Counting Calories is an eating disorder?



  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    The person who wrote this article has, according to her site, no qualifications in anything related to psychology or nutrition except personal experience. She's just given up dieting herself and wants to make herself feel good about that decision. That's fine, if it helps her. But it says more about her than about the rest of the people in the world with a 'eating disorder'.
  • Crazyartgrrl
    Crazyartgrrl Posts: 46 Member
    Don't think it's an eating disorder. However, I don't think it's the most healthy way to live mentally. I wish I was able to always stay a healthy weight without having to track calories or feeling guilt or plan way ahead and what I could do to make up for unhealthy decisions. A lot of people can stay a very healthy weight without ever really thinking about it and that probably shows a very healthy attitude to food.

    Don't mean it as a criticism because I don't think there's anything wrong with counting calories if that's what works for you but I wish I could live a healthy lifestyle without counting calories. Unfortunately my attitude to food isn't healthy enough but hopefully one day it will be!

    I actually sort of agree. For the last 20 years I've dieted, restricted, tried this, that and the other thing. I don't even know how to eat anymore. MFP helps me "relearn" to keep me in focus. There's fine lines and gray areas all over everything in our lives. I think we all know where our personal ones exist.

    To go so far as saying ED, well that's a stretch. But if I find myself 50 years from now still logging calories because I haven't learned in half a century how to eat healthy given the PLETHORA of tools available to me today, then maybe it's is a type of ED. or maybe I just can't learn....or trust myself.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Don't think it's an eating disorder. However, I don't think it's the most healthy way to live mentally. I wish I was able to always stay a healthy weight without having to track calories or feeling guilt or plan way ahead and what I could do to make up for unhealthy decisions. A lot of people can stay a very healthy weight without ever really thinking about it and that probably shows a very healthy attitude to food.

    Don't mean it as a criticism because I don't think there's anything wrong with counting calories if that's what works for you but I wish I could live a healthy lifestyle without counting calories. Unfortunately my attitude to food isn't healthy enough but hopefully one day it will be!

    I actually sort of agree. For the last 20 years I've dieted, restricted, tried this, that and the other thing. I don't even know how to eat anymore. MFP helps me "relearn" to keep me in focus. There's fine lines and gray areas all over everything in our lives. I think we all know where our personal ones exist.

    To go so far as saying ED, well that's a stretch. But if I find myself 50 years from now still logging calories because I haven't learned in half a century how to eat healthy given the PLETHORA of tools available to me today, then maybe it's is a type of ED. or maybe I just can't learn....or trust myself.

    I will say that it can get a bit obsessive and some people seem more prone to that than others. I think if a person feels that tracking calories is hurting their mental health then they should absolutely try to find a way not to have to do it. At this point I feel like I've learned enough about portion sizes to do reasonably well at maintaining. I still track though because of macros. My natural tendency is not to get enough protein. Also at some point I'll be doing cutting and bulking cycles and I think that's really difficult to do without counting in some form. Bottom line, people should do what works on an individual level.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    People write these articles to sell them. The publication wants different stories to gain readers, sell advertising, and make money. End of story for me.

    The obvious: my eating was out of control. Logging calories and planning meals makes me aware of what I'm eating. The eating obsession part comes with being out of control. I'm not out of control now at all.
  • Crazyartgrrl
    Crazyartgrrl Posts: 46 Member

    I will say that it can get a bit obsessive and some people seem more prone to that than others. I think if a person feels that tracking calories is hurting their mental health then they should absolutely try to find a way not to have to do it. At this point I feel like I've learned enough about portion sizes to do reasonably well at maintaining. I still track though because of macros. My natural tendency is not to get enough protein. Also at some point I'll be doing cutting and bulking cycles and I think that's really difficult to do without counting in some form. Bottom line, people should do what works on an individual level.

    I totally agree. When you're actively working towards a physical goal where it is imperative that you eat the macros at a ratio that will bring you the results you are specifically working for, then it makes sense, long after you've mastered simply "eating healthy" The author didn't acknowledge that.

    On a side note: My MIL is 58 years old, won't put a speck of sugar or sweets in her mouth because she doesn't trust herself to stop. She "pseudo brags" when she is so hungry because "it's 3pm and, oh gosh, I've only had an apple today" If she were at all computer savvy and chose to learn anything other than how to starve herself, she'd be dangerous on MFP or any of the food tracking sites. She exercises compulsively every, single, day, even days that she's sick. THAT'S an ED and I think put her in a room with a majority of the people on MFP and most of us could clearly see the difference.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Actually, by definition, disordered eating and eating disorders are very different things. Look it up in the book on Nutrition by Thompson and Manore.
  • Dixie2111
    Dixie2111 Posts: 30 Member
    What a wonderful topic! How can learning to eat properly (the amount in portions sizes and what is actually IN our food to fuel our bodies to optimum health) be considered an eating dis-order, I consider it an ordered learning curve, or how else would we know how to maintain a healthy body? We all have to educate ourselves throughout our entire lives and most people today are not in the healthy bracket because of eating the wrong foods in the wrong quantities....I am all for learning, how about the rest of :wink: :laugh: you?
  • potatocar
    potatocar Posts: 250 Member
    Jeez. With all the BS we're preoccupied and obsessed with in these modern times, you're lucky if eating healthy is one of those things.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    I dare say there is a line somewhere that when crossed makes it disorder-like.

    And I know that folks are sometimes fired with a missionary zeal to convert all and sundry to their way of thinking.

    Fior me - I'm MUCH more aware of how much I was stuffing away (damn you, late night mug of Horlicks)... and now I am much more aware of what I eat, and trying to be a bit more healthy, a bit less wasteful, and still allow myself to enjoy meals and drinks out.

    I have found that being stuck in Paris for two weeks - it has been sheer guess work as to what's been consumed!
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    What do they call it when an adult buys a weeks groceries & most is grease,sugar & junk food? Maybe a head of lettuce to make them feel "healthy"? I used to be that person.Not by design,but by ignorance.

    Now I'm trying hard to count calories,read about nutrition,hopefully learning about food choices.Food in itself is not bad,it's the choice of eating chips every day choosing to grab fast food too often.That food isn't bad,but my choices were.

    Well,I get off on a tangent:grumble: .....Can only speak for myself.Counting calories to me,is just my way of choosing foods that help me eat healthy.Losing pounds is part of choosing to help my body.Less lard to haul around. If that is sick,I'll lead the parade!:flowerforyou:
  • Lind140
    Lind140 Posts: 140 Member
    What are common signs of disordered eating?

    Disordered eating can be one behavior or multiple behaviors that are either exhibited for long periods or only present during times of stress or extreme emotions. When certain behaviors are exhibited together for a certain amount of time an eating disorder may be present. The following behaviors are associated with disordered eating:

    · A very strong fear of gaining 5 pounds

    · Following strict food rules

    · Dieting for more than three-quarters of your life

    · Use of diet pills or laxatives

    · Fasting or juice cleanses to lose weight

    · Overexercising

    · Cutting entire food groups from your diet, except for religious reasons

    · Eating the same “safe” foods every day

    · Extreme calorie restriction

    · Thinking about food more than 50 percent of the time

    · Obsessive calorie counting

    · Intentionally skipping meals to lose weight

    · Bingeing or vomiting

    · Smoking for weight loss

    · Lying about how much you’ve eaten

    · Weighing yourself daily, if it becomes obsessive.

    · Consistently overeating when you’re not hungry

    · Eating a lot of no- or low-calorie foods

    · Having concerns about your eating or weight that interfere with your life (e.g., you won’t see the doctor)

    · Considering foods to be good or bad

    · Visiting pro-anorexia or pro-bulimia websites

    · Adopting a vegetarian diet solely for weight loss

    I saw this article and thought it was interesting regarding the thread, you brought up a really interesting topic
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I just read an article saying if you are preoccupied with food and have to plan what you eat and log everything you eat it is considered an eating disorder. If you feel the need to exercise off calories you over ate it is an eating disorder.



    Utter bollocks.

    1) Sounds like someone who has given up and hasn't worked out the best way of staying trim. I am thinking "fox who lost his tail".
    2) How does it explain the fact that I count so that I eat MORE, so that I eat a minimum of 2300 a day to grow muscle?
  • lastspen
    lastspen Posts: 106 Member
    This article sucks...Counting calories doesn't necessarily cause you stress in the first place. In our society's case, the #1 reason why people are overweight is because they don't think about the food that they are eating before they put it in their mouths. Mindless eating is bad because there is so much crap that you can eat without even considering how health or unhealthy it is for you.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    i wish u would just post all of what it said
    im not finding or s eeing any of this
  • nannyal
    nannyal Posts: 50
    It works for me, so I really don't care what labels are put on it. No such thing as normal. Quit worrying and keep counting if it works for you.
  • arisaurus
    arisaurus Posts: 10 Member
    Speaking as someone who has suffered from an eating disorder for twelve years I can tell you that counting calories does not an eating disorder make. If you do what I do and eat as little as possible and then binge and purge and obsess about the number on the scale then you have an ED.

    I break down and cry if the number fluctuates. Yesterday I had a breakdown in Jason's Deli over eating a spinach salad and then went home and binged on pizza and threw it up. This morning I worked out to burn off anythng else and overdosed on laxatives to shed the extra weight.

    /I/ have an ED. Someone who counts calories and plans their meals is just dieting. Don't worry sister. Unless you become completely consumed, you're ok. <3 If it becomes a problem seek help immediately before you end up like me.
  • LongIsland27itl
    LongIsland27itl Posts: 365 Member
    Disorder lol more of a reorder.
    You'll get this a lot from family or others who are content with being out of shape gluttonous slobs who don't like to see others progress, pay no mind to it!
    But I do believe that MANY people on diets who may be counting calories have no idea what they're doing, probably doing it wrong and eating less or more then they should, so that can also be a legitimate reason for someone to pick on them about the cal counting.
  • kelsierose094
    kelsierose094 Posts: 232 Member

    *runs off into the distance screaming*
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    After looking at the the original article I find it difficult to take someone named only as "C" seriously. :laugh: