tired of diet pills and nothing working

I've tried every weight loss gimic out there and nothing works!!! I've decided it's time to do it the right way for once; however, I just signed on today and only have 44 calories remaining for the rest of the day due to my breakfast at McDonald's...wonder how that's gonna work out for me.
I need inspiration and motivation to do this!!


  • Chavoworking
    Chavoworking Posts: 4 Member
    Hello and welcome! I am also new here. May I ask a couple of questions?
    1. What are your fitness goals?
    2. Can you share a little bit more about your self?
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I'm glad you've realised that gimmicks and pills don't work.

    Eating and exercising properly DOES. You're in the right place. Keep tracking your foods, and after a week or so, have a good analyse of what you're eating, which things you could change. You've already identified that McDs breakfasts are going to have a big impact calorie wise. So maybe you want to alter the rest of your day's food, or take some exercise, or just put it down to experience and move on.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I've tried every weight loss gimic out there and nothing works!!! I've decided it's time to do it the right way for once; however, I just signed on today and only have 44 calories remaining for the rest of the day due to my breakfast at McDonald's...wonder how that's gonna work out for me.
    I need inspiration and motivation to do this!!

    You just have to do it... we can encourage you but it comes down to figuring out what goals you wish to reach that will inspire and motivate you.

    As for food today... fruit and veggies, even if you go over the it won't be an enormous overage and they will be healthy calories.
  • Hi_Im_Jess
    Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
    As you log your food on a regular basis you'll start to realize you can have a tiny bit of one thing or a lot of somehing else. It's definitely made me more conscious of what I eat and how much.
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    That's too funny:) we've all been there. Get off your butt & go burn some calories.....and plan ahead next time. Not a tragedy, it's perfectly normal. Now get over it. You can easily survive the rest of the day on under 500 calories.....salad/eggwhites/veggies.....it can be done....don't dwell on it & go burn off your breakfast, you're fine.
  • crazebeck
    crazebeck Posts: 70 Member
    That's too funny:) we've all been there. Get off your butt & go burn some calories.....and plan ahead next time. Not a tragedy, it's perfectly normal. Now get over it. You can easily survive the rest of the day on under 500 calories.....salad/eggwhites/veggies.....it can be done....don't dwell on it & go burn off your breakfast, you're fine.

    ^^^What she said ;)
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Tip 1: don't set your calories too low dont try for the 2 pounds a week it tempting but ultimatly not a good idea .5 to 1 pound a week is better

    Tip 2: find a fun activity and get moving the more you workout the more you can eat!

    Tip 3: drink your water ya i know it sucks but it does great things for not only weight loss but your skin and hair as well

    Tip 4: diets dont work period the end they just dont eat better move more and dont beat yourself up over stupid stuff like i had a cookie today.

    Tip 5: start lifting weights as soon as you can you will look fantastic :)
  • jobrandes
    jobrandes Posts: 136 Member
    I've tried every weight loss gimic out there and nothing works!!! I've decided it's time to do it the right way for once; however, I just signed on today and only have 44 calories remaining for the rest of the day due to my breakfast at McDonald's...wonder how that's gonna work out for me.
    I need inspiration and motivation to do this!!

    Welcome first off! You can definitely do this, no doubt about it. We've all been there so we are here to support you. It is all about the proper nutrition and exercise. I figured that out after being 100lbs overweight and eating fast food and soda on a daily basis with no workouts at all. Once you nail the nutrition and start moving the weight will come off, trust me.

    The minute you totally cut fast food out of your diet and stick to a clean diet that consists of veggies, fruits, fish, meat, nuts and other whole foods (nothing processed) you will be well on your way. You will be amazed how much will change just by changing your diet alone. Then you add in exercise and wow, you will be doing great!

    You got this! Feel free to pop me a message if you have questions.

  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Tip 1: don't set your calories too low dont try for the 2 pounds a week it tempting but ultimatly not a good idea .5 to 1 pound a week is better

    Tip 2: find a fun activity and get moving the more you workout the more you can eat!

    Tip 3: drink your water ya i know it sucks but it does great things for not only weight loss but your skin and hair as well

    Tip 4: diets dont work period the end they just dont eat better move more and dont beat yourself up over stupid stuff like i had a cookie today.

    Tip 5: start lifting weights as soon as you can you will look fantastic :)

    All of this.
  • I agree diet pills are horrible and not very good on your body. I have been using the lose 10 pounds in 3 day diet. It's amazing. My mom and I have already lost 7 pounds each. It's an amazing feeling. Don't give up! You can achieve anything!
    - Courtney
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    As you log your food on a regular basis you'll start to realize you can have a tiny bit of one thing or a lot of somehing else. It's definitely made me more conscious of what I eat and how much.

    This is sooo true!

    You don't have to cut all "bad" foods out, but what you will soon realize is that to stay under your calorie goal you will have to eat smarter! You can eat lower calorie foods, and not be hungry, or eat higher calorie foods and be hungry later in the day! Or you can exercise more. I use a combination of all three to keep things in balance.

    This WILL work if you burn more than you eat! You will learn how to balance things.

    And, for future reference, McDonald's egg mcmuffin is a great breakfast choice that won't wreck your calorie allowance. Most restaurants, even fast food, have choices that are lower in calories, you just have to be deliberate in making your choices. After all, there are times when we all have to eat fast food (between appointments, before the ball game or kids' school program, etc.). I always check calorie values on mfp before ordering at a restaurant. Another idea that takes some planning, but is workable sometimes, is to pack healthy food for these times.
  • indyducks
    indyducks Posts: 43 Member
    You have made the first positive step by being here. Welcome to MFP. This is a great site and if you use it, it will help you. The first thing to realize is that you need to make a permanent lifestyle change, a way of eating and exercising that will last for the rest of your life. Diets don't work, because they end. Lifestyles only end in 1 way.

    With that said, a lifestyle change doesn't happen overnight. It will take time. The first step is to just start logging and tracking EVERYTHING that you eat. This will help you see your baseline starting point, and will help to identify the changes that you need to make. You will quickly learn what kinds of foods you can eat regularly, and which ones need to be "special occasions" and in small quantities. No food should be completely off limits, because when you deprive yourself completely of them is when you crash and binge. Also, as others have said, you gain more calories by exercising, so the more you exercise, the more calories you can consume. Somedays, you may want to squeeze in that extra 20 minutes on the treadmill so you can enjoy a small piece of cake.... :-)

    Also, because life happens and we all want to enjoy our lives and not have to eat only rabbit food at all times, there will be good days and bad days. We all have those days where we eat things we shouldn't and go over our calorie limit. The most important thing to do when this happens is to chalk it up to a "not so good day", and then put it in the past. Focus on the next day and doing better.

    I have only been here a month, but I have learned a TON, and there are lots of great people here that are willing to help you and support you. You are just getting started, so don't give up. You can do this!!
  • aNewYear123
    aNewYear123 Posts: 279 Member
    Welcome. I was shocked when I logged what I had eaten the first day I started as well. It suddenly became clear to me why I couldn't lose weight. :smile:

    Good luck.
  • traumaticthrash
    Try and break your meals up to 5-6 smaller portion meals a day. the more smaller portion meals you eat in a day the higher your metabolism gets... which is always good!

    going long hours without food in your body does no good!
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    For YEARS I felt like life was unfair. I was cursed with bad genetics. I had the metabolism of a snail. People around me could eat so much more than I could and not get fat. Nothing worked.

    Then I started doing MFP and realized how much I was eating. Well it's no wonder I couldn't lose weight! I was eating close to 4,000 calories a day! Sheesh!

    When you get your diet under control, it gets SO much easier!

    Consider doing "mini-meals" - instead of 3 large meals, eat 5-6 "mini-meals". My goal was 2,000 calories a day, so I aimed for 6 meals of just over 300 calories. That way, you're eating all day long and are never hungry. And if you are hungry, you're probably going to eat very soon. Plus it helps keep your metabolism up.

    You can totally do this. I just lost almost 50 pounds and I feel awesome. Feel free to send me a friend request!
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Duh no diet pills work :p diet is the key 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%
  • essensual911
    essensual911 Posts: 7 Member
    How has it been going for you? I used to count calories here but it got tiresome. I just do regular excercise now + strength training. I drink fresh vegetable juice for breakfast and sometimes banana. I always add vegetable to lunch, eat brown rice, and chew 30 -50 times per bite. A glass of water when I wake up, a glass of water 1 hour before lunch and dinner. The portion is automatically small when you chew slowly. You are full faster and your body does get a full benefit of nutrients. Try eating fresh and organic and cut down processed food and protein. I don't have sweet tooth and not addicted to caffeine so that helps. So far, I lost almost 5 kgs in 2 months.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Plan ahead. That way you won't blow all of your calories in 20 minutes at McDonald's. And make sure you're not eating a ridiculously low amount of calories.
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Post Deleted.

    Three identical posts in three different threads and a little thread necromancy on the side...awesome. What you are doing is in violation of the site's terms of service. Consider yourself reported.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Try and break your meals up to 5-6 smaller portion meals a day. the more smaller portion meals you eat in a day the higher your metabolism gets... which is always good!

    going long hours without food in your body does no good!