I don't know what I'm doing wrong

I have been intensely exercising everyday for the past 3 weeks. I have been either working out on the arc cybex at highest Intensity for an hour or attending spin class for 45 mins to an hour. I don't eat more than 1,300-1,500 calories a day. I went on the scale today for the first time in 3 weeks and I actually gained 5 pounds. I'm so frustrated that I'm not even going to go th the spin class that I signed up for today. What am I doing wrong?


  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,941 Member
    Did you do anything different for Easter Sunday? I would not pick Easter Monday as a representative weigh in day!

    You've already lost a bunch of weight, so do what worked before!

    Did you use to only weigh yourself once every three weeks?

    Did you use to weight your solids and measure your liquids? Have you been?
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,941 Member
    Not going to spin class is going to help your health... how?
  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Not going to spin class is going to help your health... how?
    It's not. I'm just frustrated.
  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Did you do anything different for Easter Sunday? I would not pick Easter Monday as a representative weigh in day!

    You've already lost a bunch of weight, so do what worked before!

    Did you use to only weigh yourself once every three weeks?

    Did you use to weight your solids and measure your liquids? Have you been?

    My old method of losing weight wasn't very healthy. Now that I gained some weight back and I'm trying to lose it the healthy way it seems like the weight is no longer coming off.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Easter dinner? Excess sodium? TOM? Or not logging properly?

    What are your stats and can you open your diary? And don't skip class tonight!
  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Easter dinner? Excess sodium? TOM? Or not logging properly?

    What are your stats and can you open your diary? And don't skip class tonight!

    I opened up my diary. I have been eating a lot of sodium. I already missed the spin class that I was supposed to take this morning but I will probably go to one tonight.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,941 Member
    I hear ya. So go for a walk uphill to vent that frustration!

    Guy answer is that if it doesn't solve the problem there is no point in discussing ; - )

    Go through your diary. Are you logging right?

    And did you have a "real" easter dinner? What would a 5lb water gain do to your weigh in? I sure as hell am not looking at a scale today!

    Take care and go spinning!!!!!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Its normally people are eating more than they think and burning less.

    If you wnat to provide your details then other people can check. It helps if you open your diary so we cna see whats going on and whether it makes sense.

    Age, height, cw, tw

    How long have you been dieting and how much have you lost.

    Are you weighing your food with a scale and logging it all?

    You are going to the gym every day and no rest days? How much are you burning and from what source are you recording the burns? MFP, HRM, machine?

    Are you eating back calories?

    In the event it isnt down to inaccurate logging, then you can put on weight for any number of natural reasons, such as water retention, hormones, natural fluctuation. In that case you need to be patient and keep doing the right things.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,941 Member
    OK didn't realize you were off the wagon and trying to get back on with a healthier eating plan.

    Will sign off to catch some zzzz's as I see others have joined in to help!

    Once every three weeks seems a long period between weigh ins. You have also not given out height/weight/age info for anyone to cross check your eating goals....

  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
    Besides the aforementioned suspects "Easter dinner? Excess sodium? TOM?" water retention etc firstly weight loss is not linear, you will often see spikes and drops in weight for no apparent reason.

    I looked over your diary and the problem could be you are not accurately measuring your food, as there are a lot of generic entries such as "1 bagel" "1 cup" etc I will post a link about how this sort of inaccurate measurements can impede your weight loss efforts.

    Invest in an accurate kitchen scale if you do not already have one.

  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    Its normally people are eating more than they think and burning less.

    If you wnat to provide your details then other people can check. It helps if you open your diary so we cna see whats going on and whether it makes sense.

    Age, height, cw, tw

    How long have you been dieting and how much have you lost.

    Are you weighing your food with a scale and logging it all?

    You are going to the gym every day and no rest days? How much are you burning and from what source are you recording the burns? MFP, HRM, machine?

    Are you eating back calories?

    In the event it isnt down to inaccurate logging, then you can put on weight for any number of natural reasons, such as water retention, hormones, natural fluctuation. In that case you need to be patient and keep doing the right things.

    I opened my diary. I have been dieting off and on for my whole life practically. A few years ago I lost 70 pounds by eating only 900 calories a day. When I started eating normally again i gained 30 pounds back. Now I'm trying to lose the weight the right way by eating more than 900 calories but now the weight doesn't seem to come off.

    I haven't taken a rest day from the gym in 3 weeks. I record my calories burned by using a heart rate monitor. I don't eat back my calories
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    When I first started, it was nearly six weeks before the scales started to budge. Probably water retention from exercising. Since then, I've lost 14 pounds.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,941 Member
    You should be eating back your calories. You really should. But in the other hand your calorie counting is not super accurate. I consider mine lax (and I am not talking about easter Sunday) but yours is quite generic and doesn't give the impression you actually weigh the things you eat. If your burns are corrext you are netting under 900 which is a very low calorie diet.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,941 Member
    Are you never going to take days off from the gym? Is this another diet or a sustainable lifestyle change!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I think it might be your logging. You have entries that appear inexact. Things like "Omelette - 2 eggs and cheese." How much cheese? Was no oil used to cook it? Same with the pancakes and the "Paleo pancakes." If you didn't enter these recipes yourself, how do you know the calories are as low as you logged.

    It looks like you often eat food prepared by others. You can still lose weight if this is the case, it just looks as if you are currently underestimating the calories in what you are eating. And it means that when you log food you prepare, your logging needs to be tighter. So things like "Turkey - 1 slice" should reflect the actual weight.

  • brokentide
    brokentide Posts: 21 Member
    The reason why the weight isn't coming off is most likely because of the high amount of carbohydrates and sodium. You need to raise the amount of protein and fat - eat less processed foods and more vegetables, whole eggs, and meat. Also minimize or eliminate grains and fruit if you can. Forget about exercise for now, what you eat has much more of a bearing on a person's weight than an extra hour or two at the gym.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited April 2015
    You should take at least one total rest day per week to let your body recover.
    All you are looking to find is he correct level that place you in deficit. If the 5lb is real and not just water, then its just a case of finding why you are gaining, which would indicate a calorie surplus. The safe and healthy way is really an absolute min of 1200 and then a portion of your exercise calories. Everyone else loses this way and they get to eat more as well.

    I have things to do at the moment am sure someone else will look at your diary. I had a quick look and it looked like you are using cups as measuring and not weighing, so theres scope for you to tighten up, which will show you that you are eating more than you think.

    The good news its easily solveable by tighter logging.

    Dont get frustrated just let people give you ideas on why you arent getting the results you expect, then adjust.
    Am off out so will have a proper look later if its not been answered.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    brokentide wrote: »
    The reason why the weight isn't coming off is most likely because of the high amount of carbohydrates and sodium. You need to raise the amount of protein and fat - eat less processed foods and more vegetables, whole eggs, and meat. Also minimize or eliminate grains and fruit if you can. Forget about exercise for now, what you eat has much more of a bearing on a person's weight than an extra hour or two at the gym.

    If she was eating at a calorie deficit, the amount of carbohydrates wouldn't matter.

    The sodium could cause some eater retention. The real issue, however, is likely that OP is eating more calories than she thinks.

  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    brokentide wrote: »
    The reason why the weight isn't coming off is most likely because of the high amount of carbohydrates and sodium. You need to raise the amount of protein and fat - eat less processed foods and more vegetables, whole eggs, and meat. Also minimize or eliminate grains and fruit if you can. Forget about exercise for now, what you eat has much more of a bearing on a person's weight than an extra hour or two at the gym.

    Actually, no, what you eat has little bearing on weight loss (it's about how much you eat), and there is no need to minimize/eliminate grains or fruits unless for medical reasons.

    OP, as others have said your logging is inaccurate. Start using a food scale and the recipe builder for what you make.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    How much weight do you need to lose? How much do you weigh, and how tall are you?

    If you spent some time eating only 900 calories and then started eating normally, then of course that'll explain the weight gain. Give your body time to adjust to eating a normal amount.

    Did you used to exercise, or is that new? I've heard on here that new exercise can cause water retention.

    I also wouldn't be weighing myself on Easter Mon either lol.

    I haven't looked at your diary, but from what others say you need to tighten up your logging.