Cellucor Super HD (or any other fat burning supplements)

Hi all! I've been hearing a LOT about HD and I was wondering if anyone on here has any personal experience with it or opinions? Good or bad. I'm very curious. I'm having a lot of trouble with fat in some "trouble" areas and I'm kind of interested in using a fat burner. I know some are really bad for you, especially if you don't have a healthy, consistent diet. I tried a fat burner about 4 years ago, but I by no means had a healthy diet and it messed up my stomach. Now, I exercise regularly and have cleaned up my diet pretty well. I do Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 6 days a week and usually take long walks. I'm currently just ending week 2 of Ripped in 30 and will be starting week 3 tomorrow. After I'm done w/ Ripped, I will be moving on to No More Trouble Zones by Jillian as well (I stick to her dvd's because I love them and she kicks my butt!) I just wanted to know, do you have to be a body builder to use this stuff? Should I be a weight lifter in order to take it? ANY input would be helpful! I know you might not be doctors or nutritionists, I'm not expecting any professional opinions. Just personal :) Thanks!


  • heather_huggins
    heather_huggins Posts: 194 Member
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Fat burning supplements are not well received 'round these parts.
  • Alphastate
    Alphastate Posts: 295 Member
    I have taken one cycle a year ago and just started another one yesterday. Last year, I wasn't doing everything else right to see a big difference. This year, I've been a little more strategic in my approach. I personally love HD. The caffeine jolt is crazy, so be prepared for that. It will work if you're doing everything else right. Good diet, strength training, cardio, supplementation. I'm tracking EVERYTHING. My food, my routine, my weight, pics, everything. I can keep you in the loop on my progress if you'd like!
  • robdel302
    robdel302 Posts: 292 Member
    The caffeine jolt is crazy, so be prepared for that. It will work if you're doing everything else right. Good diet, strength training, cardio, supplementation. I'm tracking EVERYTHING.

    I've used the stuff with a lot of success in the past. But be prepared, like Alphastate said; this stuff is POTENT. I've never been able to take the max does and I've taken many different fat burners in the past. The tweak and heat on this stuff reminds me of the days of legal ephedrine, although ephedrine was slightly better. Just be prepared and follow the directions on the bottle. It tends to raise your body heat so don't be surprised if you feel warm after taking it. But if the max dose nauseates you, then stick with one pill in the AM.
  • heather_huggins
    heather_huggins Posts: 194 Member
    I have taken one cycle a year ago and just started another one yesterday. Last year, I wasn't doing everything else right to see a big difference. This year, I've been a little more strategic in my approach. I personally love HD. The caffeine jolt is crazy, so be prepared for that. It will work if you're doing everything else right. Good diet, strength training, cardio, supplementation. I'm tracking EVERYTHING. My food, my routine, my weight, pics, everything. I can keep you in the loop on my progress if you'd like!

    That would be awesome! See, what I'm worried about is the fact that I don't do a lot of weights or strength training. I use my body weight as resistance while working out and I do a lot of cardio, but that's about it. I try to hit my macros 40/30/30 Carbs/proteins/fats. Key word "TRY" I'm still new to macros and I'm really trying to get on board with it. The one thing I want out of it is fat burn! I can feel my abs below my layer of fat and I can feel my quads and definitely SEE the progress, but there's that stubborn fat around it that's just getting me down!
  • heather_huggins
    heather_huggins Posts: 194 Member
    ughhhh personally, Cellucor HD does nothing for me. neither does Hydroxicut. Appetite suppressant my *kitten*. I think I'm even hungrier on fat burners. your diet definitely has to be on point otherwise its useless. ie. clean eating, hit your macros, work out and such. when i did use it, i would take it first thing am and then do fasted cardio.

    if youre just looking for a pop of energy, i much prefer Optimum Pre Workout. great caffeine boost, great pump and no crashes.

    I use Campus Protein's FUEL as a pre workout and I love it! Though, I only use one scoop, any more than that I can feel it sloshing in my belly while working out and I almost vomit lol.
  • heather_huggins
    heather_huggins Posts: 194 Member
    The caffeine jolt is crazy, so be prepared for that. It will work if you're doing everything else right. Good diet, strength training, cardio, supplementation. I'm tracking EVERYTHING.

    I've used the stuff with a lot of success in the past. But be prepared, like Alphastate said; this stuff is POTENT. I've never been able to take the max does and I've taken many different fat burners in the past. The tweak and heat on this stuff reminds me of the days of legal ephedrine, although ephedrine was slightly better. Just be prepared and follow the directions on the bottle. It tends to raise your body heat so don't be surprised if you feel warm after taking it. But if the max dose nauseates you, then stick with one pill in the AM.

    I drink one-two cups of coffee every morning, I'm assuming I wouldn't want to do that if I take the supp then?? Haha. I've read a lot about the caffeine charge when people take it, I think I'd only start out with one in the morning for a couple days then bump up to one in the morning and one 5-6 hours later just to ease myself into it.
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    I took it and liked it. I've never really taken diet pills for weight loss though. More to get through 9 to 16hr days of working
  • heather_huggins
    heather_huggins Posts: 194 Member
    I took it and liked it. I've never really taken diet pills for weight loss though. More to get through 9 to 16hr days of working

    hmm...Would you think I would need to lift weights in order for this to work? Or do you think doing Ripped in 30 and No More Trouble Zones (Jillian Michaels dvds) will be ok? That's what I'm concerned about...not getting any results because I don't lift lol.

    Thanks everyone for your input! I really appreciate it! :)
  • Alphastate
    Alphastate Posts: 295 Member
    I have taken one cycle a year ago and just started another one yesterday. Last year, I wasn't doing everything else right to see a big difference. This year, I've been a little more strategic in my approach. I personally love HD. The caffeine jolt is crazy, so be prepared for that. It will work if you're doing everything else right. Good diet, strength training, cardio, supplementation. I'm tracking EVERYTHING. My food, my routine, my weight, pics, everything. I can keep you in the loop on my progress if you'd like!

    That would be awesome! See, what I'm worried about is the fact that I don't do a lot of weights or strength training. I use my body weight as resistance while working out and I do a lot of cardio, but that's about it. I try to hit my macros 40/30/30 Carbs/proteins/fats. Key word "TRY" I'm still new to macros and I'm really trying to get on board with it. The one thing I want out of it is fat burn! I can feel my abs below my layer of fat and I can feel my quads and definitely SEE the progress, but there's that stubborn fat around it that's just getting me down!
    Do you do ab exercises? That will help them pop out. I've read that HD is good for the stubborn fat, that's one of the reasons I took it the first time. I can't really speak to the need for weight lifting while on them, but I strongly say that pushing yourself harder with weight training while on them will help burn calories, I sweat like crazy working out!
  • beaky1980
    beaky1980 Posts: 85 Member
    No pills...yucky.
  • infamousdrew76
    infamousdrew76 Posts: 176 Member
    No pills...yucky.

    Would you care to elaborate? Do you have any real input?
  • beaky1980
    beaky1980 Posts: 85 Member
    Why are they even needed?
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    Why are they even needed?

    Don't like supplements? Don't take them or talk about them. Simples.
  • beaky1980
    beaky1980 Posts: 85 Member
    Don't like supplements? Don't take them or talk about them. Simples.

    Point taken. Agreed and won't interfere again.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    If you want real fat loss results you need to lift. it's possible to do challenging bw routines, but a progressive weight training routine is still the best and EASIEST way to go. Hit your minimum macos in protein and fat, and get as close as you can to your calorie goal. fit in some treats tat are 10% of your calories for the day for your sanity if you want.
    it really can be that simple.
  • beaky1980
    beaky1980 Posts: 85 Member
    Meant to quote the first sentence...apparently MFP was against me.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    A diet pill that worked?

    That would be international news, surely?
  • beaky1980
    beaky1980 Posts: 85 Member
    MFP needs a like button.
  • Dewdropps
    Dewdropps Posts: 111
    What is HD? Not sure I've seen/heard of it, and all that comes up on google is HD television LOL