


  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    Where does one find a battery-operated milk frother? It sounds interesting for days that I have extra calories--I do miss having the odd cafe au lait. :)
    If you have an Ikea near you, they sell a $2 version that people love.

    I bought mine on was similar to this one:

    Some cost much more...$20-$30...but seem to do exactly the same thing, so I went with the cheap version and it works perfectly.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    MoiAussi93 wrote: »
    Where does one find a battery-operated milk frother? It sounds interesting for days that I have extra calories--I do miss having the odd cafe au lait. :)
    If you have an Ikea near you, they sell a $2 version that people love.

    I bought mine on was similar to this one:

    Some cost much more...$20-$30...but seem to do exactly the same thing, so I went with the cheap version and it works perfectly.

    I live in Mudville, so we have no Ikea nearby. I can probably get the one off Amazon, though.
  • scon13
    scon13 Posts: 13 Member
    I used to drink coffee with cream, milk, or half n half. I slowly just put less and less in it. Then I started getting much better coffee ground for french press and started making it that way. Lost 10 lbs in 3 months just changing that last year.

    You'll be amazed at how much better it tastes black. You'll notice different flavor profiles in different coffees. Some are really fruity, some have a creamy flavor to them already. I'm guessing whatever you're drinking now is really bitter and that's why you're adding all the stuff to it. Now I'm back to auto drip with just really mild blend coffee if I'm in a hurry. no fuss.
  • spoonyspork
    spoonyspork Posts: 238 Member
    HOLD UP.

    Girl, I have the solution to your problems.

    Cold brewed coffee. Not iced coffee from Starbucks, that is just hot coffee cooled down by shocking it with ice.

    Cold brewed coffee is made from freshly ground beans steeped in cold water for 12-16 hours and yields a less acidic, smooth, rich, final product. It's also...more caffeinated...haha. It's way easier on the stomach than hot coffee, too.

    No sweetener needed. Tastes great black. But you could add a little cream to make the flavor more mild.

    Find a local cafe that makes cold brew the right way, or look into how to make it yourself. It's easy. All you need is a large mason jar/container and a way to filter the coffee after it's steeped overnight or whatever.

    I will never ever ever ever go back to crappy starbucks sugar-loaded drinks on the regular, because cold brew is sooo much better.

    Oh, and it has next to zero calories...... naturally.


    Trader Joe's has their own brand of cold brew that's nice too!

    When I don't have cold brew around (which I drink black!), I like my coffee with a whole cup of unsweetened cashew milk (I eat tons of things with dairy fat so no need for full fat milk in my coffee) for a 30 calorie cafe au lait. Cashew milk is *really* creamy and the slight taste of cashews goes nicely with the coffee. Almond milk is nice too for only 35 calories. Not quite as creamy but it's often vanilla flavored which also goes great with coffee!
  • ciarajordan13
    ciarajordan13 Posts: 35 Member
    Wow! Thank you everyone :) awesome suggestions and advice!!!
  • determined_14
    determined_14 Posts: 258 Member
    Apparently we take our coffee seriously around here! ;) Coffee preferences are a personal choice, but I see no reason to "learn to love it black" unless you just can't fit some cream in anywhere.
    I love a couple tablespoons of whipping cream myself, though I've been trying to use half n half more often while on my deficit. I just make room for the calories-- inferior coffee is NOT worth it!
    I do second the recommendations to find a coffee you love: may I recommend the Eight O'clock Colombian, Hills Bros. Dark roast, Starbucks French roast, or if you want to go a bit pricier, Starbucks Guatamalan roast. Quality coffee needs far less and is so much more satisfying. Good luck! :)
    (Can someone link to some studies about the health benefits of coffee? I don't know the sources off the top of my head, but I do know that the voice of science is growing louder on coffee's side. :) )