Anyone knows of a really good appetite suppresant??



  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    Willpower is the best appetite suppressant.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    drinking water, lifting heavy things, not eating 1200 calories a day
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Therapy for better handling of emotional issues, exercise, hobbies that don't involve food, and creating an environment free from the temptation of trigger foods.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    if you eat on emotions my advice - and best appetite suppressor I know is to completely avoid the food you eat on your emotions - if you chomp on candy do not touch any of all...ever. You may find that your emotions level out a bit when you do. Good luck, you can do it :-)
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I am an emotional eater. I always feel as though i am hungry. Anyone knows of a appetite suppresor i can buy to kind of help me suppress my appetite??

    Surak's teachings.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I am an emotional eater. I always feel as though i am hungry. Anyone knows of a appetite suppresor i can buy to kind of help me suppress my appetite??

    I am an emotional eater too. The best appetite suppressant I found was a therapist who taught me alternatives to eating.

  • sclause
    sclause Posts: 86 Member
    High intensity exercise helps me a lot
  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    Water before every meal. Not with. Before. Drink whatever you usually have too.
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    I am also an emotional eater, and I will say it's taken me years to develop healthier habits, work to address the route causes, and find the motivation to just not sink back into that comfort eating.

    For me, I tend to be an emotional eater in the sense that when I'm sad/uncomfortable/angry that's when I reach for food. I started small; I baked "healthy" cookies or muffins to keep on hand so I could still have the carbs I craved in those moments, but be making less calorie dense decisions (or at least ones that came with better nutrition attached). Next, I moved into trying to replace food with exercise -- which let me tell you, was not such a rewarding feeling -- but was fairly effective in that I was too lazy to go for a mile run so I could eat whatever it was I wanted because I was emotional, so I usually just managed to not eat. Now, typically I look to distract myself, if my hands are busy, it's kind of hard to eat --for a while I knitted, then I found videogames haha.

    You'll notice though, that none of these addressed why I felt I needed food for comfort in the first place and that's been a much longer journey. I grew up in a family where food was how you showed love, so I've always viewed indulging in a (entire box of) donut(s) as loving myself. It's hard to change that mentality and it's something I'm actively working on. I'm learning to turn to the people in my life for that comfort, rather than the box of donuts. It's not easy, sometimes it's uncomfortable, but lately it's been really working. When I feel that I've hit an emotional point where I may want to eat, I bug my SO for a bit, or call my family/friends, or come on here and hit up my lovely mfp family for support.

    But what everyone else is saying is right -- you can try to replace the habit all you want, and certainly there are better ones than over-eating to replace it with (I mean common, knitting could turn into a side-business opportunity, who doesn't love scarfs?) but until you address why you are an emotional eater, you'll always be an emotional something. I have all the faith you can work it out, either alone or with a professional. Just remember, there's no shame in seeking help.
  • SweetSiJ
    SweetSiJ Posts: 8 Member
    Stay busy!!!! I too am an emotional eater... I definitely feel you. I've noticed that I tend to eat more when I'm bored. And if I am doing an activity that is sedentary such as reading or watching tv, easy a healthy snack instead of going crazy. I've also had to empty out my pantry.
  • LJFJ
    LJFJ Posts: 73 Member
    MKE_gal, what a great Web site/blog you have. Are you still taking subscriptions? You provide many wonderful links, and I found each one I clicked on gave me the information I needed. I like that you provide alternates, too.

    Thank you!

  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I like to run... or try to run. Intermittant jogging is my go-to for panic attacks and binge urges.
  • mselzer1
    mselzer1 Posts: 1 Member
    JiggyJune wrote: »
    Qsymia - stay away from. Anything with toparimate (topamax is the brand name). OMG. I could almost forget my own name every 30 seconds on this med. it is rough. I couldn't make it past a week on it. The way it affects memory, I would probably forget to take it. DO YOUR RESEARCH.

    Everyone reacts differently to different medications. I take topamax, and have several friends and acquaintances who also take it, and none of us have experienced that side effect. Yes, some people do, but it isn't sensible to expect your reaction to be typical for others. I had terrible fatigue with wellbutrin, and that isn't the norm. Anyway, to the OP, it has been 6 weeks that I have been on topamax, and have dropped 24 lbs, have energy, and sleep well. The only suspected side effect thus far has been remembering some vivid dreams...but at least they aren't nightmares.