How do you feel about splenda?



  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I <3 Sweet 'n Low and dislike all other artificial sweeteners. None of them have the same SnL taste and they don't seem to dissolve as well, especially in cold drinks. It seems like SnL is out of favor, though, as more and more restaurants only carry Splenda or Equal. Now I carry a few packets in my purse with me.
  • cathychyeah
    cathychyeah Posts: 23 Member
    I used a liquid fruit sweetener called "sweet freedom" low cal and no after taste and I'm someone who used to need sugar!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    @cathychyeah you inspired me to look up "sweet freedom". It appears to be fruit extracts and is about 25% sweeter than sugar. Since it claims only 25% fructose I am guessing the rest is glucose.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I've never been one to like sugar in my coffee so I can't comment how it tastes in coffee, but I use it for other things and I'm happy with it. I don't mind the aftertaste one bit, in fact I like it. I also like the 50 or so calories I'm saving that could be spent on something else.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I too love the sweet n low, but I'll use any fake sugar I have to if it isn't available and I have coffee. Oddly enough I prefer real sugar in my hot tea and no sugar in my ice tea.
  • cathychyeah
    cathychyeah Posts: 23 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    @cathychyeah you inspired me to look up "sweet freedom". It appears to be fruit extracts and is about 25% sweeter than sugar. Since it claims only 25% fructose I am guessing the rest is glucose.

    Yeah it's like a syrup made from apples grapes and carob. I like it because it's low in cal and carb and GI but also because of the taste. I feel it's done better for me more than sugar but I'm no nutritionist but it's much better than aspartame based products which is most sweeteners here in the uk
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    So i need to get my sugar intake down but i LOVE LOVE LOVE my coffee and can't do black coffee, it's just not for me no matter how hard i try. how do you all feel about splenda, the fake stuff, the big yellow packet?

    I dislike the aftertaste. I'd rather drink my coffee with a small amount of real sugar. That said, if you need a sweetener in your coffee then go for it!
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    I use it when I am too lazy to reach for Equal.
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    Splenda was eh, but I got rid of it after finding out that it had 3 useable calories per packet. I switched to Truvia for .2 cals a packet and like it. I use the Truvia baking blend too and have had good results with it.
  • Silverstar721
    Silverstar721 Posts: 33 Member
    I use Stevia and they have it at most Dollar Stores in the packets. I understand that it is the safest one to long term side effects. I like the taste of it too.
  • Marcia661
    Marcia661 Posts: 183 Member
    I'd rather have my coffee with actual sugar than some processed sweetener. I just work it into my diet; I'd rather take the calories. Works for me. :) But if you like Splenda, go for it!

    I agree 100%. Too many times years after the fact it comes out that 'such and such' is a known carcinogen. Don't take chances..... if you want sugar, have sugar.
  • jeichelb83
    jeichelb83 Posts: 172 Member
    I love Splenda so much I can't use real sugar anymore. I don't mind Sweet and Low either but Equal and the other "blues" and they're almost tasteless to me, acutally kind of salty. The same with stevia all the other new ones.
  • sup3rb3ast
    sup3rb3ast Posts: 73 Member
    Depending on how many cups of coffee you drink a day, the amount of sweetener you are ingesting is minimal. I say pick whatever tastes the best to you. People are going to say sugar is bad, and they are going to say artificial sweeteners are bad. I think that there is no way the tiny amounts that people use in something like coffee can have much of an impact on your over-all health. If you were using sweeteners or sugars in massive amounts, that would be another story. But for something as small as sweetening coffee? I wouldn't stress too much.

    I personally prefer stevia or real sugar over other sweeteners. I find liquid to be difficult to judge how much I need, I often make it too sweet. Now I buy a box of individual packaged powdered form and it is the perfect amount of sweetener for one cup of coffee.
  • who4fan
    who4fan Posts: 388 Member
    I love Splenda, it has no aftertaste to me. I have 2 cups of coffee daily and I like it sweet and light.
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    Nope, I will stick with real sugar. The after taste of splenda, stevia and sweet n'low is just disgusting! And recent studies are showing that your body handles the fake stuff the same way it does actual sugar.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Nope, I will stick with real sugar. The after taste of splenda, stevia and sweet n'low is just disgusting! And recent studies are showing that your body handles the fake stuff the same way it does actual sugar.

    Only some people.

    Artificial sweeteners make me crave nothing.

  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    edited April 2015
    Artificial Sweeteners all taste bitter and nasty to me. If I want sweet, I'll use sugar, honey, or maple syrup.

    And, no, stevia drops and powder (which are synthesized from the non-FDA approved stevia plant) are not "more natural" than Nutrasweet (brand name of aspartame, which is synthesized from fruit peels) or Splenda (brand name of sucralose, which is synthesized from sugar cane). They are all artificial. So, don't choose based on one being more "natural" than another. 'Cause that's nothing but fertilizer. If you want to save on the 16 calories that are in a spoon of sugar, choose based on taste. (Unless you have PKU, in that case do NOT use the aspartame)
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I love splenda. I've had it in my morning coffee for years now. I'm not sure if splenda allowed me to stand the taste of diet soda or if it was the other way around.
    If it wasn't for Splenda I'd have 12 tsp (total) of regular sugar in my 2 large cups of coffee. Which would equal about 200 calories or so? I have a sweet tooth and I won't deny it. I also enjoy Skinny Cows Anything.
  • peter56765
    peter56765 Posts: 352 Member
    4leighbee wrote: »
    jgnatca wrote: »
    ive done all three and truvia is pobably my fav. do whichever u like best! there is so much conflicting research its impossible to weed out the truth

    It is quite possible. A good study is published, peer reviewed, and repeatable. Extra points if it has passed a regulatory process like the FDA. If so, it is safe for consumption.

    I have used artificial sweeteners so long I don't notice an aftertaste. I find coffee, though, to be bitter.

    I like a little cinnamon in my tea. Maybe try that to mask the aftertaste. Or milk. Or cayenne pepper. Or all three.

    Not intending to be contradictory, but what happens then when the truth is overturned five years down the road? "New" foods and processes don't appeal to me for that reason ... not to say I don't consume them - probably close to impossible given my lifestyle choices, etc. But I don't run out to try the newest sweetener, because what's "safe" now may not be considered safe ten years from now.

    Older doesn't always mean safer. Long term analysis has shown that our increased intake of sugar over the past century has led to a massive increase in diabetes among first world populations. Perhaps we would have been better off consuming Splenda or Sweet N Low instead.