Suggestions for exercising when no time?



  • tryshaantonelli
    tryshaantonelli Posts: 41 Member
    Dance in your chair at the office. I do chair zumba!
  • noKTdidnt
    noKTdidnt Posts: 61 Member
    Look for the JNL exercise on - She has a couple of exercises MADE for busy moms. And seeing her before and afters are really inspiring! Some of my mom friends wake up early to get in their exercise. Some wait until the kids are in bed. Find what works for you! Try it out for about 2-3 weeks before deciding if it works.

    Good luck!
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 567 Member
    I'm a working mom in a similar postition... work full time and my husband travels for a living so I am often on my own with the kids (2 girls 3 and 6) so my evenings are usually filled with getting dinner put together, baths, etc. not to mention trying to find time to do the laundry, clean the house, etc.

    It's been suggested a few times here, but Jillian Michael's videos are very good for time starved moms like us. Because they are only half an hour it is not impossible to fit them in your schedule in the morning before your day begins... of course, that means having to get up early, but it sounds like that is something you are willing to do.

    Also, as a way to really burn calories in a short window of time, I took up running. It was hard and horrible when I started but I took it VERY slow at first but stuck with it. Now I have come to really LOVE running and have completed quite a few races (including 5 half marathons) in the past year and a half.

    Take a look at my profile and add me as a friend if you think we are a good match. I am here every day and am happy to be a source of motivation and support... I would not be where I am now without my MFP mom friends!
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    What extracurricular activities do your kids do? For example, can you run laps in the park while they are playing soccer? Can you help coach and run around with the kids a bit? I've heard of people keeping running shoes in the car so they could get in a mile if an extra 10 minutes pops up in their day. You can throw in a jump rope. If you're waiting to pick the kids up at school, pop out and jump rope for that 5 minutes.

    Can you throw on some ankle weights or wrist weights while you do house chores and incorporate some extra leg or arm lifting?

    Can you park farther away at the office and take the stairs? Can you walk on your lunch break? Take a 15 and jump rope or walk up and down the stairs.

    You might have to get over looking silly, but whatever, no one should be that serious anyways.

    Is there anything in your life that you are doing that you could do less of? Less hours at work? Less hours taking care of the house or gardening? Sometimes you don't need what you think you need, you don't need to "do it all," but you do need to take care of yourself.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    At work my friends and I hula hoop during our breaks, we get in 30 to 40 minutes of hooping a day.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    most people who say they have no time watch some tv. if you watch any tv at all drop those programs and exercise instead.
  • TinaBean007
    TinaBean007 Posts: 273 Member
    Jump rope! (There are awesome programs online/youtube and they will kick your butt)
  • frankyk89
    frankyk89 Posts: 173 Member
    i am also a single mom of two who are in almost every sport and i also work 40 hours a week. I am not one to get up early! so after work i will do either HIIT or tabata training, seriously they take 20 to 30 minutes. Just Google them and you can find plenty of workouts to do at home. I run two days a week, I do C25K but i only do weeks 1 and 2 just because i like the interval running and i have no desire to run 3 miles staight. I try and run Sunday mornings and one day during the week. This week I ran on Wednesday and didn't start until after 9 pm because of my daughters softball game. i also lift weights at home 2/3 days a week (Stronglifts 5x5 - app on my phone) this doesn't take long either. I also walk at work 2 or 3 times per day; at break and lunch. Basically what it boils down to is how bad you want it... if you want it bad enough you WILL find time. Good luck, you can do it!! :smile:
  • You make time. If it's important, you will make the time.

    I try and do walks on my lunch break though.

    Also, depending on what you do for work - I work at a telephone company and when I receive the shipments I carry the boxes to the warehouse instead of letting the techs do it - gives me some extra calories burned and muscle building!

    I also dance when I clean the house. Anything to get the heart rate up!
  • JenK71379
    JenK71379 Posts: 8 Member
    Park further away from the Mall entrance, grocery store and or work, take the steps instead of the elevator or escalator, make more trips up and down the steps at home. Walk on your lunch break.
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    I don't remember if I read this in a book, or heard it in a podcast recently. It's not mine, and I don't know who originally said it.

    Think of time like you do money. How often do you find money laying around? It happens, but it's rare. If you want to pay your bills and to be able to buy what you want, you have to go out and make money.

    You won't find time laying around anywhere. If you want something, you have to make time for it. This is nowhere more true than when dealing with learning about nutrition, and exercising. If you really want it, you just have to figure out ways to make time in your schedule, even if it's something like waking up a half hour earlier, or going to bed a half hour later.
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    I agree on getting up early to do workouts at home.....I have finally dragged my own butt out of bed to start doing it and so far am loving it! Before that, and I still do on occasion, I would do my own strength-training exercising while I watch my shows and the kids are in bed. (bicep curls, tricep dips, planks, sit ups, squats, lunges, etc) I have even done jumping jacks while waiting for the water to heat up to do dishes and calf raises at the copy mahcine at work! You gotta squeeze it in whenever you can!

    I started with just counting calories through MFP, really trying to watch what I was eating, and walking during my breaks at work. I lost some weight and realized I want to be tone & fit and look hot naked, so started the strength training, which I always knew was beneficial, but was great talking myself out of any exercise when the kids went to bed. I still walk at work, weather permitting, and now am getting that extra workout in the morning. Bikini here I come!

    As for the extracurricular activties, I agree on getting yourself some walking or running in. Say for instance, you have a son at baseball practice- you can still be a supportive mom and walk around the baseball grounds. Or my aunt who had 2 daughters in cheer and she would do all their warm up exercises and training off to the side WITH them! And she still is constantly doing random leg lifts or sit-ups while we are all sitting around talking or watching a TV. (she is now a single mom herself and works a lot, along with a daugther who does basketball & softball. I don't know all what she does, but she is looking H-O-T for 52 ys old!

    You don't have to start drastically, just small steps. You may find more time & energy as you go along. Good luck!
  • maryrosenavoa
    maryrosenavoa Posts: 53 Member
    I have committed to doing jumping jacks, pushups and situps every day. It is quick, easy to do at home and hardly takes any time. The jumping jacks (or jumping in place like you are jumping rope) can really get your heart rate up. If you do that in intervals you can get a good workout in. I sometimes squeeze them in before bed or right after I wake up. I also sometimes do them in the kitchen while I wait for the food to cook.

    Good luck!

    I like skipping too.. I jump for 20 minutes everyday and I'm on 30 day squat challenge.. Can I add you? It's not usual to find someone here who prefer skipping.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Don't know if you have a Wii, but it's something I do when I don't have time to get out for a run or bike ride, I use the Wii Fit game to do yoga and strength training, and my kids love to play it too, there's lots of family friendly games on it. And Wii Sports can be good too, especially the boxing game.
  • stephie10
    stephie10 Posts: 24
    The Office or Cubicle Workout Routine

    Warm up: 2 Minutes jogging/marching in place, or walk briefly around the building

    15 Glute Squeezes – Sitting straight in your chair with your feet flat on the floor, contract your glutes and hold for 2-3 seconds so that you raise up a bit in your chair before relaxing muscles.

    15 Arm Circles in each direction – Extend arms and make small clockwise circles with your fingertips. Switch directions to repeat circles counterclockwise.

    15 Abdominal Contractions – Sit in your chair with a straight back and pull your belly button in towards your spine. Hold for 5 seconds for each repetition.

    15 Seated Tricep Dips – Scoot to the edge of your chair and support your bodyweight with your fingers hanging over the edge of the seat. Lower your body weight, keeping elbows tucked into sides. Make sure to choose a chair without wheels for this office exercise!

    15 Squats – This is an easy way to bump up your calorie burn and tone glutes and thighs in an office workout when you are limited on space.

    15 Wall Push Ups – To tone your chest with an office exercise routine, do push ups against the wall (you can do regular push ups if you’re not in a dress and/or have enough space).

    15 Toe Raises – A great move for cubicle routines, these allow you to tone the calves without breaking a sweat and with minimal room.

    15 Dumbbell or Resistance Band Curls – Keep dumbbells or exercise bands handy at your desk and you will open up a wealth of different office exercises and toning moves that require very little space. See Fitness Blender’s exercise library for more upper body toning ideas.

    Do this office workout once or twice through, or just throw in the exercises sporadically throughout the day as time allows. Taking short breaks for physical activity can actually increase your mental focus, creativity, and productivity, so time exercising in the workplace is not wasted time.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I have some exercise DVDs which break down into 10-20 min sections - I do one 20-min section before breakfast, and maybe 2 or 3 in the evening. Or how about something like Wii Zumba, or Just dance - your kids can join in too. I walk to and from work (15 mins each way) and go for a walk at luchtime (20-30 mins). And definitely exercise while your kid is in extra-curricular - if you're not allowed to leave the venue find some stairs to go up and down, or walk the perimeter of the building. And if its not too far could you walk to some of the activities?

    But as others have said if your diet is not right you won't lose weight - exercise just gives you some help. Make sure you're logging everything, and invest in a scale to check portion sizes - its so easy to put a little bit extra pasta or cereal in the dish!

    We all have the same number of hours in the day - its what we do with them that makes the difference!
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    My karate instructor includes HIITs in his class routine, even for the kids. They last about 15 to 20 minutes and most often involve your body weight. They are easy to do early in the morning or at a lunch break or sneaking it in early evenings. Some of his sources are:

    (Don't let the 'sexy' angle throw you. Her workouts are tough and she always suggests modifications.)

    Another source:

    This one - a bit different - sometimes hard to take but still have some great work outs.

    You can also look for "Tabata" - very similar to HIIT (high intense interval training)

    What's nice about doing this off Youtube is they are free, sometimes you can do it with the instructor, and no one is there to judge you if you don't make it perfect or have to stop because you are gasping for air. It can be your pace, but remember - what you put in, is what you are going to get back. Pushing a bit harder is always a good thing when injury free. I like to write down what I was able to accomplish and then when I do that work out again I can look to see if I've improved. Good luck!
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Find ways to incorporate exercise into your daily activities - I lost 45lbs, or thereabouts, simply by walking or cycling at least one way on my daily commute. Doing so added only 15-20 minutes to that necessary activity, which was time I could just about spare. Don't forget that adequate sleep is an important part of weightloss too, and take a look at your diet, as others have suggested.
  • MomKG
    MomKG Posts: 6 Member
    I too am a single mom, work full time and play taxi-mom, so I understand, exactly what you are saying. I don't have the time or childcare to get to a gym - but I DO work out daily... even if only for 30 minutes.

    I've been on a weight loss journey since January and have lost 37 lbs. I exercise 30 minutes every morning on a home machine - I get up early to fit it in - that way, regardless how the rest of the day goes, I know I have that 30 minutes.

    I have also started running - I try and run at least 3 days a week - this doesn't always work, but I try. Sometimes my son runs with me (he ran in a youth race a few weeks ago, for the first time) - sometimes he will bike while I run and sometimes, I go to a local track, or park where I can run (in circles) and keep an eye on him while he plays on the playground equipment, or plays on his iPod.

    And I bought a set of dumbbells for home, and I have been trying out strength exercises with those about 3 days a week - also there are a number of body weight circuit routines online that you can complete in 30 minutes. I've also been known to do push-ups on my way to the printer at work.

    I bought a Zumba "game" for my Wii, and can usually fit in a 40 minute routine while my son does homework or watches TV in the evening and I have Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD. I usually do one of these the nights I can't run, because my son has activities and I fit them in, after he goes to bed.

    I also try to do longer sessions on the weekends.

    It is definitely a challenge, but you can do it. It takes planning and a commitment to yourself!
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi all, I am looking for some advice and suggestions on trying to fit in exercise. I work 40 hrs a week and am a single mom with a child that does extra curricular activites, have a home to take care of and a garden now... I get up at 4:30 a few days a week to go to gym or do a class, but I am not getting enough exercise to lose weight>?

    Any ideas are appreciated!

    Adjust the diet??
    Find a good 30 day challenge you might be interested in. ( I started the 30 day Ab exercise and the 30 day Squat exercise this month.) I found I can do the exercises during my break or lunch at work.

    The extracurriculurs take up a lot of time, but like some have suggested, you can walk or run during their practice time.