Is Fitbit worth the money?

Or any other tracker for that matter.

I'm aware this will have been asked a 100 times before but I don't feel like wading through all the previous posts.

My sister has one which has peaked my interests but the price puts me off, yet I realise it may have the ability to motivate me.


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    For me it was, I love my Fitbit and it makes dieting so much easier. The only exercise I do is walking, so it just syncs my exercise calories automatically with MFP and I know how much to eat. I've got the One which has always been said to be very accurate in tests comparing it to other Fitbits, other trackers and phone apps, so I take the calories burnt pretty much at face value and I love knowing how much I've burnt in the day.

    I think a lot of whether it's worth it or not depends on your finances, though. If I wanted, say, a dress for £20, I would buy it and not think twice, whereas I have friends that could fall in love with a dress and think about it every day but who would balk at the idea of spending £20 on something non-essential.
  • pologirl1
    pologirl1 Posts: 62 Member
    I was able to get one free from work. I am not sure I would have ever spent that much money on one, but I love it. It is not completely accurate but a good guess and it definitely motivates me to move like nothing else ever has. If something ever happened to the one I have I would buy another.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    For some people, yes, for others, no. I love mine. It lets me see how active I am at work and if I need to do any additional walking to reach my goal. As well, now that I follow TDEE, I can calculate what I burn throughout the month to set my calorie goals.
  • thelazydandelion
    thelazydandelion Posts: 58 Member
    I am really tempted because it's annoying using apps through my phone and of course that eats up battery. I really need something to get me moving.
  • kaitlinrt
    kaitlinrt Posts: 28 Member
    edited March 2015
    I have the Charge HR fitbit and I love it. It definitely isn't for everyone. Basically, you get out what you're willing to put into it. For me, it opened my eyes to how few steps I would take on days off from work and how little I was taking the stairs. It has encouraged me to be more active but not everyone responds that way. It's just an electronic device, it can't MAKE you go out and move. I've only had the device three weeks but just yesterday I had my highest number of steps in one day (15,000 at work).

    I also don't have auto sync turned on so it conserves battery on both my phone and fitbit. I really like that I can see how much more I burn on work days (physically active job) and therefore can eat a few extra calories on work days. I was previously keeping my calories exactly the same on work and nonworking days, and would come home absolutely starving after a twelve hour shift. I do take the fitbit estimate calorie burn with a grain of salt and guesstimate that it is 10-15% too high.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    edited March 2015
    It was very much worth it to me. I had no idea just how sedentary I was until I got one (I have the Flex since I spend 6 hours a week in the pool). My first goal was 2000 steps and I didn't always reach that. I now regularly get in the 15-20,000 range. Having a reason to move more and having an idea just how much more I was moving was one of the most motivating things.

    If you really are unsure, why not buy a $10 pedometer first? No bells and whistles, just a step counter. It will give you an idea as to how much you move. If you find yourself checking it regularly and wanting more info, then you know you are ready to upgrade to a fancier tracker.
  • mjohnson1twenty
    mjohnson1twenty Posts: 932 Member
    i love my fitbit one. it's become an extension of me. i do a base of 15k steps daily (unless i do other exercise or i'm sick). i also liked their customer service. they are very helpful when a problem arises... i would definitely purchase another fitbit one when my current unit fails to work anymore. hope this helps with your decision. good luck with your purchase...
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    I wanted one with a heart rate monitor (charge hr) but they were sold out so I went with polar ft4. It depends on your needs but I know I needed more than just a step tracker. Get the charge hr if you do decide on one.
  • ryanp_942
    ryanp_942 Posts: 44 Member
    My iPhone tracks my steps through the day so I've no real need to get one.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    For me, it was, because it lets me make some attempt at quantifying all the walking I do as part of daily life, like walking around to my various subordinate's offices or walking my dog. That stuff qualifies as physical activity, but it's not something I can quantify within the scope of a workout.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    I've only had mine since January but wish I had gotten it sooner. Mine did end up being a gift for the time I stayed with my sister in the hospital but considering how many pedometers I've tried over the years, I've spent more than this and dumped them. I have the one so can check it even when I'm not by the computer. I'm am definitely walking more and I like that it synchs. I wanted this one cause it shows floors climbed but that turned out not so important so you could get the zip which is only 60. I'm very glad I got one that hooks on my pocket rather than my wrist so I don't have to think about whether I'm moving my arms or not.
  • AlciaMode
    AlciaMode Posts: 421 Member
    Yes. Fitbit is worth it
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    For me yes

    But I don't think the HR ones are

    I'd just get a Fitbit Zip tbh .. I downgraded to one and it suits me perfectly - I like a read-out and I don't need to track sleep and I have an HRM for my steady-state cardio
  • clemsontiger78
    clemsontiger78 Posts: 19 Member
    I have had one for three years. I am actually sadly dependent upon it. I get sad when the battery dies and I don't get credit for my steps. It keeps me honest about my activity and I force myself to get the steps in each day!
  • TannerBoyl
    TannerBoyl Posts: 55 Member
    I have the FitBit Charge HR.

    For me, the FitBit is more than just the sum of its parts. It awakens the competitive side in me that drives me to complete my goals for the day. It provides a community in which I can measure myself against my peers (or friends). It affords me the opportunity to understand how much I am actually burning through the day and compensate my calories accordingly. I guess it is worth the data that you can derive from it.

    In a short answer: yes, I believe that it is worth the money. As long as you use it, it is worthwhile.
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    I just got a free Zip from work and I love it! It definitely motivates me to be more active and walk a whole lot more.
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    I credit my fitbit with every single pound I've lost (just under 24 pounds as of this morning). It keeps me moving, it has told me that I am _not_ sedentary, and I can eat more than I think I can, which has helped with not feeling deprived.
  • kpkitten
    kpkitten Posts: 164 Member
    I have Flex and it's definitely worth it. It made me realise that:
    - on days when I work I need to eat MORE (but not binges!)
    - on days when I don't work I can be so sedentary that I really shouldn't have been eating as much as I was
    - doing 10,000 steps a day is pretty manageable and helps me get "more calories" so that I can still eat a decent amount on a 750 calorie deficit.

    The battery life is at least 7 days, I get lots of reports, and once I figured out how to, I added family as friends so I can compare our stats! The only drawback I've seen other people mention (apart from accuracy, which is certainly not bad as these things go) is that it doesn't record non-step movement, but if you're like me, you'll record that here separately at the moment anyway.

    It's really great for me to be able to see how active I am, when I manage to be active without really noticing it, and vary my calories daily according to how active I've *actually* been, not just my appetite or an "average" that doesn't take into account the huge difference between my most and least active days.
  • abk1968
    abk1968 Posts: 47 Member
    I could not justify the price tag but want to up my step count have ordered a digicare dri which appears to be a chinese clone of sorts for £35 will report back when it arrives