Suggestions for exercising when no time?

Hi all, I am looking for some advice and suggestions on trying to fit in exercise. I work 40 hrs a week and am a single mom with a child that does extra curricular activites, have a home to take care of and a garden now... I get up at 4:30 a few days a week to go to gym or do a class, but I am not getting enough exercise to lose weight>?

Any ideas are appreciated!


  • tycamsdad
    tycamsdad Posts: 126 Member
    When you child is in extra-curricular activities, take that time to go for a walk or run.

    Make an appointment in your phone, little black book, etc. to exercise for 30 minutes each day.

    Find an exercise friend that will keep you on task and motivate you to get out there when you don't feel like it.

    You can take your child to the park or a long walk or bike ride.
  • GnomeLove
    GnomeLove Posts: 379
    What about when your kid goes to bed? Do you have a treadmill or something? If not, you can sometimes get home exercise equipment cheap on craigslist.
  • wendygjc
    wendygjc Posts: 45 Member
  • fitbum19
    fitbum19 Posts: 198 Member
    Beachbody (makers of P90X) just released a new program called Focus T25 that i wanna check out. 25 minutes per day is all you need!!
  • I have committed to doing jumping jacks, pushups and situps every day. It is quick, easy to do at home and hardly takes any time. The jumping jacks (or jumping in place like you are jumping rope) can really get your heart rate up. If you do that in intervals you can get a good workout in. I sometimes squeeze them in before bed or right after I wake up. I also sometimes do them in the kitchen while I wait for the food to cook.

    Good luck!
  • Kr1ptonite
    Kr1ptonite Posts: 789 Member
    Whats your diet like?. Are you eating right in order to loose weight as well. You could invest in a treadmill for home. And do that in the early morning the time saved from having to travel to gym might help with your time shortage.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Weight loss is about diet, not exercise. Make sure that's in check.

    But to your question...
    My suggestion: make time.
  • LunaMischief
    LunaMischief Posts: 166 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred program is only 30 mins a day. I do it in the morning before getting ready for work.
  • wendygjc
    wendygjc Posts: 45 Member
    Thank You, I do have a treadmill and I guess I never thought I could do that instead of the gym some days..
  • happy2mamma
    happy2mamma Posts: 14 Member
    i found these great 10 minute exercise videos on demand that i can sneak in & if i have time, i can do more than 1, if my time is short, I don't feel bad for 'cutting' it short, because i was able to complete it :)
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    to lose weight you need to eat in a defecit....change your diet and watch the pounds fall off. you don't need to exercise necessarily. Go for a walk with child if needed
  • wendygjc
    wendygjc Posts: 45 Member
    How intense is this? I am a little new to exercising, wonder if I can do it?
  • sammiesmama73
    sammiesmama73 Posts: 14 Member
    if you wake up that early to go to the gym, save time and do a workout dvd at home then take a walk/run around the neighborhood. The time it takes you to get ready and drive to the gym could be time spent exercising at home. I also do laps around the store or parking lot when I go shopping.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Weight loss is at least 80% diet ....but exercise helps. Exercise is about how your body will look (and feel) after the extra weight is gone.

    Can you walk during your lunch hour? Nothing too strenuous (or sweaty) ... I keep baby wipes & deodorant in my desk. It's a nice break to get out & listen to my MP3 player (or audio book).

    When I can't walk outdoors .... I keep a "walking" DVD in my desk drawer. Walk at Home is the brand .... here's a clip:

    You can do these with the sound muted .... so they work after the kids have gone to bed .... or while watching the evening news ... no choreography to follow..... I set up a laptop by the TV and just "follow along" while the TV is on.
  • mbelle97
    mbelle97 Posts: 37 Member
    As soon as the kids are in bed, I clean up from dinner and clean the living room (my workout room).
    I try to maximize my time. I usually do some type of HIIT video for roughly 20-30 minutes. The goal is to burn as many calories and work a variety of muscles in the shortest period of time. If I have extra time on a weekend I will do a longer workout or take a good brisk walk with the kids.
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    I feel your pain. And honestly finding the energy is really difficult for me too.

    I like some of the suggestions here. I'm going to committ to doing the jump rope, sit ups and squats daily until my trip next week.

    The 30 minute work out videos are good too, but honestly I like the idea of just doing impromptu workouts.

    Do try to eat the best you can though, seriously don't eat the white carbs, you'll feel better within a week (less puffy)
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Weight loss is about diet, not exercise. Make sure that's in check.

    But to your question...
    My suggestion: make time.

  • ValMartin79
    ValMartin79 Posts: 65 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred program is only 30 mins a day. I do it in the morning before getting ready for work.

    ^^This. It take about 20 minutes a day. Cardio, weight, abs all combined.
  • rumplesnat
    rumplesnat Posts: 372
    if you wake up that early to go to the gym, save time and do a workout dvd at home then take a walk/run around the neighborhood. The time it takes you to get ready and drive to the gym could be time spent exercising at home. I also do laps around the store or parking lot when I go shopping.


    Also, make it a priority, just like doing household chores and things you are required to do every day. Don't make it an option or something that will be the first thing to get cut from your daily schedule if on a time constraint. You're worth it!
  • Andrea681
    Andrea681 Posts: 178 Member
    Take your kid with you. My mom was a single parent of three kids and every day after school/work she would have us grab our roller blades or our bikes and we would go blading or bike riding while my mom ran. We have a 6 mile waterfront stretch in our town and she always made it work for her. You can make this work.. just be creative. Maybe some workout dvds would be easier for you too. Your kids can do them with you, or you can set them up with a movie or a book while you do your DVD. Be creative.