Heyyy what do the . Mean on the scale like for example 125.6 or like 125.2



  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    Everything after the dot is bonus points
  • runnrchic
    runnrchic Posts: 130 Member

    Public education, folks: your tax dollars hard at work.

    Scary. Will I get social security when I retire in 35 years?
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member

    Public education, folks: your tax dollars hard at work.

    Yeah, but you gotta show up to gets edjucated...
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Are you old enough to be on this site? Maybe go to spark teens instead.

    Or are you seriously an adult with access to the Internet and don't understand decimal points?

    I don't want to sound mean but decimal points are like primary school stuff.

    I could understand if your European and using a american scale.

    Europeans seem to write numbers like 1.000,00 while everyone else seems to write 1,000.00, I dislike it when trying to use excel, treating it as text instead of a number :smile:
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    edited March 2015
    esaucier17 wrote: »
    I always thought it was ounces....
    like 125.2 would be 125 pounds and 2 ounces...lol

    I'm glad I saw this post!

    How did you think that? Lol

    Aren't there 16 ounces in a pound?

    So 125.2 is 125 pound 2 ounces?
    And 125.14 which is a lower weight is some how heavier at the same time at 125 pound 14 ounces?

    Kind of scary that you probably drive cars, could own a gun, have kids and not understand decimal points.

    Or do you have scales that measure in pounds and ounces and go upto .16?

  • Burt_Huttz
    Burt_Huttz Posts: 1,612 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    Burt_Huttz wrote: »
    In some countries they use commas as the decimal mark, so this isn't as strange as it may sound.

    Agreed. New York is part of England isn't it?


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Every time I get on the internet I am convinced that humans will all be gone by tomorrow...but tomorrow always comes...but someday it won't...because wow...
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'm embarrassed to admit that I was confused about this with my scale at first too. Then again, I've never been very good on the maths. I poke the sign against the evil eye at such sorcery. (Get thee behind me, simple division.)

    I actually thought it was ounces. I could never figure out why I was never, say, my pounds +10 or 11 ounces. (...cue Final Jeopardy jingle playing thoughtfully in the background)

    Then one day, it dawned on me.

    Don't worry, the next day I also figured out that just because calories are a measurement of heat, that doesn't mean ice cream has no calories. (That part was a joke. Sadly, the rest is not.)

    I've made leaps and bounds on my scale math since then and have even figured out that I can divide my .8 down to 4/5.

    One day I'm expecting to make that next quantum leap and outdo myself by figuring out how that becomes actual ounces given there are 16 ounces in a pound. I'm not quite sure yet how this leap will occur, but I currently have both electroshock therapy and transcendental meditation under consideration. Could only help.

    Yes, they do allow me to drive and operate heavy machinery. Be afraid, be very afraid.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited March 2015
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Every time I get on the internet I am convinced that humans will all be gone by tomorrow...but tomorrow always comes...but someday it won't...because wow...

    Actually, we've kept chugging along for some 250,000+ years with severely lacking, or in many cases entirely non-existent, education among the overwhelming majority of the populace...any populace (overall).

    Believe it or not, if anything kills the human race, it probably won't be stupidity. Not if history is any indication. In fact, a little bit of education and above-average intelligence may be our undoing. We're like toddlers with a spyglass, the sunshine and a lot of ants. Really, really stupid people can't create bombs that destroy millions and encourage cancer, for example. ;)

    Go stupidity! (fist pump) Who's with me? (looking around, listening to the wind whistle hollowly through the room)

    Then again, dear cwolfman, you might make the leap and realize that people can be very, very good at some things, and very, very bad at others. ;) (Now THAT takes an evolved personality.) For instance, I can run circles around nearly everyone I know in a grammar competition...any subcategory of grammar. ;) (Though I'm sloppy about my grammar on the internet; I mean, why bother?) I don't believe the OP is a drooling stump. He probably has heard of decimal points, LOL. He simply didn't realize it wasn't ounces being registered. Sure, that should have been a given, but again...deciding he's a barely-functioning box of rocks may not be entirely fair. JMO.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,687 Member
    runnrchic wrote: »

    Public education, folks: your tax dollars hard at work.

    Scary. Will I get social security when I retire in 35 years?
    Maybe .5 of it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,687 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Are you old enough to be on this site? Maybe go to spark teens instead.

    Or are you seriously an adult with access to the Internet and don't understand decimal points?

    I don't want to sound mean but decimal points are like primary school stuff.

    I could understand if your European and using a american scale.

    Europeans seem to write numbers like 1.000,00 while everyone else seems to write 1,000.00, I dislike it when trying to use excel, treating it as text instead of a number :smile:
    My older brother doesn't understand math well at all. Decimals points are something he doesn't understand. Not because he's dumb, but because he doesn't associate how fractions work.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • DoneWorking
    DoneWorking Posts: 247 Member
    edited March 2015
    runnrchic wrote: »

    Public education, folks: your tax dollars hard at work.

    Scary. Will I get social security when I retire in 35 years?
    Um... no. Me and the rest of us boomers are gonna use it all up. So, none for you. :):)
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited March 2015
    Merkavar wrote: »

    I don't want to sound mean but decimal points are like primary school stuff.

    I could understand if your European and using a american scale.

    TLDR: Let's get over ourselves.

    Okay, so now, on to the show:

    Merkevar, you know I like you a lot and I think you're hilarious and a great asset to this site.

    With that in mind, hang in tight for what I'm about to say next, because I don't really want to say it, but it is sticking out like a sore thumb for me.

    Do you not see the slightest bit of irony in the fact that you just admonished someone for not having an elementary school-level skill...while incorrectly using the word "you're," something my son was tested on early in the school year and expected to pass? He's currently in the third grade, by the way. (And yes, he passed.)

    Psst: Also, it's "an," not "a," "American scale." (Capital A.) Other things my third-grader would be marked down on and probably ashamed of, as his entire grade of four classes was expected to have those very very simple grammar facts all locked up in second grade.

    This same little guy (my eight-year-old) daydreams about what's beyond the cosmos, asks me what "nothing" looks like and "...if 'nothing' is all dark, isn't dark black, and isn't black something?" and "But where did that first pin-dot of matter that expanded within milliseconds of the Big Bang come from?", reads junior high school level books and this past week informed me that his favorite pasta was "the cylindrical kind...I can't remember what that's called," sucks...and I mean SUCKS at math.

    My husband sticks out like sore thumb around here. He is truly, almost frighteningly good at math...at all aspects, all categories of math. We jokingly call him Rain Man and chant "82, 82, 82" whenever he tells us that today we're 62% closer to going away on vacation than we were last Wednesday (or whatever strange math he quick-jobs up in his head at any given moment). When we first moved to SoCal, he gave me his resume to edit. School: USC...not too shabby. Best of educations. One of many corrections I made was where he stated he was on the Honor Role. God that would have been embarrassing. Overall, his IQ was, as of last (officially-administered...not via some silly internet site) count, 149. Not shabby either, IMO. I doubt his inability to spell quite a few words (don't tell him I said that) makes him thick as a tree any more than my lack of math skills makes me thick as a tree. I mean come on.

    Honestly, not to hop on my very high horse but can the holier-than-thou-meter go up any higher on this thread? ;)

    We are ALL good at some things..and truly suckful at others. It's a fact of life.

    If we're going to show our superiority, we might try to do so by not splashing our credibility right into the toilet with an elementary school-level faux pas or two, or three. (Or as an alternative, hey, how about this? I know it's a little crazy, but...how about we get over trying to make ourselves feel superior and understand that the next person probably ISN'T useless; indeed, isn't any more useless than we ourselves may be, at least if someone's keeping score?) Sure, it's an age-old and much-beloved lather-rinse-repeat to put down the next person in order to assure ourselves that we're not mainstream and dumb as stumps as opposed to all those other (nameless) people, but if you're going for accuracy, this attitude might not fly as much. Your choice, of course; each of us is a free agent.

    As for all the tired "What is the world coming to" commentary, that's been bemoaned since Socrates' time and probably earlier. I notice we're all still here. A miracle, eh?

    Let's get over it...no, poor math skills don't mean the doom of humanity and failure of the public school system any more, or less, than poor grammar skills do...or poor skills in any one arena. None of us likes to admit it...but we're all pretty average. And any of us could be embarrassed by something.

    I suck at math. Truly, wholly suck at it. If you consider me dense as a box of rocks due to that, and if that supposition makes you feel better, I'll give you that, because in that case you probably need it. ;) The OP sucks at math too. That's about all we know about him. Have a good day, OP.

  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »

    I don't want to sound mean but decimal points are like primary school stuff.

    I could understand if your European and using a american scale.

    Merkevar, you know I like you a lot and I think you're hilarious and a great asset to this site.

    With that in mind, hang in tight for what I'm about to say next, because I don't really want to say it, but it is sticking out like a sore thumb for me.

    Do you not see the slightest bit of irony in the fact that you just admonished someone for not having an elementary school-level skill...while incorrectly using the word "you're," something my son was tested on early in the school year and expected to pass? He's currently in the third grade, by the way. (And yes, he passed.)

    Psst: Also, it's "an," not "a," "American site." (Capital A.) Other things my third-grader would be marked down on and probably ashamed of.

    This little guy daydreams about what's beyond the cosmos, asks me what "nothing" looks like and if it's all dark, isn't dark black, and isn't black something?, reads junior high school level books and this past week informed me that his favorite pasta was "the cylindrical kind...I can't remember what that's called", sucks...and I mean SUCKS at math.

    My husband sticks out like sore thumb around here. He is truly, almost frighteningly good at math...at all aspects, all categories of math. We jokingly call him Rain Man and chant "82, 82, 82" whenever he tells us that today we're 62% closer to going away on vacation than we were last Wednesday (or whatever strange math he quick-jobs up in his head at any given moment). When we first moved to SoCal, he gave me his resume to edit. School: USC...not too shabby. Best of educations. One of many corrections I made was where he stated he was on the Honor Role. God that would have been embarrassing. Overall, his IQ was, as of last (officially-administered...not via some silly internet site) count, 149. Not shabby either, IMO. I doubt his inability to spell quite a few words (don't tell him I said that) makes him thick as a tree any more than my lack of math skills makes me thick as a tree. I mean come on.

    Honestly, not to hop on my very high horse but can the holier-than-thou-meter go up any higher on this thread? ;)

    We are ALL good at some things..and truly suckful at others. It's a fact of life.

    If we're going to show our superiority, we might try to do so by not splashing our credibility right into the toilet with an elementary school-level faux pas or two, or three. (Or as an alternative, hey, how about this? I know it's a little crazy, but...how about we get over trying to make ourselves feel superior and understand that the next person probably ISN'T useless; indeed, isn't any more useless than we ourselves may be, at least if someone's keeping score?) Sure, it's an age-old and much-beloved lather-rinse-repeat to put down the next person in order to assure ourselves that we're not mainstream and dumb as stumps as opposed to all those other (nameless) people, but if you're going for accuracy, this attitude might not fly as much. Your choice, of course; each of us is a free agent.

    As for all the tired "What is the world coming to" commentary, that's been bemoaned since Socrates' time and probably earlier. I notice we're all still here. A miracle, eh?

    Let's get over it...no, poor math skills don't mean the doom of humanity and failure of the public school system any more, or less, than poor grammar skills do...or poor skills in any one arena. None of us likes to admit it...but we're all pretty average. And any of us could be embarrassed by something.

    I suck at math. Truly, wholly suck at it. If you consider me dense as a box of rocks due to that, and if that supposition makes you feel better, I'll give you that, because in that case you probably need it. ;) The OP sucks at math too. That's about all we know about him. Have a good day, OP.

    This is a lot of words to say "I don't understand basic math"

  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited March 2015
    Daiako wrote: »
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »

    I don't want to sound mean but decimal points are like primary school stuff.

    I could understand if your European and using a american scale.

    Merkevar, you know I like you a lot and I think you're hilarious and a great asset to this site.

    With that in mind, hang in tight for what I'm about to say next, because I don't really want to say it, but it is sticking out like a sore thumb for me.

    Do you not see the slightest bit of irony in the fact that you just admonished someone for not having an elementary school-level skill...while incorrectly using the word "you're," something my son was tested on early in the school year and expected to pass? He's currently in the third grade, by the way. (And yes, he passed.)

    Psst: Also, it's "an," not "a," "American site." (Capital A.) Other things my third-grader would be marked down on and probably ashamed of.

    This little guy daydreams about what's beyond the cosmos, asks me what "nothing" looks like and if it's all dark, isn't dark black, and isn't black something?, reads junior high school level books and this past week informed me that his favorite pasta was "the cylindrical kind...I can't remember what that's called", sucks...and I mean SUCKS at math.

    My husband sticks out like sore thumb around here. He is truly, almost frighteningly good at math...at all aspects, all categories of math. We jokingly call him Rain Man and chant "82, 82, 82" whenever he tells us that today we're 62% closer to going away on vacation than we were last Wednesday (or whatever strange math he quick-jobs up in his head at any given moment). When we first moved to SoCal, he gave me his resume to edit. School: USC...not too shabby. Best of educations. One of many corrections I made was where he stated he was on the Honor Role. God that would have been embarrassing. Overall, his IQ was, as of last (officially-administered...not via some silly internet site) count, 149. Not shabby either, IMO. I doubt his inability to spell quite a few words (don't tell him I said that) makes him thick as a tree any more than my lack of math skills makes me thick as a tree. I mean come on.

    Honestly, not to hop on my very high horse but can the holier-than-thou-meter go up any higher on this thread? ;)

    We are ALL good at some things..and truly suckful at others. It's a fact of life.

    If we're going to show our superiority, we might try to do so by not splashing our credibility right into the toilet with an elementary school-level faux pas or two, or three. (Or as an alternative, hey, how about this? I know it's a little crazy, but...how about we get over trying to make ourselves feel superior and understand that the next person probably ISN'T useless; indeed, isn't any more useless than we ourselves may be, at least if someone's keeping score?) Sure, it's an age-old and much-beloved lather-rinse-repeat to put down the next person in order to assure ourselves that we're not mainstream and dumb as stumps as opposed to all those other (nameless) people, but if you're going for accuracy, this attitude might not fly as much. Your choice, of course; each of us is a free agent.

    As for all the tired "What is the world coming to" commentary, that's been bemoaned since Socrates' time and probably earlier. I notice we're all still here. A miracle, eh?

    Let's get over it...no, poor math skills don't mean the doom of humanity and failure of the public school system any more, or less, than poor grammar skills do...or poor skills in any one arena. None of us likes to admit it...but we're all pretty average. And any of us could be embarrassed by something.

    I suck at math. Truly, wholly suck at it. If you consider me dense as a box of rocks due to that, and if that supposition makes you feel better, I'll give you that, because in that case you probably need it. ;) The OP sucks at math too. That's about all we know about him. Have a good day, OP.

    This is a lot of words to say "I don't understand basic math"

    It would be, if that were all I was saying.

    However, I'll give you a pass for not being able to hang in there with big sentences and so on. ;) As I said...we all have our strengths and weaknesses. So it's all good. You may have a poor attention span and confusion when viewing longer sentences but there may be something that you're absolutely brilliant at. Probably is, I'd even venture to say. Again, strengths and weaknesses.

  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member
    edited March 2015
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Daiako wrote: »
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »

    I don't want to sound mean but decimal points are like primary school stuff.

    I could understand if your European and using a american scale.

    Merkevar, you know I like you a lot and I think you're hilarious and a great asset to this site.

    With that in mind, hang in tight for what I'm about to say next, because I don't really want to say it, but it is sticking out like a sore thumb for me.

    Do you not see the slightest bit of irony in the fact that you just admonished someone for not having an elementary school-level skill...while incorrectly using the word "you're," something my son was tested on early in the school year and expected to pass? He's currently in the third grade, by the way. (And yes, he passed.)

    Psst: Also, it's "an," not "a," "American site." (Capital A.) Other things my third-grader would be marked down on and probably ashamed of.

    This little guy daydreams about what's beyond the cosmos, asks me what "nothing" looks like and if it's all dark, isn't dark black, and isn't black something?, reads junior high school level books and this past week informed me that his favorite pasta was "the cylindrical kind...I can't remember what that's called", sucks...and I mean SUCKS at math.

    My husband sticks out like sore thumb around here. He is truly, almost frighteningly good at math...at all aspects, all categories of math. We jokingly call him Rain Man and chant "82, 82, 82" whenever he tells us that today we're 62% closer to going away on vacation than we were last Wednesday (or whatever strange math he quick-jobs up in his head at any given moment). When we first moved to SoCal, he gave me his resume to edit. School: USC...not too shabby. Best of educations. One of many corrections I made was where he stated he was on the Honor Role. God that would have been embarrassing. Overall, his IQ was, as of last (officially-administered...not via some silly internet site) count, 149. Not shabby either, IMO. I doubt his inability to spell quite a few words (don't tell him I said that) makes him thick as a tree any more than my lack of math skills makes me thick as a tree. I mean come on.

    Honestly, not to hop on my very high horse but can the holier-than-thou-meter go up any higher on this thread? ;)

    We are ALL good at some things..and truly suckful at others. It's a fact of life.

    If we're going to show our superiority, we might try to do so by not splashing our credibility right into the toilet with an elementary school-level faux pas or two, or three. (Or as an alternative, hey, how about this? I know it's a little crazy, but...how about we get over trying to make ourselves feel superior and understand that the next person probably ISN'T useless; indeed, isn't any more useless than we ourselves may be, at least if someone's keeping score?) Sure, it's an age-old and much-beloved lather-rinse-repeat to put down the next person in order to assure ourselves that we're not mainstream and dumb as stumps as opposed to all those other (nameless) people, but if you're going for accuracy, this attitude might not fly as much. Your choice, of course; each of us is a free agent.

    As for all the tired "What is the world coming to" commentary, that's been bemoaned since Socrates' time and probably earlier. I notice we're all still here. A miracle, eh?

    Let's get over it...no, poor math skills don't mean the doom of humanity and failure of the public school system any more, or less, than poor grammar skills do...or poor skills in any one arena. None of us likes to admit it...but we're all pretty average. And any of us could be embarrassed by something.

    I suck at math. Truly, wholly suck at it. If you consider me dense as a box of rocks due to that, and if that supposition makes you feel better, I'll give you that, because in that case you probably need it. ;) The OP sucks at math too. That's about all we know about him. Have a good day, OP.

    This is a lot of words to say "I don't understand basic math"

    It would be, if that were all I was saying.

    However, I'll give you a pass for not being able to hang in there with big sentences and so on. ;) As I said...we all have our strengths and weaknesses. So it's all good.

    I suppose all those words for the sake of words do kind of throw me. I've never believed in taking a long time to say nothing much. As far as weaknesses go I'll take that over a failure of elementary math.

  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited March 2015
    Daiako wrote: »
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Daiako wrote: »
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »

    I don't want to sound mean but decimal points are like primary school stuff.

    I could understand if your European and using a american scale.

    Merkevar, you know I like you a lot and I think you're hilarious and a great asset to this site.

    With that in mind, hang in tight for what I'm about to say next, because I don't really want to say it, but it is sticking out like a sore thumb for me.

    Do you not see the slightest bit of irony in the fact that you just admonished someone for not having an elementary school-level skill...while incorrectly using the word "you're," something my son was tested on early in the school year and expected to pass? He's currently in the third grade, by the way. (And yes, he passed.)

    Psst: Also, it's "an," not "a," "American site." (Capital A.) Other things my third-grader would be marked down on and probably ashamed of.

    This little guy daydreams about what's beyond the cosmos, asks me what "nothing" looks like and if it's all dark, isn't dark black, and isn't black something?, reads junior high school level books and this past week informed me that his favorite pasta was "the cylindrical kind...I can't remember what that's called", sucks...and I mean SUCKS at math.

    My husband sticks out like sore thumb around here. He is truly, almost frighteningly good at math...at all aspects, all categories of math. We jokingly call him Rain Man and chant "82, 82, 82" whenever he tells us that today we're 62% closer to going away on vacation than we were last Wednesday (or whatever strange math he quick-jobs up in his head at any given moment). When we first moved to SoCal, he gave me his resume to edit. School: USC...not too shabby. Best of educations. One of many corrections I made was where he stated he was on the Honor Role. God that would have been embarrassing. Overall, his IQ was, as of last (officially-administered...not via some silly internet site) count, 149. Not shabby either, IMO. I doubt his inability to spell quite a few words (don't tell him I said that) makes him thick as a tree any more than my lack of math skills makes me thick as a tree. I mean come on.

    Honestly, not to hop on my very high horse but can the holier-than-thou-meter go up any higher on this thread? ;)

    We are ALL good at some things..and truly suckful at others. It's a fact of life.

    If we're going to show our superiority, we might try to do so by not splashing our credibility right into the toilet with an elementary school-level faux pas or two, or three. (Or as an alternative, hey, how about this? I know it's a little crazy, but...how about we get over trying to make ourselves feel superior and understand that the next person probably ISN'T useless; indeed, isn't any more useless than we ourselves may be, at least if someone's keeping score?) Sure, it's an age-old and much-beloved lather-rinse-repeat to put down the next person in order to assure ourselves that we're not mainstream and dumb as stumps as opposed to all those other (nameless) people, but if you're going for accuracy, this attitude might not fly as much. Your choice, of course; each of us is a free agent.

    As for all the tired "What is the world coming to" commentary, that's been bemoaned since Socrates' time and probably earlier. I notice we're all still here. A miracle, eh?

    Let's get over it...no, poor math skills don't mean the doom of humanity and failure of the public school system any more, or less, than poor grammar skills do...or poor skills in any one arena. None of us likes to admit it...but we're all pretty average. And any of us could be embarrassed by something.

    I suck at math. Truly, wholly suck at it. If you consider me dense as a box of rocks due to that, and if that supposition makes you feel better, I'll give you that, because in that case you probably need it. ;) The OP sucks at math too. That's about all we know about him. Have a good day, OP.

    This is a lot of words to say "I don't understand basic math"

    It would be, if that were all I was saying.

    However, I'll give you a pass for not being able to hang in there with big sentences and so on. ;) As I said...we all have our strengths and weaknesses. So it's all good.

    I suppose all those words for the sake of words do kind of throw me. I've never believed in taking a long time to say nothing much. As far as weaknesses go I'll take that over a failure of elementary math.


    And you're free to do so even though the entire future of our species seems to focus on communication of all types, but particularly of the written (typed) variety, as evidenced by the explosion of communication technology (which you're using right now); that's your prerogative. As for math, we have, well...calculators.

    As for not liking saying "nothing much," I am aware of the dig but I admit it confuses me a little; I said quite a bit. You just weren't willing (able?) to take it in. But again, that's your choice. I'm not going to peg you as stupid (as many are pegging the OP) on just this one basic lack.

    I edited what I said above as it came off very harsh; I am quite sure you must have your strengths, as everyone does.

    By the way, the flower emoticon was unnecessary in light of the digs. ;) If you're annoyed with me, you are and that's fine. You can be and that's all right, trust me. (That's another one of those communication things.)

    Hope everyone has a good night.

  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    I could understand if your European and using a american scale.

    Europeans seem to write numbers like 1.000,00 while everyone else seems to write 1,000.00, I dislike it when trying to use excel, treating it as text instead of a number :smile:

    Europeans write numbers the same as everyone else
    thousand is 1,000 and one and a half is 1.5
    Not sure where the idea of European and American scales has come from

  • pandyjambo
    pandyjambo Posts: 2 Member
  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Daiako wrote: »
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Daiako wrote: »
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »

    I don't want to sound mean but decimal points are like primary school stuff.

    I could understand if your European and using a american scale.

    Merkevar, you know I like you a lot and I think you're hilarious and a great asset to this site.

    With that in mind, hang in tight for what I'm about to say next, because I don't really want to say it, but it is sticking out like a sore thumb for me.

    Do you not see the slightest bit of irony in the fact that you just admonished someone for not having an elementary school-level skill...while incorrectly using the word "you're," something my son was tested on early in the school year and expected to pass? He's currently in the third grade, by the way. (And yes, he passed.)

    Psst: Also, it's "an," not "a," "American site." (Capital A.) Other things my third-grader would be marked down on and probably ashamed of.

    This little guy daydreams about what's beyond the cosmos, asks me what "nothing" looks like and if it's all dark, isn't dark black, and isn't black something?, reads junior high school level books and this past week informed me that his favorite pasta was "the cylindrical kind...I can't remember what that's called", sucks...and I mean SUCKS at math.

    My husband sticks out like sore thumb around here. He is truly, almost frighteningly good at math...at all aspects, all categories of math. We jokingly call him Rain Man and chant "82, 82, 82" whenever he tells us that today we're 62% closer to going away on vacation than we were last Wednesday (or whatever strange math he quick-jobs up in his head at any given moment). When we first moved to SoCal, he gave me his resume to edit. School: USC...not too shabby. Best of educations. One of many corrections I made was where he stated he was on the Honor Role. God that would have been embarrassing. Overall, his IQ was, as of last (officially-administered...not via some silly internet site) count, 149. Not shabby either, IMO. I doubt his inability to spell quite a few words (don't tell him I said that) makes him thick as a tree any more than my lack of math skills makes me thick as a tree. I mean come on.

    Honestly, not to hop on my very high horse but can the holier-than-thou-meter go up any higher on this thread? ;)

    We are ALL good at some things..and truly suckful at others. It's a fact of life.

    If we're going to show our superiority, we might try to do so by not splashing our credibility right into the toilet with an elementary school-level faux pas or two, or three. (Or as an alternative, hey, how about this? I know it's a little crazy, but...how about we get over trying to make ourselves feel superior and understand that the next person probably ISN'T useless; indeed, isn't any more useless than we ourselves may be, at least if someone's keeping score?) Sure, it's an age-old and much-beloved lather-rinse-repeat to put down the next person in order to assure ourselves that we're not mainstream and dumb as stumps as opposed to all those other (nameless) people, but if you're going for accuracy, this attitude might not fly as much. Your choice, of course; each of us is a free agent.

    As for all the tired "What is the world coming to" commentary, that's been bemoaned since Socrates' time and probably earlier. I notice we're all still here. A miracle, eh?

    Let's get over it...no, poor math skills don't mean the doom of humanity and failure of the public school system any more, or less, than poor grammar skills do...or poor skills in any one arena. None of us likes to admit it...but we're all pretty average. And any of us could be embarrassed by something.

    I suck at math. Truly, wholly suck at it. If you consider me dense as a box of rocks due to that, and if that supposition makes you feel better, I'll give you that, because in that case you probably need it. ;) The OP sucks at math too. That's about all we know about him. Have a good day, OP.

    This is a lot of words to say "I don't understand basic math"

    It would be, if that were all I was saying.

    However, I'll give you a pass for not being able to hang in there with big sentences and so on. ;) As I said...we all have our strengths and weaknesses. So it's all good.

    I suppose all those words for the sake of words do kind of throw me. I've never believed in taking a long time to say nothing much. As far as weaknesses go I'll take that over a failure of elementary math.


    And you're free to do so even though the entire future of our species seems to focus on communication of all types, but particularly of the written (typed) variety, as evidenced by the explosion of communication technology (which you're using right now); that's your prerogative. As for math, we have, well...calculators.

    As for not liking saying "nothing much," I am aware of the dig but I admit it confuses me a little; I said quite a bit. You just weren't willing (able?) to take it in. But again, that's your choice. I'm not going to peg you as stupid (as many are pegging the OP) on just this one basic lack.

    I edited what I said above as it came off very harsh; I am quite sure you must have your strengths, as everyone does.

    By the way, the flower emoticon was unnecessary in light of the digs. ;) If you're annoyed with me, you are and that's fine. You can be and that's all right, trust me. (That's another one of those communication things.)

    Hope everyone has a good night.

    So. Many. Words.

    To say nothing.
