Go on, laugh



  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    That's fantastic Lizzy622, what an achievement!
    I hope mine will continue to run for a long time.
  • megganjeninngs69
    megganjeninngs69 Posts: 51 Member
    It's easy to laugh at us I guess, as we run past. I feel the cold really badly, so sometimes I am jogging in a ski jacket and sheepskin gloves, even though we are in the UK on a Sunday afternoon. And my boy, my beautiful boy, how easy to laugh at him with his flapping arms, and the strange words that are coming out of his mouth, that someone who looks like a teenager is ask for hugs everytime we finish a run section.

    Go ahead, laugh. You see, we are in our own world when we run, which is generally a much better place to be so your laughter doesn't bother us. And my heart is so full of love, amazement and pride that your words cant hurt me. You see, what you don't know is that 4 years ago I would never imagined we would be doing this. I was 5 stone heavier and wouldn't have dreamt of running anywhere (especially where people could see), but now I love to exercise, and who cares if I don't have fancy gear or the best style. And my boy, he has autism and learning delay, he is overweight and doesn't understand team games. I was so proud the first day he asked to jog with me the 3 miles back from his swimming lesson, and we have done it every Sunday since (except Christmas). He always wants to, even in snow, sleet, rain - and how can I refuse that. So I layer up, and off we go.

    So, laugh away. I can't take away the love and pride in my heart, and that special time I have with boy. We don't often talk (at least not about real things - mainly he riffs on Willy Wonka!), but just sometimes, he lets me into his private world, and I think he walks for a moment in mine like this week, when he sped up and ran past me, and straight on past our next stopping point because he was 'racing', not just having 'a healthy jog'.

    My daughter wants to come with us too, but she's only 2, but hopefully one day she will too.

    I think that is wonderful others are missing out