Being the schmuck at the gym



  • pushyourself14
    pushyourself14 Posts: 275 Member
    Try to not care! Like the poster directly above me said, if they are lifting with any seriousness, they're definitely tracking their sets and reps. I am a hipocrate, though, because I lift weights at home partially due to the same sort of thing; intimidation (that, and my bench at home is a lot nearer to me than the gym :P)... Just zone them out and do your thing! :-)
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    Bring what you need to get through the workout safely and effectively. You are in there doing it and referencing a book is nothing. I bring a little notebook with me that I am ALWAYS looking at for the workout for the day. I can barely remember if I did 1 or 2 sets sometimes.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I brought my book for awhile and flipped through it before every exercise and retread a paragraph or two or referred to the pictures. I already read it a dozen times by then but it helped me feel more secure and sure. Yes, once I saw two dudes pointing in my direction as I was squatted down on the floor flipping through my book (not notebook, actual book). I have no idea what they were saying and wished I had gone up and just asked them. Truthfully though, it didn't matter. I was there for me. I was intimidated at first, especially when asking for my first spot, but it is one of those fake it until you make it situations.