Your cheat meal this week



  • lesliereloaded
    lesliereloaded Posts: 29 Member
    Granola... It has about 300 calories for 3/4 a cup. So I consider it a cheat meal.
  • tretoptreece
    tretoptreece Posts: 425 Member
    AmberSue09 wrote: »
    I have only been on this program for 3 days so not thinking that far ahead yet

    So you have been doing mfp for 3 whole days but, messaged me to tell me what I am doing wrong by having a cheat day? Ridiculous! I didn't ask for advice nor am I having any problems losing weight.

    Did I miss something because I didn't see where she was pointing out your wrong doings.

  • YokiLenko
    YokiLenko Posts: 89 Member
    My cheat meal this week was beef curry over white rice. Totally worth it.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    dubird wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    39 days here ... 0 cheat days.

    I don't understand why would a person want to "cheat" on their diets? I'm here to lose weight and get it done as quickly and efficiently as possible. But maybe others have different goals.

    That's because to me, and probably a lot of people here, this isn't a diet. We're trying to change how we eat for the rest of our lives. And being on a diet for the rest of my life is super depressing to me. So I've had to learn portion control and how to fit things I like into what my daily calorie limit should be. That's why the 'cheat' days from time to time. Sometimes, we all just have off days. *shrugs*

    For me, yesterday, I was feeling rather crappy, so I went to Quizno's and got the honey mustard chicken sandwich. That ended up being almost 2/3 my daily calories with a bag of chips, but I didn't care at that point. ^_^;;

    You might want to look up the definition of "diet". Everything you eat is your diet and you will be eating a diet for the rest of your life.

    Maybe you meant weight loss "diet" although a better term might be calorie restricted diet which you should eat the rest of your life.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    No matter how hard I might try, I just can't seem to cheat successfully. My body ends up finding out about it and reacts accordingly.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Beer Fest tomorrow, unlimited beer testers from 50 different craft brewery's... My cheat meal.
  • mjhellmers
    mjhellmers Posts: 53 Member
    Crawfish boil tomorrow with a beer or two. Trick is to not go TOO crazy...
  • LovelyIvy466
    LovelyIvy466 Posts: 387 Member
    I try to eat clean as a rule (within reason- I can't always cook all of my meals from scratch, but I try to find brands that I trust with organic ingredients if I buy pre-prepared items). To me, a cheat meal is a cheat because it contains fast food or highly processed ingredients, not because of the calorie count.

    My cheat meal this week was a piece of fried chicken breast from Popeye's and half of a biscuit (I did take off the skin, but still- so much salty, fatty, tender fast food deliciousness does no one any good). I had it with a piece of corn, no butter (so at least that wasn't a cheat). in hindsight, I wish I'd kept the skin lol. It seems like a waste of a cheat!
  • Hurleyjer
    Hurleyjer Posts: 12 Member

    dubird wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    39 days here ... 0 cheat days.

    I don't understand why would a person want to "cheat" on their diets? I'm here to lose weight and get it done as quickly and efficiently as possible. But maybe others have different goals.

    That's because to me, and probably a lot of people here, this isn't a diet. We're trying to change how we eat for the rest of our lives. And being on a diet for the rest of my life is super depressing to me. So I've had to learn portion control and how to fit things I like into what my daily calorie limit should be. That's why the 'cheat' days from time to time. Sometimes, we all just have off days. *shrugs*

    For me, yesterday, I was feeling rather crappy, so I went to Quizno's and got the honey mustard chicken sandwich. That ended up being almost 2/3 my daily calories with a bag of chips, but I didn't care at that point. ^_^;;

    You might want to look up the definition of "diet". Everything you eat is your diet and you will be eating a diet for the rest of your life.

    Maybe you meant weight loss "diet" although a better term might be calorie restricted diet which you should eat the rest of your life.


    1.the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.
    "a vegetarian diet"

    2.a special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight or for medical reasons.
    "I'm going on a diet"

    Actually, as you can see, "diet" can have multiple meanings. The word is not restricted to definition 1 above as you incorrectly state, and I believe definition 2 is how it was originally used. Thanks for the suggestion of looking up the definition though, I think it helped clear things up...
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    AmberSue09 wrote: »
    I have only been on this program for 3 days so not thinking that far ahead yet

    So you have been doing mfp for 3 whole days but, messaged me to tell me what I am doing wrong by having a cheat day? Ridiculous! I didn't ask for advice nor am I having any problems losing weight.

    Did I miss something because I didn't see where she was pointing out your wrong doings.

    She personally messaged me to tell me that a cheat day would ruin my progress. I did not ask for advice nor do I need it. I was calling her out because that ridiculousness ticks me off.

  • mandykent111
    mandykent111 Posts: 81 Member
    I had pizza and I loved every minute of it! :)
  • natboosh69
    natboosh69 Posts: 277 Member
    I went out for dinner on Tuesday and had garlic mushrooms, pizza and fries and chocolate brownie with ice cream. It was glorious and only 100 cals over my weekly average :)
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    Eh, today can't be a cheat day because I crashed and burned so bad yesterday. I am in maintenance, supposed to be working towards recomp. Yesterday was unusually busy: cardio, lifting, and three hours running around like a chicken with my head cut off shopping. My total for the day ended up being 1280/1850. I knew I should eat something, but I just have no appetite once it gets past a certain hour. It was already nearly 11pm when I got home and I just wanted to get all the shopping put away, shower and sleep.

    That said, I am at 735 right now. Plan to go home, make a pizza Margarita, crack open a beer or make a gin and zero cal sparkling lemonade (crappy Tom Collins reject thing, but I like it), eat some Baked Lays and dark chocolate. Probably will end the day around 2000 cals. But that's just above maintenance and I am already in the hole for the week. I never thought I'd have this problem, but I just can't eat as much as I used to even if I try. I was at a sushi place last weekend and I was getting full from the appetizers which were shared long before the entree came out. I just felt like I was going to explode. Back in the day, I would have destroyed it and been begging for more. I can't win here.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    edited March 2015
    dubird wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    39 days here ... 0 cheat days.

    I don't understand why would a person want to "cheat" on their diets? I'm here to lose weight and get it done as quickly and efficiently as possible. But maybe others have different goals.

    That's because to me, and probably a lot of people here, this isn't a diet. We're trying to change how we eat for the rest of our lives. And being on a diet for the rest of my life is super depressing to me. So I've had to learn portion control and how to fit things I like into what my daily calorie limit should be. That's why the 'cheat' days from time to time. Sometimes, we all just have off days. *shrugs*

    For me, yesterday, I was feeling rather crappy, so I went to Quizno's and got the honey mustard chicken sandwich. That ended up being almost 2/3 my daily calories with a bag of chips, but I didn't care at that point. ^_^;;

    Like I said ... different goals.

    My goal is a lifestyle choice.

    I used to be really active (ultra-distance cyclist) and could eat whatever I wanted. I struggled to keep weight on and was often in the underweight BMI category. Then my activity level dropped to about 2/3 of what it was because of a change in my life situation, I adjusted what I ate, but not quite enough and put some weight on. There was a bit of up and down there, trying to get it right. Then my activity level dropped to about 1/3 of what it was because of life and health issues. Again, I adjusted what I ate, but not quite enough ... and I slowly and gradually put on 15 kg over the past 4 years.

    What I'm doing now is a 2 part deal ... basically getting back into my previous (usual) lifestyle.
    1) I need to lose the 15 kg so that I can be more active. Trying to haul an extra 15 kg up hills and over long distances at a reasonable speed is difficult. So I'm here to tweak my intake and refresh my memory on calories and portions.
    2) I need to become more active, build up those cycling distances, taking on more challenging hikes, etc. ... getting back into what I love.

    And what does this have to do with cheat days or meals? Part of the fun of putting in several hours of cycling is being able to eat a pizza and not worry about it. :D No cheating involved. :D

  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    theston412 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    Country fried steak and mashed potatoes.

    Oh man, I can totally get behind some country fried steak and mashed potatoes.

    Tonight, I'm going to pizza hut for a friend's birthday party, and I plan on having a chicken alfredo. Maybe a breadstick or two.

    It was glorious! There was gravy everywhere and no potato survived the onslaught.

  • haibu
    haibu Posts: 67 Member
    5 rye and cokes
  • squishboned
    squishboned Posts: 3 Member
    For my cheat days, I usually just try to keep my calories at or under maintenance (which is 2150-2350 depending on how active i am throughout the day). Today is my cheat day, and rounds out to be around 2050, so if for some reason I'm still hungry, I have some extra leeway.

    I'm not eating breakfast because I'm not really that hungry yet, but around noon or so, I'm planning on having a steak and egg breakfast sandwich (with a slice of my favorite pepperjack on top) with sides of cottage cheese, scrambled eggs and chocolate soy milk. Then for dinner it's pasta alfredo with 4 oz of chicken breast and a cookie. Snacks today are gonna be baked lays (they taste better to me than normal chips) and a bottle of Naked Juice's Green Machine.

    To be fair, none of this is stuff that I wouldn't let myself eat if it weren't a cheat day, but I wouldn't be able to fit all of it on the same day lol.
  • kimw91
    kimw91 Posts: 355 Member
    cityruss wrote: »
    What do you consider about that to be a "cheat"?
    I suppose just the fact that it is a BLT haha, which tends to not be the healthiest of options because of the bacon and mayo. I eat pretty strictly otherwise, so yeah, I consider it a small cheat I suppose you could say. Different for everyone.
  • vfit10
    vfit10 Posts: 228 Member
    More like cheat day for me .. Lol pizza and sour patch kids
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 647 Member
    I ran a 1/2 marathon today. Caesar salad with homemade croutons, Parmesan and a Tenderloin steak.

    It isn't really a cheat meal if my activities on the weekends allow me to eat sumptuous meals and still lose weight. I have kept off 50 pounds for 8 years.