How is it EVEN Possible



  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    Jgasmic wrote: »
    EWJLang wrote: »
    I do just fine with eight ounces of sodium-reduced V8 juice and one container of Dannon light Greek yogurt.

    If a ham and cheese omelet isn't doing it for the OP, I doubt that she'd have the same happiness you do from that breakfast.

    Right? That made me think of Penelope from SNL.

    I wanted to call it a breakfast made of sadness, but if PP likes it, she can rock on with it.

    Unsalted V8 and fat free splenda bowl sounds like the 7th circle of hell to me.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    that I ate my breakfast at 8:15am and my stomach has yet to stop growling. What the heck do I need to do to make it stop. This is when I go for the junk because I am starving. I am downing water and that's not even helping. Gawd so aggrivated.

    Eat more. It looks like you have 800 calories left in your day which is enough for a whole meal. Why aren't you using them if you are starving?

    Plan a bigger breakfast or a mid-morning snack in future.

  • tammycolbert
    tammycolbert Posts: 236 Member
    So yes I had my Egg beaters today, more then I ususally have, I had the piece of ham with a piece of cheese. I worry about the salt intake, I really don't know why, I've never had a problem with salt before. I do have high blood pressure but it is extremly well controlled.

    I do log my day as soon as I get to work otherwise I won't be able to do it and I don't want to miss anything.

    I guess I am going to have to add more like you all have suggested to my morning. I just cannot believe that as I am eating my stomach is growling and then 2hrs later is was still growling. It felt like the food I ate never even reach my stomach.

    I know I have alot of calories left over, but I don't think I am done logging for the day still got all night ahead of me.

    Thank You for your feedback. I appreciate it.
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    Depending on your level of activity, under-eating your calorie goal for days in a row may leave you more famished in the morning. At least, that is what I experience.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited April 2015
    Too few calories is a possibility, but then again, if you're used to that amount of calories (I don't believe in the "you HAVE to eat breakfast" axiom), you might just be having a "hungry" day. Your body might be hungrier than usual for reasons you can't determine. I have those. On those days I'll still stay within my calorie goals but I'll eat more as far as eating back some of my exercise calories (usually I don't eat them back or I don't lose, even set on Sedentary); or if I'm very very hungry, I'll eat at maintenance.
  • ruggedshutter
    ruggedshutter Posts: 389 Member
    Have you ever tried fasting for breakfast until lunch or later in the morning? It's something that I'm going to try next week to help curb my mid-morning appetite/snack. Your morning breakfast could be setting you up for a mid-morning blood sugar crash, leading you to feel hungry before lunch.
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    If I eat breakfast I am starving all morning, if I don't I am happy, could work for you?

    This happens to me as well.

    I used to be a three meals + snacks person but have found with this recent weight loss effort that my body works best if I only eat when I'm actually hungry. I usually skip breakfast (or just have a non-fat latte). I eat smaller meals (~200-300 cal) and wait an hour before assessing my hunger and possibly eating another. At dinner I'll look at my day to make sure I've eaten enough. That's the only time of the day when I might eat even if I'm not hungry, but again I'll stagger the mini-meals out so I don't actually feel over-full. Of course a decade ago I lost weight successfully eating very regular meals, so I would say that you just need to experiment with what works for you.

    Also, if I'm ever starving then I'll graze on mini-meals even if that means I hit maintenance for a day. This happens to me a few times a month (usually TOM related) and it doesn't stop overall progress. If I found I was starving every single day then I would have to change tactics but eating to maintenance once in a while doesn't seem to hurt me.
  • becca5446
    becca5446 Posts: 14 Member
    What everyone is saying is great advise, but it also kind of depends where you are at in your fitness journey. Did you just start eating at a deficit? If so, your body may simply just be adjusting. I know when I first started my diet, I was always hungry at first. After a couple of weeks though, my body adjusted and I wasn't so hungry all the time. Unfortunately, at first, sometimes we just have to give our bodies time to adjust but it does get better.

    Good luck. :)
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    If I eat breakfast I am starving all morning, if I don't I am happy, could work for you?

    I'm the same. If I eat before 10 or 11 at the earliest I tend to feel sick...but also wicked hungry. And odd combination I'd rather avoid.
  • runem2011
    runem2011 Posts: 34 Member
    add me :smiley:
  • WeddedBliss1992
    WeddedBliss1992 Posts: 414 Member
    are you hungry? just because your stomach "growls" doesn't necessarily mean you are needing to eat. maybe drink a glass of water or tea and see what happens. sometimes my stomach makes noises and i'm not hungry at all.
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    Maybe try adding some healthy fat to your breakfast. An egg with avocado, for example.
  • tammycolbert
    tammycolbert Posts: 236 Member
    are you hungry? just because your stomach "growls" doesn't necessarily mean you are needing to eat. maybe drink a glass of water or tea and see what happens. sometimes my stomach makes noises and i'm not hungry at all.

    I was starving. I was having actual hunger pains, while I was eating. I know I have not had the best logging track, I know this. I am definitly trying harder now with everything; logging, food and exercise.

    You have all given me such great advice and I really do thank you.

  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    Breakfasts on workdays are a struggle for some people. I like things I can grab-n-go with or eat in the car on the commute. I've found Kind plus bars to be perfect for these days. 190 calories that plus my coffee with a little milk and I'm good to go until lunch. I particularly love the Cranberry Almond ones.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    From your food diary, you've only had around 200 cals for i see no carbs there!
    I would add something like wholemeal toast to that and i reckon you'd be fine.
    carbs are not satiating. Fat and protein are.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Add a bunch of vegetables into your eggs. I like mushrooms, spinach, roasted red pepper, scallions because they cook up so fast in the morning rush, but you can always use whatever you have on hand. Because I add so many vegetables, sometimes I can't finish it.
  • slucki01
    slucki01 Posts: 284 Member
    you only ate 203 calories and very little of that was protein. Eat more substantial breakfasts -- whole eggs instead of egg beaters, whole grain bread instead of white, yogurt, milk, veggies, etc. I find that if I eat carbs for breakfast it causes a sugar spike and doesn't sustain me for long. Protein (and a little fat) has much better holding power.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I don't usually eat breakfast, makes me hungrier, earlier. Also, try eating protein. I like Greek yogurt and string cheese, or a protein shake (milk, protein powder, banana). Or eggs.
  • Iamnotasenior
    Iamnotasenior Posts: 234 Member
    One thing that struck me is that your breakfast had zero fiber? Try a fiber and protein dense breakfast and your body will take a little more time to digest it. I eat an Ezekial 4:9 English Muffin with peanut butter for breakfast and it keeps me full until lunch. The combo of the muffin and peanut butter has about 10 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber.
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    If I eat breakfast I am starving all morning, if I don't I am happy, could work for you?

    I'm the same. If I eat before 10 or 11 at the earliest I tend to feel sick...but also wicked hungry. And odd combination I'd rather avoid.

    I’m exactly the same. Unless I eat a 1000 calorie breakfast, which has been known to happen when I meet with friends for a greasy spoon Sunday morning extravaganza, I get both sick and hungry if I eat breakfast. I’ve gotten into the habit of not eating breakfast and it works great for me.