I've had a hard time getting to that lately) and some of exercise calories; drink 8 glasses of water. My food diary is public, feel free to visit and comment or offer suggestions!

    Mini Goal -- Weight: 229 (taking it 10 pounds at a time... or less for some significant numbers! I'm assuming this goal will take a few weeks)
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Welcome to all the new members!

    Just got home from the airport and I am worn out. Time for bed soon. :yawn:

    Looking forward to getting to know you all better.
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    just received bodybugg strap today and i've been bugging it since 7:45 pm so far i walked 5511 steps today
  • hulkj
    hulkj Posts: 218
    HI, I want to join this group. I've searched groups for awhile and I don't seem to fit anywhere. I started off weighing 298. I started a few life changes and didn't see a whole lot of results. I started taking a few meds for a disease I inherited, that of course the weight had enhanced, and lost a little. I found MFP, loved the program, followed counting my calories, for a year. I got down to 240. This made a great difference in my clothes and then guess what? Yes, I started living off the compliments and new clothes and began to over eat again!!! I fooled myself by not changing my ticker! I'm back up to 258! My goal is to be under 200! I need support!! I'm working out on my Wii, plus yard work, and swimming. My goal this week is to swim four sessions. I'm not allowed to do a lot of walking, but swimming and Wii, I can get away with (per my doc). I hope I'm not too late to join!!
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    Challenges will run Sunday to Saturday

    JUNE 13-19: Burn 1500 cal
    JUNE 20-26: Burn 1750 cal
    JUNE 27-JULY 3: Burn 2000 cal
    JULY 4-JULY 10: Burn 2250 cal
    JULY 11-17: Burn 2500 cal
    JULY 18-24: Burn 2750 cal
    JULY 25-31: Burn 3000 cal
    AUG 1-AUG 7: Burn 3250 cal
    AUG 8-14: Burn 3500 cal

    I propose a graduated scale challenge for calorie burn:

    By August 14 we should have worked our way up to 3500 calories burned a week without stressing or injuring our bodies. We will increase our burn by 250 calories a week, which amounts to a total of 25 minutes over the week, or 5 extra minutes at the end of each workout. Slowly we will build up the time we are spending on exercise. Feel free to do more than the week goal, but try to aim for it as a minimum.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Welcome to all the new people. Tillytotiny 199 seems to be the hardest number to reach for some reason but I was 242 when I started my lifestyle change and now down to 203. The last couple weeks have kind of derailed me and it feels like I am stuck between 205 and 203. I really need to get over this hump.

    Quote of the day:
    You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it. - Maya Angelou