All about the bass...

ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
There's a developing story in my area about a woman who was unhappy with her butt injections and filed a complaint. Turns out the two women (well, one named Jimmy Joe dresses as a woman) running the operation were doing so for years (evidently with many happy customers) with no licensing and are now on the lam. Past customers said they used "hydrogel", hardware grade I think, and superglue to close the injection site. I was laughing at this story until someone turned up dead on a table in the abandoned clinic. Not so funny.

I'm not old enough to remember "Twiggy" or to be influenced by that period, but I was raised by people who were. "Fat is bad, you're getting fat, don't get fat, those pants make your butt look big, ..." OMG, there was no end to it. A constant refrain. Long before I got chubby, even. It seems I've worked decades for a small firm butt. I can't imagine ever in a million years paying money and enduring pain to get a BIGGER butt. And a jiggly one at that!

Any other stories about crazy stuff people do in pursuit of their body ideal out there? I'm feeling awfully out of step with pop culture at the moment.


  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Fashion! Finally big bums are in!! Also, I'm thrilled that my '80s eyebrows are back in fashion.

    I read about the plastic surgery butchery. It's terrible, but I can't imagine how people let someone like that near them with a silicone gun.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    My experience was the same as yours, OP. I think you're younger than I am, but I was raised in the 70s/80s and "you're getting fat" was a constant refrain (even if in hint form) among pretty much all the women I knew, and that meant being able to pinch an inch. Literally.

    I wouldn't inject any of my parts. Nothing needs to stick out any more than it does, LOL.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'd love to have a big bum. Mines always been tiny. Even when I was at my heaviest
  • justsayinisall
    justsayinisall Posts: 162 Member
    "flat bottom girls; we make the rockin' world go round" least that's what I hear ;)
    I don't get the whole big bum thing either.
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    "flat bottom girls; we make the rockin' world go round" least that's what I hear ;)
    I don't get the whole big bum thing either.

    I always tell my daughter, no-one ever wrote a song about a small bottomed girl
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    "flat bottom girls; we make the rockin' world go round" least that's what I hear ;)
    I don't get the whole big bum thing either.

    My husband sings that to me! :blush:

    I definitely am not blessed in the butt department but I would never consider cosmetic surgery to change that.
  • Drewlssix
    Drewlssix Posts: 272 Member
    I grew up in the 80s early 90s and always thought something was missing with the models and celebrities of the time. Then with hip hop came an appreciation for sweet rounded bottoms and I knew what it was... Then as they tend to do things got stupid and we get stories like the OPs.

    For what it's worth I prefer a nice round butt but I can always appreciate the accomplishments of those who have remade their body through fitness and strength. Strong is the new sexy, the details are just icing ;)
  • LovingLife_Erin
    LovingLife_Erin Posts: 328 Member
    I've been blessed with huge boobs and bum... neither of which have gotten any smaller even after losing 65lb! My bum is just more perky now lol. I know that my natural shape is "trendy" at the moment, but the fact that we have trends for body shapes is really silly. People are shaped differently, and to get a potentially dangerous procedure done to match the times just doesn't make sense to me at all.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    "Fat is bad, you're getting fat, don't get fat, those pants make your butt look big, ..."

    A refrain from my childhood. The biggest of six girls in the family. And then the good lord sent me three daughters, none of whom are naturally slim. I sing a LOT of ridiculous made up songs (I teach preschool!) and most of them are about how great I am ;) Hope my kids get my subversive messages!
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'm never going to have a big bum, my body just isn't built that way. I can do exercises to improve the shape, but I don't carry weight there, and it's never going to stick out the way some girls do (whether that's muscle, fat, or the way their lower backs curve, I dunno).

    This did get to me a little bit when I was a bit younger because it made me feel unfeminine and inadequate. I do think now it was silly and vain to get so influenced by a body shape being fashionable at a particular time, but it did make me feel really unattractive, which is stupid because no guy I've been interested in has ever made any comment that wasn't positive. Some women would tease me about having a small bum but the kind of people who like making others feel bad will always exist in some form or another. Is not having a curvy, big shelf of a butt really worth getting upset over (or not having big boobs, a thigh gap, a small nose, whatever)?

    Personally I think it's risky to do anything to permanently change or damage your body based on something being 'fashionable', or designed to make people consider you attractive. I think that's quite often symptomatic of a deeper issue, and unlikely to bring much satisfaction long term.

    ETA One of my friends at uni decided to get a boob job - she was adamant she wanted impants of a certain size despite the surgeon's recommendation and she wanted them under the muscle. In the process of trying to cram them in the surgeon ripped her muscle away from the chest wall, causing pain, inability to wear a proper bra, and the implants basically disfigured inside her. The op to repair it has given her bad scarring. That scared the hell out of me and has given her ongoing problems much worse than her original unhappiness with her bra size.
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    The black market silicone injections are pretty destructive. There was an interesting episode on The Heart podcast about someone who suffered from it and also her motivations for getting them in the first place.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited March 2015
    I always had a "shelf butt" even when I was thin. I was self-conscious about it in my teens. As I got older I learned to appreciate it.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    edited March 2015
    Here you go... Google "Miami Cement Butt Injections" Can also try Fix a Flat (like for car tires) read and squirm....

    I know that growing up, I always felt awkward, esp when I lived in Cali, because it was all about being very slender, and while I was skinny, I had (still have) this ridiculously disproportionate large butt for my body, and I got teased for it all the time.

    Then I moved to Miami in my late 20's and ALL that changed. In Latin American and Caribbean cultures, not only is that a common body type, its a good thing. So good that women are willing to do insane things to get it. With the body shape of a small waist and large butt now hitting the media (beyond in rap videos) I can honestly say I feel like less of a freak.

    Trends come and go though...big butts are a thing, for awhile, big breasts were a thing, for awhile, being super thin was a thing, a movement towards being more curvy is a thing lately... There will always be a thing, and every woman will never be able to live up to the "in" thing. what you have.

    And if someone offers to inject you with cement, scream stranger danger and run!!!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    There is a difference between a big fat butt and a nice round booty. I've always been a butt guy...but I would seriously take a flat butt over a fake butt any day. But I've always liked a nice bubble but that you can bounce a quarter off of.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    I was laughing at this story until someone turned up dead on a table in the abandoned clinic. Not so funny.

    Nope. Still funny. I'm laughin ' over here.

  • madisonamanda
    madisonamanda Posts: 78 Member
    I also think there's a difference between a "big butt" and a "built butt". Big toned perky bootys are not a dime a dozen....
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    Get those squats done ladies!!!
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Nothing wrong with using Superglue. As I recall, sticking skin together after surgery is it's original purpose and only later did they start using it to stick coffee cups back together.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I also think there's a difference between a "big butt" and a "built butt". Big toned perky bootys are not a dime a dozen....


    My butt is the bane of my existence. In the scheme of things it's not big, but I defiitely don't have a "boyish" body. One of the benefits is that when you have hips you really look good when you dance. :o

    I've seen a lot of ads for Brazilian butt lifts. Not sure what it is, but it seems to me, a few months in the gym would be a healthier approach.
  • jenniferinfl
    jenniferinfl Posts: 456 Member
    edited March 2015
    I've always been gifted in the butt department. At least, that's what I used to hear when I was thinner.. lol Haven't had the whole catcall from a stranger thing in awhile.. But, I used to hear about it..

    HOWEVER, my Dad thinks a larger behind means you are lazy and sit all the time. Growing up, I always heard that I had a bigger butt because I was lazy. I was at the same activity level as my siblings. My Dad still thinks I'm lazy. I feel like I've spent my life trying to prove to him that I'm not. After all, genetics has nothing to do with it, only lazy people have a big butt. *sigh*

    My mom carries all her weight higher up, she has no butt. Which is good, because at least my dad doesn't call her lazy all the time.

    It bothered me for a long time that I couldn't do anything to impress my dad. When I worked as a stocker at Walmart, I wore a pedometer for awhile so I could tell him "hey dad, I walked 18 miles at work today" to which he'd respond, "well, then that thing's broken."

    So, butt as an 'asset' out an about in my early 20's.. lol But, has been a long term detriment in my relationship with my Dad. I don't think I'll ever convince him that I'm not lazy. I've worked two jobs while going to school full time. I went to school full time with a newborn baby and a part time job. But, I think I've mostly made peace with my butt being the reason my Dad thinks I'm lazy despite anything else I do.. lol
    Weird right?