How is it EVEN Possible

that I ate my breakfast at 8:15am and my stomach has yet to stop growling. What the heck do I need to do to make it stop. This is when I go for the junk because I am starving. I am downing water and that's not even helping. Gawd so aggrivated.


  • denali26
    denali26 Posts: 20 Member
    What did you have for breakfast?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You had a 203 calorie breakfast...I would be starved still too.

  • amitkatz0
    amitkatz0 Posts: 61 Member
    It all depends on what you ate and how much. Give us details.
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    From your food diary, you've only had around 200 cals for i see no carbs there!
    I would add something like wholemeal toast to that and i reckon you'd be fine.
  • Kelly79L
    Kelly79L Posts: 12 Member
    Have protein for breakfast, I'm always starved if I eat cereals,
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    Tea? The warmth, flavor, and caffeine might help curb your appetite a little bit.

    Do you prelog? (I just ask because your whole day is inputted, and I don't know where you are in the world...) Your breakfast is lower-calorie, but still full of protein and decent fats, so it's not inadequate. (if you'd had fruit and a fat-free yogurt, I'd expect you to be hungry, but an omelet with ham and cheese is pretty satisfying, that's my go-to as well.)

    If this is your usual breakfast and you are typically satisfied with it, it could be a TOM issue. Stupid hormones.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Kelly79L wrote: »
    Have protein for breakfast, I'm always starved if I eat cereals,

    she had protein for breakfast
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Kelly79L wrote: »
    Have protein for breakfast, I'm always starved if I eat cereals,

    she had protein for breakfast

    If anything, she probably needs to add some Carbs!

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I need complex carbs and fat in the morning, personally... I'd use at least one whole egg and have a piece of whole grain toast too.
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Kelly79L wrote: »
    Have protein for breakfast, I'm always starved if I eat cereals,

    she had protein for breakfast

    If anything, she probably needs to add some Carbs!

    I'd agree if she was feeling sluggish rather than hungry, but point well made. I usually have a ton of veg in my omelets, and a whole grapefruit, too. OP, do you have any fruit or vegetables on hand? That might be a good snack right now.
  • TiffanyR71
    TiffanyR71 Posts: 217 Member
    Maybe try bulking up your eggs w/ veggies tomorrow (in addition to the ham) - helps me! Good luck & have a little snack or some tea! :)
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I would ditch the Egg Beaters and go for real, whole eggs. Two or three of them, and/or double the amount of ham. And a piece of whole wheat or sourdough toast with butter. I eat this breakfast for about 336 cals. Grab some fruit - some berries or half a banana, grapefruit and have that too, or as a mid-morning snack for a bit more holding power until lunch.

    If you're genuinely hungry after your regular breakfast and plenty of water, I think that's your body telling you to eat more food! And the good dose of protein, carbs and fat will help you feel more satiated and full for much longer.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Eat more at breakfast. You only have 200 calories logged for breakfast today. Since getting more breakfast probably won't happen, have a snack. Also, plan to have a heartier breakfast going forward since 200 calories doesn't satisfy you.
  • TiffanyR71
    TiffanyR71 Posts: 217 Member
    Agree w/ real eggs... Unless you're concerned about dietary cholesterol...
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    If I eat breakfast I am starving all morning, if I don't I am happy, could work for you?
  • Jgasmic
    Jgasmic Posts: 219 Member
    You have so many calories available even after lunch and dinner, eat something!
    I add two whole eggs to my cup of egg whites and that keeps me going until lunchtime most days.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    I do just fine with eight ounces of sodium-reduced V8 juice and one container of Dannon light Greek yogurt.
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    I do just fine with eight ounces of sodium-reduced V8 juice and one container of Dannon light Greek yogurt.

    If a ham and cheese omelet isn't doing it for the OP, I doubt that she'd have the same happiness you do from that breakfast.

  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    According to what you're going to eat today, you have 800 more calories to go. Eat more! It's hard for me in the morning to get something to eat (today it was 2 pieces of gluten free bread and some cheese, I was really behind), but I found throwing some bread in helps add calories and carbs and instead of an omelet, I have an egg sandwich!
  • Jgasmic
    Jgasmic Posts: 219 Member
    EWJLang wrote: »
    I do just fine with eight ounces of sodium-reduced V8 juice and one container of Dannon light Greek yogurt.

    If a ham and cheese omelet isn't doing it for the OP, I doubt that she'd have the same happiness you do from that breakfast.

    Right? That made me think of Penelope from SNL.