Is it normal to get this bloated?!



  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    I bloat pretty badly too.
    I've just accepted it..

    I found when I tried paleo for a month, I completely lost the bloat. It was awesome. Eating paleo for me was not awesome though.

    I find that I get bloated if I eat big meals, smaller meals help reduce the huge bloat.

    Maybe it's worth testing for sensitivities to certain food and seeing the GP.

    Same here.

    I will say though I have had 2 colonoscopies with precancerous polyps removed in the past. I am an advocate of not waiting until you are 50 to get a colonoscopy. I am due for another one this yr.

  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    I think you will find you have a food intolerance of some kind, possibly wheat. Once I stopped eating wheat, not only did the pain stop but I stopped bloating as well.

    Over the Easter break, I ate a couple of hot cross buns at a friend's place. Why? Because they smelled amazing and I was starving at the time. Afterwards my stomach felt like it was going to explode and the pain during the night was dreadful.

    I broke my rule "never cheat with wheat" and I paid the price. Simple as that.
  • deebol
    deebol Posts: 24 Member
    Definitely try the Low Fodmap diet, after a year of tests, hospital visits and homeopathic remedies the only thing thats helped is the low fodmap diet which helped show my triggers. I feel your bloat pain i go up about 4 sizes, food triggers it, eating/not eating, stress. Mine is very extreme but the monash university app was a must have to figure out what i can eat and how much. Good luck and persevere with it. :)