I can't get enough fat!!



  • canoepug56
    canoepug56 Posts: 161 Member
    Brazil nuts
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    get the 4% full fat greek yogurt for your yogurt. Chobani and Fage both make one. It comes in a large tub and not a single serve, but if you get plain I use it in place of sour cream and mayo in lots of stuff.

    I also like to halve an avocado and bake an egg where the pit was. Then I hit it with some hot sauce like sriracha. That is a decent amount of fat and a super filling breakfast.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Breakfast: oatmeal w 1tbsp sunflower seed butter & half a cup of apple cubes.
    Snack: 100g Greek yogurt & banana
    Lunch: 1/3 cup of chicken breast, 2 cups mixed salad (romaine, carrot, celery, cucumber, broccoli) with 1 tbsp California style dressing. 1/2 cup cooked beets, 1/2 cup green/yellow beans.

    Ideas: pick which one(s) you like, if any.

    Replace the oatmeal with eggs.

    Replace the banana with some sort of nut or nut-like substance. Also make sure you're using full-fat Greek yogurt. Or at least up it to 2% fat, if you're currently using 0%.

    I don't know what California style dressing is. If it doesn't have fat in it, use one that does. And/or throw some nuts (nuts are easy - that's why they're recommended so much) to it.

    Fewer veggies at lunch - a salad, plus two servings of veggies, with that little protein? Get rid of one (or two) of your veggie offerings and add in something like cottage cheese (full-fat).

    Really - it's just about logging your food, looking at what has high(er) carb totals, and replacing some of those things with foods that have a fair amount of fats in them. You've gotten some good ideas in this thread - just pick and choose what you like.
  • Thanks so much everyone!!
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    nuts/seed/nut butter, avocado, olive oil, eggs, Greek yogurt, string cheese, cottage cheese... I use evoo instead of butter, I eat nuts for snacks, put them in my salads. I put the avocado on my eggs... All good fats!!!! Good luck!
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    i have been trying really hard to hit 50g of fat a day (its a new experiment for me, starting last week). I was averaging 20g per day, or less, for about a year.

    I find myself adding fat to things to make my numbers. It does mean I had to cut back on fruit, and cut back on some of my starchy favorites, to make room for fat.

    oatmeal with a tablespoon of margarine
    strawberries and raisins (a weighed out portion)

    Stuffed grape leaves drizzeled in olive oil (a packaged item from the grocery store)
    carrot sticks, hummus to dip

    a soy protien shake (100 cal)

    2 boca chk'n patties diced on a cabbage salad
    2tblspoons FULL FAT ranch dressing

    4 oz cinnamon applesauce

    I barely hit my fat macro today. But I hit it!

  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    If all else fails- I have been using ice cream, chocolate, and nuts to get there.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    To balance, you will have to cut back on some carbs most likely to keep within your calorie limits, but it's worth it. Getting enough fat helps keep you full. You've had really good suggestions in this thread, I have nothing much to add except my experience with adding more fat to my own diet.

    I started by changing to full fat dairy. I couldn't afford the calories for the same sized portions, so had to cut my portion size, but am satisfied with a smaller amount because the fuller fat versions are much more filling. I eat yogurt and cottage cheese every day. I started looking for more places to add olive oil to my cooking. I added a small pat of butter to my cooked vegetables. Sliced almonds to my yogurt. Every night, I have a small treat that has a nice bit of fat to it. Usually gelato. Tonight I'm having a coconut macaroon. Some days I'll just eat almond butter off a spoon. I feel so much better for having done this.
  • foursirius
    foursirius Posts: 321 Member
    Peanut butter or avocados will do the trick.
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    I eat dark chocolate for my delicious fat.
  • CrabNebula wrote: »
    I eat dark chocolate for my delicious fat.

  • likehlikeo
    likehlikeo Posts: 185 Member
    Olives, Olives, Olives...did I mentioned OLIVES? :D I'm addicted to them (when filled with almonds...even better)...I easily eat an entire jar for dinner, with a spoon...they are the reason I'm usually over my fat B)
  • likehlikeo wrote: »
    Olives, Olives, Olives...did I mentioned OLIVES? :D I'm addicted to them (when filled with almonds...even better)...I easily eat an entire jar for dinner, with a spoon...they are the reason I'm usually over my fat B)

    I love olives too!!!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    likehlikeo wrote: »
    Olives, Olives, Olives...did I mentioned OLIVES? :D I'm addicted to them (when filled with almonds...even better)...I easily eat an entire jar for dinner, with a spoon...they are the reason I'm usually over my fat B)

    I love olives too!!!

    Are you in the US? They sell these little individual packs of olives (I've seen them in Target, but I'm sure other places have them) so if you're brown-bagging or on the go, you can eat olives any time. They don't require refrigeration and there is no liquid. I throw one in my lunch when I know my calories/fat for the day are running low (I pre-log my meals, so I know in advance when I'm going to run low/high for the day).
  • I'm not in the US, I'm in Canada, but I'll look out for them here. Thank you for letting me know such a thing exists!
  • KymberlyGiudici
    KymberlyGiudici Posts: 23 Member
    I have food allergies and my fats are always low. My Nutritionist has me adding a teaspoon of olive oil to just about everything I eat, and then I have avocado, and nuts, and nut butters. A lot of red meat, too, and salmon. Dont be afraid of butter (not margarine... butter!).
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I have food allergies and my fats are always low. My Nutritionist has me adding a teaspoon of olive oil to just about everything I eat, and then I have avocado, and nuts, and nut butters. A lot of red meat, too, and salmon. Dont be afraid of butter (not margarine... butter!).

    Margarine also has fat. If one is seeking to add fat to the diet, margarine will also work.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Even 90% lean ground beef gets 50% of its calories from fat - just have a burger patty with cheese and you'll get tons and tons of fat.
  • I will add more butter for sure, we don't eat margarine. It's difficult because we shop exclusively at our local farmers market so we're limited to what they have, but I'm finding lots of ways, thanks to you guys!