On losing weight AND quitting smoking



  • PibblesRun
    PibblesRun Posts: 236 Member
    I am also quitting now. I have decided to do Burpiees(spelling?) every time I get a craving. 5 for the first craving and add 2 for everyone after that. I figure if anything I can keep weight gain at bay that way.

    Good luck!

    HA that's for sure!!! those things are murderous! LOL
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I quit for a year before beginning my weight loss journey per my doctors orders.

    Invest in gum, naturally, and here's a bonus piece of advice: Cinnamon sticks will help a lot. Keep a jar at every location you are regularly at.
    I've been smoke free since January 2012.

    Edited to add that I was a pack a day smoker for 32 years.
  • leslieschoenle
    leslieschoenle Posts: 47 Member
    I do not want to brag by any means but I quit smoking, drinking pop, and started working out on the same day! One day I got on the scale and it said 179lbs. (the heaviest I have been except when I was pregnant) and I had to change! I was a pack a day smoker, at least 2 bottles of pop a day, and eating about 2,500 calories a day with little not exercise. I was always tired and couldn't stand up for a very long time without my hips hurting! I have not had a cigartette, or a sip of pop and have exercised at least 3-6 days a week! I have lost 33.5 lbs. and feel amazing!!! :) the hardest part for me was the constant headache for about a week or two from no nicotine and no caffeine (i don't drink coffee either). I am so much happier the way I am now and couldn't imagine going back. Don't get me wrong a cigarette always sounds good but the risk isn't worth it in the end!!! Good luck and add me if you want to! I would love to keep in touch!
  • NEdblT
    NEdblT Posts: 11 Member
    To TracyG,

    You are right on the Ecigs. These aren't the $8-$12 things you see at the convenience store or Walgreens. I got mine from a local Vapors store. Mine does look like a cig. I prefer this compared to the people who look like they are walking around with a "bong" on a rope around their necks. haha. That type uses a lot of vapor, even more expensive.

    But...... I have to fill it. It cost me $65 and had two batteries and a package of what they call cartomizers (look like the filters), where you load the vapor. They last quite a while and I have found cheaper places online compared to my local vapors store. My wife cannot smell it and has really helped.

    All the other ideas are great too! Whatever works, they are evil nasty things. One thing I continually remind myself and no the cravings never go away just get better.
  • leslieschoenle
    leslieschoenle Posts: 47 Member
    Not in a mean way at all but you aren't going to quit unless YOU are ready. I tried to quit multiple times and until I was ready I didn't do it. You will not gain weight because you quit smoking, you will gain weight if you eat to replace the urge for a cigarette! Celery is a great munchy with hardly no calories, and the car was the worst part for me... i did purchase an E-Cigarette and use that when the urge is WAY too much! Google them, it saved me! I have stopped using the E-Cigarette now, which is so much easier than a real cigarette. Please if you have any questions or need some motivation just message me!
  • mytime1986
    mytime1986 Posts: 117
    Please tell me there are people out there who quit smoking in the midst of weight loss? Share your story with me...did you continue to lose as much as before or did it slow down?

    Ive been putting off quitting for some time now...because of the weight gain part. But today I got scared...my chest was tight and I could barley breathe exercising...its happened before but today it was worse...so much so that I quit in the middle of exercising and said that's IT...broke my cigarettes and threw them out. I cant do it anymore. Of course now...im terrified ill gain weight! I know quitting is better for my health and I shouldn't worry about gaining...but I do worry about gaining because I want/need to lose weight! I think that's what had me fail every time I tried to quit before...the fear of gaining weight. If I didn't have that fear I don't think id have a huge problem quitting. I mean...I have the willpower to diet and bust my butt exercising so why couldn't I for smoking?

    Any tips for me on how to successfully get through quitting and not gaining/ hopefully still losing weight? Thanks!

    I had the same experience last week.. I tried to quit and got so stressed about gaining weight I picked right back up. I would love to hear any tips anyone has.
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    I found quitting actually helped my weight loss go faster because I could BREATHE when exercising! Within a week you will be able to breathe better and exercising will get easier and who doesn't want that?!

    I quit in 2011 after my son had begged me to give it up after I took him on his first caving experience with me. We had to scale a cliff face, and I got super winded! I realized this is it I can't do one of my favorite things b/c I can't breath, and I'm too fat! This was Phase 1 for me!
    It is worth it!!! Even if you do slow your weight loss a little. You will find your self supercharged, and kick it into high gear to make up for it in maybe a month or two...depends on the amount you smoked, and the years put into it.
  • baileyq217
    baileyq217 Posts: 6 Member
    I tried to quit somking before I started my weight loss. I was doing pretty good. Went from pack a day to a pack every 3 days. Then a pack a week. I even got to half a pack a week. And was only smoking when I was out drinking with friends( my downfall).

    Then with my new diet and routine, I started smoking more and more each day. Yesterday it hit me, I'm back to my regualr habit! I am going to try to make it through my work day (9hrs) without a one.

    Hopefully I can keep myself in check. No smoking and keep eatting healthy and exercising!
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    Congratulations on quitting!! Getting in the mindset is half the battle so you're halfway there!

    I quit mid-January of this year. I am happy to say that I am thrilled to be done with it! I was a pack per day smoker for 20 years, less a couple of years when I got pregnant and had my daughter. I started again when I separated from my ex-husband.

    I have always been a big defender of smokers, and enjoyed it. A lot. I even graduated from the C25k program while smoking a pack per day.....and the first thing I'd do after leaving bootcamp is light up! LOL There is NO WAY that smoking was holding me back from exercise or life for that matter....haha However, it really did control my thoughts and my day....where are we going? can I smoke there? how long is that car ride? will there be other smokers there? I can help you with that after my cig....etc. etc. I am so grateful to be rid of that ball and chain!! Plus the money I'm saving!!! And I don't smell!! And I'm not adding more chemicals to my body in an already chemically overloaded society!! These are all reasons to remind yourself that you are doing something for you and that beautiful little girl you are holding in your photos.

    Will you gain weight? That's truly up to you. I was a total WITCH when I quit! I went cold turkey and just ripped the band-aid off. Warned my family that it was going to be a very difficult few weeks and to just kind of deal with it if they could. The first few days I was a total zombie and sort of hid in a shell....the next few days I had the shortest fuse I've ever had! It wasn't until about the 2 week mark that I started feeling like a human being again! LOL Now I feel amazing and extremely grateful!!!

    Circling back to your original question....yes it's possible to lose weight and quit smoking at the same time. I know lots who've done it. I unfortunately did not. I gained about 10 lbs and it had nothing to do with quitting. I had lost a pound the first week I quit, and then my bootcamp membership expired. It was cold outside so I wasn't running. I tried doing squats and lunges everytime I went to the bathroom at work, and would bundle up and go for a walk around the block when I was about to lose my temper. haha Let's not forget that I was eating WAY over my calories each day and was eating chocolate for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I think I was substituting the nicotine rush with a sugar rush.

    So did I gain weight from quitting smoking? No. I gained weight from not exercising that often, eating way too much, and eating all of the wrong things.

    Stick with your current program and you will be successful! I put off quitting for years from the fear of gaining weight, but as others have said, it has been so much more beneficial for me than worrying about a couple of pounds!

    You can do this!! Congrats!!
  • amypomm
    amypomm Posts: 140 Member
    I quit May 21st and have lost 6 pounds since then. Im still losing at the same rate. Good luck to you, you can do it!
  • amyx593
    amyx593 Posts: 211 Member
    Keep in mind that smoking is worse for your health than some extra pounds- CONGRATULATIONS on taking the first step!

    I've never been a smoker, but today is my fiance's first day of quitting. We've been together a little over 3 years and this is probably his 5th attempt at quitting. He was successful for a few years in the past, but I understand how much of a struggle it is for you.

    Quitting smoking doesn't make you gain weight- it's when you start replacing smoking with food that the pounds start packing on. Here are some tips that have been helpful for my friends and family who have quit:

    When you get a craving, sip on some cold water or a refreshing beverage. Swish it around in your mouth and think about how fresh your breath is without the smoke. This helped my fiance's mother quit years ago.

    Chew gum to keep your mouth busy- much of smoking is the physical (holding the cigarette, keeping your mouth busy).

    Use cravings as an opportunity to move more! Go for a 10 min walk instead of having a 10min cigarette break.

    Good luck- don't worry about weight gain right now.
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    I got a E Cig and today is day 4 of being smoke free :)!

    I started wellbutrin 2-3 weeks ago to prepair for quiting, used it in the past to quit and it has helped me alot! My main concern was weight gain because every time I have quit in the past I have gained weight! but yesterday on my daily walk I realized I was able to breath! When I get the need to smoke I am able to puff on the E cig and get my "fix" I know the first week or so I might eat more but I am walking more and losing weight still :)!! For me If I want to eat/smoke I have to wait 15 mins to figure out if im really hungry or just wanting to eat b/c of another reason. Yesterday after dinner I wanted to keep eating b/c I was "hungry" instead I went for a walk and came back and was fine. In general I try to not sit with those feelings in the kitchen and hang out with food when I feel like that :)
  • kcragg
    kcragg Posts: 239 Member
    I quit smoking about 2 1/2 years ago and piled on the pounds, I think I put on so much as it coincided with middle age spread. I got serious and lost the weight, by eating healthy and clean and exercising. I was having a bad time ( at work and family problems) and started smoking again.- I know shameful!

    When I reached my goal weight I was really happy with the way I looked but I knew I had to give up smoking - how can you be fit and healthy and smoke?! it is such a contradiction. I ,like you was totally terrified of putting on weight , but I was at a better starting point this time so I quit at the beginning of March. I upped my exercised and I admit I have eaten a bit more than I should but you have got to give yourself a break!

    Anyway ,I have put on about 6 pounds, but I still fit into my clothes so it's not as bad as I feared. I know that if i get really serious and cut my calories a bit more I could lose it, but maybe a bit slower than in the past. I do feel so much better and I can now run!

    Do it, you will feel so much better. Don't leave it until you are my age! You can get yourself back on track when you have given up, don't try doing everything at once you are more likely to fail. I also don't think swapping for e cigs is the best idea IMO. just prolongs giving up totally.

    Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • MamaEpstein
    I was 70lbs overweight when my GP begged me to quit smoking instead of focusing on losing weight..so I did. I'm now 100lbs overweight lol!

    I still crave them fairly often, but am really, really enjoying not stinking up my car, bringing the smell into the house, upsetting my family (my husband never smoked and my daughter has always hated that i diid)...I love being able to climb the stairs and not feel like i'm going to pass out. I love not always looking for a *&^% lighter!

    I think it's the best thing I ever did for myself and my family.

    Now I'm focusing on using these cleaner lungs to move my *kitten* a bit more lol!

    Sounds like you had an " a ha" moment (or an omg i'm gonna die moment) either way - roll with it!
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Nicotine burns an additional 300-500 calories, depending on your body and how much you smoke. If you make up the difference by either

    1) cutting more calories than you'd planned (not recommended, because you're quitting and will probably want an oral substitute; keeping those calories in the food category will let you munch on carrots or whatever. Not being able to use stuff like that will just set you up to have a harder time at both your goals)


    2) getting as much MILD cardio in as you can (because if you do it intensely, a lot, you might get overuse issues). Doing burpees or jumping jacks when you have a craving, like someone said, is good because it kind of 'hits the spot' of a craving, and gets you more oxygen

    you can hold off gain & even lose.

    Worst case: typical weight difference from lack of nicotine is + 5 lbs, and it tends not to stay after a year. Not sure if using patch + gum could help avoid it (maybe!).

    Exercise is a really great swap for smoking, and can help you commit to this healthier lifestyle overall (like, it's good to time this together! )
  • daniellegwilliam
    daniellegwilliam Posts: 122 Member
    My husband an I both quit together 6 years ago. I took up running at the same time! I knew running was a great cardio exercise to lose weight. Thge ellipitical machine did nothing for me anymore. (Ive learned alot since those days!)

    I had tried a few times before and failed. I used the nicotine patch. For me I had to do the program strart to end. and I knew not ONE SINGLE PUFF EVER AGAIN! I could never be an occassional smoker.
    Also, luckily at thos time they banned smoking in bars, so that wasnt a trigger.

    I changed many habits. From The radio station I listened to,The route in which I walked to work. Creating new routines so I wouldnt be triggered. Instead of smoke breaks I would go grab the paper and rad it in the lobby etc...

    When I use to have those times of days/routines where I would have a smoke I replaced it with gum.

    To this day as soon as I get outside to walk to work, I pop in some gum. That was when i always had my first smoke!
    I chewed on alor of stir sticks!!

    I worked out alot, gave me something else to focus all my energy on. I personallything getting fit and quitting smoking simultaneously is a great idea.

    Good luck!
  • Shelby1582
    Shelby1582 Posts: 191 Member
    I quit smoking and started working out every day, or at least 5 days a week. I lost weight and am in better shape than I ever was as a smoker. It is possible and if you are aware that your metabolism slows down slightly when you quit you can take steps to prevent weight gain. Up your cardio and start lifting weights so your body will burn more calories and offset it.
    Don't let the fear of weight gain keep you a slave to the Nico-demon. No more excuses!!!!
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    I am also quitting now. I have decided to do Burpiees(spelling?) every time I get a craving. 5 for the first craving and add 2 for everyone after that. I figure if anything I can keep weight gain at bay that way.

    Good luck!

    HA that's for sure!!! those things are murderous! LOL

    It also kills the cravings quick!
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    I quit smoking on June 1st, 2012.
    I quit being fat on July 6th, 2012.

    I have not picked up a cigarette since, while losing approximately 120 pounds. It's all about inner strength and making it through the first week or two.

    Obsess over your food diary. Whenever you want a cigarette, drink water. Whenever you want to eat, drink water.

    Listen to THIS
    worst that happens is you put on a couple of pounds which you can lose again easily
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    I quit smoking 4.5 years ago.

    I gained 20

    I've have since then lost 40.

    Wait gain is temporary and can be fixed through diet and exercise

    Heart disease, emphysema and cancer are permanent (and often fatal).
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