Does anyone use meal replacement shakes?



  • therooster5
    therooster5 Posts: 14 Member
    Just drink a pure protein shake. I have one about 30 grams of protein and 140 calories. Fills me up as good as any meal and of course helps build muscle. If I know I'm going to be eating a large dinner I will just drink 2 of those and eat fruit until then. Stay nice and full
  • therooster5
    therooster5 Posts: 14 Member
    Anyone have any good experiences?

    All these negative comments have nothing to do with protein shakes and the fact that they have NO fat, NO sugar, and NO carbs. I could only read about five comments because they all say the same thing "They don't fill me up instantaneously and they don't food, so because I have no self control I just eat food with them." These shakes have saved me many times when I still have 200 calories that I can eat and I'm starving, but I'm maxed out on my goals of fat and sugar. Boom drink a high quality pure protein shake. There's 30 grams of protein and only 140 calories. And within 15 minutes of drinking them I feel more full than on a normal meal.

    Some of these people I'm not sure why they are on this site. They seem to care more about tasting real food and being satisfied instantly than losing weight. If you're serious about losing weight than this is a great choice.

    P.S. This isn't speaking about meal replacement shakes, just protein. Stuff like breakfast essentials have tons of sugar and don't make you nearly as full. Trust me, protein is the whey. <---pun

  • jms14letgo
    jms14letgo Posts: 138 Member
    I have in the past and do sporadically now. I do a protein shake in the morning with Jamie Eason's Lean Body chocolate protein. And I like to use Vanilla Shakeology for a shake at lunch if I"m pressed for time.
    I have to say though that I don't stay full for all that long and I eat about every 3 hours....
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    I use them to help me fit macros on busy days while on the road/traveling. When I am home, I usually eat food to do it. When stuck on a trip, pull off an exit to get some nutrition ...sometimes its a great option
  • felblossom
    felblossom Posts: 132 Member
    This past week I've been mixing some Nutrilett shakes with my diet. I got two packages for free because the expiry date had passed (but I mean it's just powder that you mix with water, couldn't go totally bad, right?) and I drink them for dinner and snack(s) while eating normal breakfast and lunch. I find that while it's not that satisfying it's quite nice to have something quick when I get home from a long day and just can't be bothered with cooking. However, I've noticed that with having a bit extra calories left I tend to snack a bit more, especially the "unhealthy" treats I don't normally touch during weekdays such as chocolate/candy/chips - just because I have room for them! Wouldn't keep doing this in the long run but I'm going to finish the bags I have left I think :)
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I once tried a soups, shakes and meal bar diet but got to the stage a few weeks in where I just couldn't face them to the extent that a bar could last me all day and I got to feeling quite unwell from undereating. I like FRESH food not dried stuff that's sat in a packet in a warehouse for who knows how long that you've rehydrated it. This is about learning portion sizes as much as making healthy choices for me - not punishing myself for being fat by eating revolting food replacements rather than the foods I enjoy.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    edited March 2015
    Anyone have any good experiences?

    All these negative comments have nothing to do with protein shakes (...) P.S. This isn't speaking about meal replacement shakes, just protein.

    Of course all the negative comments have nothing to do with protein shakes, the op asked about Meal Replacement Shakes. Its even in the title. You say yes, then go on to talk about your experience with a different type of shake... And you're upset we didn't ignore her question and instead discuss protein shakes as well because...?
    Some of these people I'm not sure why they are on this site. They seem to care more about tasting real food and being satisfied instantly than losing weight. If you're serious about losing weight than this is a great choice.

    You are confused why people who care about the taste of real food are on a fitness site? If youre *serious* about losing weight, shakes are a great choice...? As if, if you eat solid foods then youre just mucking about eh? lol And what about if you're serious about maintaining weight loss, shakes are a great choice for that as opposed to real food too, I suppose...

    To be serious, and have real purpose on this site, one has to give up ever wanting to taste or be satisfied by real food ever again? Boy am I glad youre not a moderator on here!!! LoL an interesting take on this...But hey, whatever works for you! I cant say I will ever (of my own free will) give up eating food and sustain myself on shakes alone for the rest of my life. Nope!

  • eileensofianmushinfine
    im looking in to them and was wondering if anyone had any success, if it helped them stay full...etc.

    Love it! Buy mine at the gym. Not cheap but it helps me meet my protein goal. I also bury a tbsp of olive oil to hit my fat macro. I make it with ice and milk in a blender. Tastes just like a chocolate milk shake! And it holds me over until lunch. Worth every penny for me! And it takes the guesswork out of breakfast.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I have in the past because I had problems eating breakfast in the morning. I only had Ensure to put something in my body quickly so I would stop skipping breakfast. I used to be one of those people who was perfectly fine without having my first meal until noon.

    Now if I can't have a meal, I fix a protein smoothie. Not only is buying a tub of protein powder more cost effective but there is likely to be less artificial sugar in them compared to meal replacements. You can mix fruits together, add yogurt.. definitely a more healthier option than meal replacements everyday. Whenever possible go with real food - later in the day, you will thank yourself.
  • Coachconni
    Coachconni Posts: 42 Member
    Shakes have been a godsend for me. My favorites are Atkins chocolate shake, muscle milk 100 calories and hydroxycut 100 calories. I love shakes because they are versatile. I have only one per day. If I have it in the morning, it prevents hunger or I save it for 2 pm the time when my energy levels lag. Be creative with it.
  • Chappieswife1
    I use protein powder (vanilla) and make green smoothies (add in spinach or kale, cucumber or fruit) or I will mix the powder in my instant coffee. I use blender cups. I have never been a breakfast person so I drink this on the way to work and have a snack about 1 or 2 hours later. If I am really craving something sweet at night (hubby can eat whatever he wants) I will use the protein (usually popcorn) but if I need to get in my protein (usually fall short on this) it is an easy way for me to do it and they taste a lot better than the meal replacement drinks. Instead of being on such a restrictive diet you could up your workouts to allow more calories. 200 calories can be 2 more snacks a day.
  • Goldenstarz
    Anyone have any good experiences?
    Yes! If you find the right shakes that give you results and taste great. Why not!! I've started and today is Day 6. Not only has it helped me lose weight already and inches it's also helping me sleep better, and have a full days worth of energy. It's truly amazing I'm feeling already.
  • michelle3or
    michelle3or Posts: 17 Member
    I did SlimFast while in college. After reaching goal weight, I was so happy to be able to eat real food again that I binged one day on a large pizza, cheeseburger, fries. And ended up gaining the weight back. I've since lost the weight again eating real food for all meals. I just love experiencing food too much to be happy replacing a meal with a shake. I don't drink my calories except for an occasional smoothie.
  • mitch0810
    I use Herbalife and it works for me!
  • msjohnson426
    msjohnson426 Posts: 40 Member
    ncboiler89 wrote: »
    Not unless it's a blizzard.
    Love that answer!
  • Alexat130
    Alexat130 Posts: 3 Member
    Instrad of protein shakes I eat Quest Bars. More satisfying, no bad smell, and taste really good!
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    edited March 2015
    Anyone have any good experiences?

    All these negative comments have nothing to do with protein shakes and the fact that they have NO fat, NO sugar, and NO carbs. I could only read about five comments because they all say the same thing "They don't fill me up instantaneously and they don't food, so because I have no self control I just eat food with them." These shakes have saved me many times when I still have 200 calories that I can eat and I'm starving, but I'm maxed out on my goals of fat and sugar. Boom drink a high quality pure protein shake. There's 30 grams of protein and only 140 calories. And within 15 minutes of drinking them I feel more full than on a normal meal.

    Some of these people I'm not sure why they are on this site. They seem to care more about tasting real food and being satisfied instantly than losing weight. If you're serious about losing weight than this is a great choice.

    P.S. This isn't speaking about meal replacement shakes, just protein. Stuff like breakfast essentials have tons of sugar and don't make you nearly as full. Trust me, protein is the whey. <---pun

    Protein powder doesn't fill me up when consumed as a liquid, which I'm pretty sure I already stated. So yes, at least one of the negative comments has to do with protein powder. Which only fills me up for maybe an hour or two, and I would rather just eat food or add it to a solid food (e.g. yogurt) than use it in place of solids. Protein powders can, and often do, contain fat and carbs, they are just very low compared to protein, and plenty of them have sugar, so not sure wtf your whole little diatribe there is about. And you can go over your fat and sugar (especially since sugar has nothing to do with weight loss) and still be at a deficit by being under on other macros...

    As for the bold...


    I care about losing body fat/weight WHILE eating delicious food and eating PLENTY of it, since I do not plan on eating meal replacement shakes or protein shakes for the rest of my life to meet my caloric goals.

    If you're serious about losing weight, caloric deficit is all you need, which can 100% be met with real, solid, delicious food. Protein powder is great for supplementation or to increase protein in baked goods etc, but is not a meal.
  • gopher19
    gopher19 Posts: 2 Member
    I like the Isagenix. I have also used Visalus and Usana in the past. I will say though I use the Isagenix Isalean Pro, which gives you 36g of protein per shake instead of the 24g in the regular Italian. I find after the first few days, I am so full I have to remind myself to eat my snacks to make sure my calorie count is high enough!
  • StarlightAria
    StarlightAria Posts: 81 Member
    gopher19 wrote: »
    I like the Isagenix. I have also used Visalus and Usana in the past. I will say though I use the Isagenix Isalean Pro, which gives you 36g of protein per shake instead of the 24g in the regular Italian. I find after the first few days, I am so full I have to remind myself to eat my snacks to make sure my calorie count is high enough!

    I honestly never heard of this brand. Was thinking of using Visalus. Any thoughts about that?