Personal Trainer available for free advice



  • paulbearss
    paulbearss Posts: 26 Member
    how dare you come in here with that great looking body offering good and free advice. Sheesh. Oh wait that is a good thing damn im just jelly... jk thank you for the great advice and helping people.
  • Alipop
    Alipop Posts: 15 Member
    Wow. So rare to have someone do something nice like this! Thank you.

    I gain muscle very easily. Unfortunately the same goes for fat. LBM is 140 lbs and I'm at 37% body fat at 218lbs. Female.
    I kill it at the gym lifting heavy weights 5 days a week but ruin the fat loss by eating junk food. I keep getting stronger and have huge muscles which is cool. I don't really do that much cardio aside from an hour hike once a week and maybe some 20 -30 min elliptical/stairclimber/uphill treadmill 4mph walk.
    My questions: should I aim for more cardio when I overdue the food?
    Is 140g of protein enough?
    What is a reasonable goal for carbs (what are "good carbs" you speak of?

    The gym stuff is so easy for me and the food stuff is so hard.....
  • Marianne802
    Marianne802 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi Alexis.

    How long does it take to undo muscle strength. We are going away for 2 weeks over the school holidays remote camping. No gym or internet. Bit concerned on how much of a step back this will have?

    I am trying to lose weight but not lose muscle. I have been successful so far with 4kg weight loss and no loss in muscle. I go to a naturapath who uses these special scales that tell the body fat % and muscle %. By the way, how accurate are these things?

    Thanks for offering your time. Truly appreciated.
  • I am trying to gain muscle, but it seems that weigh stays the same, I was wondering what is the amount of calories, carbs protein and fats I am 5'7 male 163 pounds
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    @alexiscy323‌ I have Patello-Femoral Syndrome and am currently in physiotherapy for it. The physiotherapist has had me de-load all weights off all lower body work. Would you recommend waiting until my knee is better before hiring a personal trainer? Also, is it necessary to eat at maintenance to build the muscle necessary to fix my knee in therapy, or can I eat in a deficit? (If I can't continue with my NROLFW program right now, I figure it's a good time to try to lose the last few pounds. (About me: 43, 5'7" SW of 169 in Aug. CW 133, status - skinny fat :s )
  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    @alexiscy323‌ I have Patello-Femoral Syndrome and am currently in physiotherapy for it. The physiotherapist has had me de-load all weights off all lower body work. Would you recommend waiting until my knee is better before hiring a personal trainer? Also, is it necessary to eat at maintenance to build the muscle necessary to fix my knee in therapy, or can I eat in a deficit? (If I can't continue with my NROLFW program right now, I figure it's a good time to try to lose the last few pounds. (About me: 43, 5'7" SW of 169 in Aug. CW 133, status - skinny fat :s )

    Wait till your knee is better and until your physiotherapist tells you that is alright to resume exercise. Stay at a small deficit of you can and see how your recovery is coming along . But if you start feeling that the lack of calories is hindering your recovery then Eat at maintainance
  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    I am trying to gain muscle, but it seems that weigh stays the same, I was wondering what is the amount of calories, carbs protein and fats I am 5'7 male 163 pounds

    In what kind of shape are you right now ? If you cannot see your top first abs then I would not recommend that you bulk. If you are lean though and you are not gaining weight then try increasing your daily intake 300-500 . You obviously need to know how many calories you need to maintain your weight at your current activity level . Just google calorie calculator . I estimate that you will need somewhere between 2600-2700 to maintain but check it. Then there is the carbs fats and protein . I like 50% carbs 30% protein and 20% fats . Hope this helps
  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi Alexis.

    How long does it take to undo muscle strength. We are going away for 2 weeks over the school holidays remote camping. No gym or internet. Bit concerned on how much of a step back this will have?

    I am trying to lose weight but not lose muscle. I have been successful so far with 4kg weight loss and no loss in muscle. I go to a naturapath who uses these special scales that tell the body fat % and muscle %. By the way, how accurate are these things?

    Thanks for offering your time. Truly appreciated.

    Hi there well done on your progress keep at it . Taking a break will actually do you good , allow your body to recover and come back stronger. I take a week off every 10-12 weeks . Coming back ease your self into it and try to hit your PR immediately , there will be a light decrease in strenghth but will be back in a couple of weeks . Now if you are really worried you could do a body weight circuit in your Trip that will take only 30 minutes and will keep you conditioned
    20 push ups
    20 body squats
    10 pull ups
    10 lunges each leg
    10 tricep dips
    A fast sprint
    10 crunches

    Do them back to back with very little rest it with no rest . Take 2 minutes break and reapeat the whole circuit . I do this once a week for 5 rounds and I time myself and my rests .

    Hope this helps, don't stress too much about it and enjoy your trip
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    @alexiscy323‌ I have Patello-Femoral Syndrome and am currently in physiotherapy for it. The physiotherapist has had me de-load all weights off all lower body work. Would you recommend waiting until my knee is better before hiring a personal trainer? Also, is it necessary to eat at maintenance to build the muscle necessary to fix my knee in therapy, or can I eat in a deficit? (If I can't continue with my NROLFW program right now, I figure it's a good time to try to lose the last few pounds. (About me: 43, 5'7" SW of 169 in Aug. CW 133, status - skinny fat :s )

    Wait till your knee is better and until your physiotherapist tells you that is alright to resume exercise. Stay at a small deficit of you can and see how your recovery is coming along . But if you start feeling that the lack of calories is hindering your recovery then Eat at maintainance

  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    Alipop wrote: »
    Wow. So rare to have someone do something nice like this! Thank you.

    I gain muscle very easily. Unfortunately the same goes for fat. LBM is 140 lbs and I'm at 37% body fat at 218lbs. Female.
    I kill it at the gym lifting heavy weights 5 days a week but ruin the fat loss by eating junk food. I keep getting stronger and have huge muscles which is cool. I don't really do that much cardio aside from an hour hike once a week and maybe some 20 -30 min elliptical/stairclimber/uphill treadmill 4mph walk.
    My questions: should I aim for more cardio when I overdue the food?
    Is 140g of protein enough?
    What is a reasonable goal for carbs (what are "good carbs" you speak of?

    The gym stuff is so easy for me and the food stuff is so hard.....

    Well if you want to get leaner you will have to become a bit more discipline with your diet I am afraid . Yes adding a bit more cardio will help to balance out the over eating but in all honesty that is not a correct way to see results . Junk food will have a negative effect on your health and will not provide you with the tight nutrients and vitamins for you to recover from your workouts . Train dirty eat clean :)
    Yes 140 grams is more than enough ,make sure you drink enough water. I like to eat 50% of my calories from carbs. Good carbs are wholesome non processed carbs. Brown rice , brown bread, sweet potatoes , potatoes , brown pasta etc this will provide you with a lot of fibre and slow digesting carbs that will keep you full for longer . Diet is a 80% in my opinion . Yes by eating junk food you will be getting bigger faster and probably stronger but believe me your fat gains will be we more than your muscle gains . gaining weight does not mean you are gaining only "lean mass". Keep killing it at the gym and start killing it in the kitchen and you will see amazing results!!:)

    Hope this helps
  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    paulbearss wrote: »
    how dare you come in here with that great looking body offering good and free advice. Sheesh. Oh wait that is a good thing damn im just jelly... jk thank you for the great advice and helping people.

    Thank you :) and you are welcome !
  • LanaBerk
    LanaBerk Posts: 25 Member
    edited March 2015
    I am a senior citizen who has lost 105 lbs in the past 18 months. I would like to know what you have to say about working with somebody my age, 68. I would like to be stronger but still have a little more weight to lose. I prioritized weight loss for a four months than started walking. I can do 3 miles in 50 minutes. I took 4 months off and just started up exercising on treadmill and recliner bike. Being a couch potato for 24 yrs, has reduces or eliminated much muscle as I feel quad hurt on bike but not on treadmill. Any suggestions for we more mature females? LOL
  • Panders40
    Panders40 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, thank you so much for offering advice. I was 180 January 1st and have brought my weight down to 160 by cutting out ALL added sugar and alcohol. I have laxed a bit but have really increased my exercise. I am 5'4 and would like to return to my previous weight of somewhere in the neighborhood of 125-140. I am running 3 times per week with 1 long run and have recently added in the past month Body Pump 2 times per week and Pilates 1 time per week at my gym. I log in every single day and have only had a few mishaps with my clean eating. I haven't lost any weight for about 3 weeks. I had to increase my carb intake to meet the demands of my running. I eat at a deficit but might need to be eating more of something else. Thank you in advance.
  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    nikkib0103 wrote: »
    Hi, Alexiscy, thanks for your kind offer. I am 51, female, 5'10", CW 219 (down 19 lbs.) with a GW 160. Right now I can't afford any gym in my area. I also have cruddy knees. Right now I am doing Cardio, Speed, Lower Focus in the Alpha level of T25. I modify 99% of the time. Because of my knees the getting up and down off the floor for AB Intervals and Total Body Circuit is just too frustrating. I hope to successfully attempt them and complete this level at some point, when I lose more weight. I walk, in addition to this, and have enjoyed doing the NYC Ballet Workout. I don't do weights at the moment but would like to work some hand weights in. What at home workouts can you recommend? Any advice appreciated. Thank you.
    First of all well done for staying active and not letting your limitations get in the way . That is very inspiring ! There are many things you can do at home , pull ups , tricep dips , push ups (with different variations like diamond push ups ) even investing £40 buying weights and you can do deadlifts at home , clean and press, chest press/ flys, curls etc

    You can do full body workouts one per body part 3 sets of 10-12 Reps. So a pair of Dumbbells and a Google search on exercises and you are good to go;)

    Hope this helps
  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    EPK1071 wrote: »
    I am trying to build muscle in my abs. This is my problem area. How often should I be working them? How much recovery time is really needed?

    Can you see your abs ? Is your body fat Low enough? Getting blockier abs will require working your abs every other day . work them heavy and with intensity , weighted crunchers on the cable machine , weighted oblique twists , leg raised , dragon flags . Don't do more than 12 Reps for each set but make those Reps count . At the end of the day your body fat will determine how visible your abs are.
    Hope this helps
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 969 Member
    nikkib0103 wrote: »
    Hi, Alexiscy, thanks for your kind offer. I am 51, female, 5'10", CW 219 (down 19 lbs.) with a GW 160. Right now I can't afford any gym in my area. I also have cruddy knees. Right now I am doing Cardio, Speed, Lower Focus in the Alpha level of T25. I modify 99% of the time. Because of my knees the getting up and down off the floor for AB Intervals and Total Body Circuit is just too frustrating. I hope to successfully attempt them and complete this level at some point, when I lose more weight. I walk, in addition to this, and have enjoyed doing the NYC Ballet Workout. I don't do weights at the moment but would like to work some hand weights in. What at home workouts can you recommend? Any advice appreciated. Thank you.
    First of all well done for staying active and not letting your limitations get in the way . That is very inspiring ! There are many things you can do at home , pull ups , tricep dips , push ups (with different variations like diamond push ups ) even investing £40 buying weights and you can do deadlifts at home , clean and press, chest press/ flys, curls etc

    You can do full body workouts one per body part 3 sets of 10-12 Reps. So a pair of Dumbbells and a Google search on exercises and you are good to go;)

    Hope this helps

    Thank you. This will help get me started. Appreciate it.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    LanaBerk wrote: »
    I am a senior citizen who has lost 105 lbs in the past 18 months. I would like to know what you have to say about working with somebody my age, 68. I would like to be stronger but still have a little more weight to lose. I prioritized weight loss for a four months than started walking. I can do 3 miles in 50 minutes. I took 4 months off and just started up exercising on treadmill and recliner bike. Being a couch potato for 24 yrs, has reduces or eliminated much muscle as I feel quad hurt on bike but not on treadmill. Any suggestions for we more mature females? LOL

    Start strength training. Now, not after you've lost the weight. The best path is to work with a really good personal trainer who has ample experience with your age group. Here's a perspective on how to separate the good personal trainers from the bad ones:

    If you absolutely can't work with a trainer, even for 3 or 4 sessions, then follow a popular lifting program. The best one i've seen so far for older folks is the book New Rules of Lifting for Life. Google it to learn more..

    Small-group classes for beginners are another option, but the instructors may not be as knowledgeable as a personal trainer. I'd avoid larger group classes (more than 8-10 people) unless there are multiple instructors to help correct form. Either way, it's best to work with a trainer for a few sessions before doing classes.
  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    Cherimoose wrote: »
    LanaBerk wrote: »
    I am a senior citizen who has lost 105 lbs in the past 18 months. I would like to know what you have to say about working with somebody my age, 68. I would like to be stronger but still have a little more weight to lose. I prioritized weight loss for a four months than started walking. I can do 3 miles in 50 minutes. I took 4 months off and just started up exercising on treadmill and recliner bike. Being a couch potato for 24 yrs, has reduces or eliminated much muscle as I feel quad hurt on bike but not on treadmill. Any suggestions for we more mature females? LOL

    Start strength training. Now, not after you've lost the weight. The best path is to work with a really good personal trainer who has ample experience with your age group. Here's a perspective on how to separate the good personal trainers from the bad ones:

    If you absolutely can't work with a trainer, even for 3 or 4 sessions, then follow a popular lifting program. The best one i've seen so far for older folks is the book New Rules of Lifting for Life. Google it to learn more..

    Small-group classes for beginners are another option, but the instructors may not be as knowledgeable as a personal trainer. I'd avoid larger group classes (more than 8-10 people) unless there are multiple instructors to help correct form. Either way, it's best to work with a trainer for a few sessions before doing classes.

    That is some great advice right there!
  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    Panders40 wrote: »
    Hi, thank you so much for offering advice. I was 180 January 1st and have brought my weight down to 160 by cutting out ALL added sugar and alcohol. I have laxed a bit but have really increased my exercise. I am 5'4 and would like to return to my previous weight of somewhere in the neighborhood of 125-140. I am running 3 times per week with 1 long run and have recently added in the past month Body Pump 2 times per week and Pilates 1 time per week at my gym. I log in every single day and have only had a few mishaps with my clean eating. I haven't lost any weight for about 3 weeks. I had to increase my carb intake to meet the demands of my running. I eat at a deficit but might need to be eating more of something else. Thank you in advance.

    If you have not lost any more weight that means that right now you are eating at maintenance. Training and eating for weight loss is different to training and eating for performance. So you probably need to lower your calories slightly, 300-500 and see if you are losing weight. If you need the carbs for your running just eat them an 1hour before your running to make sure you have enough glycogen stored for it. You are on the right path and you are making the right lifestyle choices you just have to experiment with your caloric deficit and add HIIT training to help you tap into those fat stores.

    I hope this helps
  • karenrich77
    karenrich77 Posts: 292 Member

    I am 38yo, weigh 126kg (have lost 41.4kg in the last year) but I want to start some strength training. Problem is I have Fibromyalgia and Vertigo which stops me from being able to do this in a gym situation. Can you please give me some ideas that I could do from home? I am limited in floor exercises like push ups due to a longstanding shoulder issue.

    Thanks heaps
