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Busting my rear because of a cheat meal



  • TheBeachgod
    TheBeachgod Posts: 825 Member
    edited April 2015
    Maybe look at what did during your prior efforts and incorporate that into your current plan? If it worked before it may work again.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    edited April 2015
    ladyleo_l wrote: »
    Hmm I guess I'll check to see if there are patterns so I don't worry as much when I see a gain. I'm just working really hard for it this time and seeing the least results. I guess that's why I am concerned about the numbers. It's been like 2.5 months of a calorie deficit and I've only lost 6 lbs. in prior weight loss efforts I've cleared 5-6 lbs per month of a calorie deficit.

    6 pounds in 2.5 months is good, you don't want to lose to fast it's not healthy, so if you looking for fast results that just not sustainable!!!

    ETA: Curious OP, do you weigh your solid foods and measure liquids??
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    ladyleo_l wrote: »
    Hmm I guess I'll check to see if there are patterns so I don't worry as much when I see a gain. I'm just working really hard for it this time and seeing the least results. I guess that's why I am concerned about the numbers. It's been like 2.5 months of a calorie deficit and I've only lost 6 lbs. in prior weight loss efforts I've cleared 5-6 lbs per month of a calorie deficit.

    I don't know if you are interested in another app, but the Libra app allows you to input your weight each day and then it tells you the general trend, filtering out some of the "noise" of daily fluctuations. I have found it really useful.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    ladyleo_l wrote: »
    I assumed that everyone knows that there is a calorie deficit along with clean eating. Not just clean eating...

    You would think right. Unfortunately often times people come here saying "I eat clean but I am not losing!" You ask about their calorie target and they have not idea what you are talking about.....

    Try not to be offended by other people's assumption and just keep giving as much info as you can.

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    ladyleo_l wrote: »
    Hmm I guess I'll check to see if there are patterns so I don't worry as much when I see a gain. I'm just working really hard for it this time and seeing the least results. I guess that's why I am concerned about the numbers. It's been like 2.5 months of a calorie deficit and I've only lost 6 lbs. in prior weight loss efforts I've cleared 5-6 lbs per month of a calorie deficit.

    Still a good loss! Maybe take a look at your diary and see if there is anything you can tighten up. Any food you haven't been slapping on the food scale? A condiment or oil you use daily and have forgotten to log? Do you have a cheat meal every week and is it high enough to wipe out half of your deficit? Etc.
  • emily889
    emily889 Posts: 296 Member
    I had a "cheat weekend" and supposedly gained 6lbs in 2 days....and I am not even freaked haha so .6 or even 2lbs could be from water weight.
  • ladyleo_l
    ladyleo_l Posts: 11 Member
    Well I'm not trying to lose fast. I'm just worried something may be wrong with me if I'm not losing like I normally do. I figured I'd try all I could before going to the doc again, which is why I posted
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    ladyleo_l wrote: »
    I guess because I mentioned I see a nutritionist people would know that I am on a deficit. I also didn't realize people thought you could lose weight by eating maintenance calories. That actually surprises me that people think that.

    You said that you didn't go over your calorie goal you just didn't eat "clean" one day and saw a .6 lb gain that lasted a week. That would lead many people to think that you believe eating clean will lead to weight loss regardless of calorie intake. Seeing a nutritionist means nothing other than you are talking to someone about food.

    With that being said, my advice would be to weight once a week at a certain time and stick with that for a while, like until you feel comfortable weighing even less often. You will see daily fluctuations that will make you crazy. Also, don't beat yourself up over a small gain here and there as long as you see an overall downward trend.

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    ladyleo_l wrote: »
    I assumed that everyone knows that there is a calorie deficit along with clean eating.

    Why would everyone assume that? If you don't provide details, nobody knows.

  • moesis
    moesis Posts: 874 Member
    edited April 2015
    ladyleo_l wrote: »
    Hmm I guess I'll check to see if there are patterns so I don't worry as much when I see a gain. I'm just working really hard for it this time and seeing the least results. I guess that's why I am concerned about the numbers. It's been like 2.5 months of a calorie deficit and I've only lost 6 lbs. in prior weight loss efforts I've cleared 5-6 lbs per month of a calorie deficit.

    This is really good! As someone else mentioned you don't want to lose it fast. You should be making lifestyle changes to help facilitate the loss. Your loss may slow over time if you do not stay diligent.

    The scale only gives you part of the picture. You should be taking measurements of various parts of your body on at least a monthly basis.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,255 Member
    ladyleo_l wrote: »
    Fluctuations don't bother me but a six day .6 lb increase is a gain not a fluctuation in my book. I'm trying to keep carbs reasonably low not severely low. I've seen a nutritionist and I am following a normal, healthy diet plan. Sorry, I probably should've mentioned these details sooner.

    Also it's not my cycle, I've already ruled that out. But that was a good suggestion.

    No, it is not a gain, at least not a gain of fat if you stayed within your calorie, or for that matter, even went over them a bit as your calorie goal includes a deficit which you would have to eat through first to get to the point where you would actually be putting fat on. It is water weight, and just to repeat that can take a week to go away. That is why weighing oneself to measure progress is one of the least helpful measures.

    In short, if these fluctuations are bugging you so much, stop weighing yourself so often. Once every two weeks or once a month might be better.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    EWJLang wrote: »
    ladyleo_l wrote: »
    I assumed that everyone knows that there is a calorie deficit along with clean eating. Not just clean eating...

    No, you said in your OP:
    ladyleo_l wrote: »
    I didn't go high over my calories, I just didn't eat clean.

    Which implies that you think that clean eating alone causes weight loss.

    I promise you, I could eat "clean" for a month or two and gain a ton of weight. Plenty of Crossfit and other strength athletes do it all the time when intentionally bulking.

    I could also eat totally "dirty" and lose. I'd probably lose more because I really only like most convenience foods in small doses, so a fully "dirty" diet would make me lose my appetite and lead to a bigger deficit.

    In summary:

    1) Less than a pound gain or loss is not signal, but noise. It's irrelevant and one good poop would take care of it.
    2) Your "cheat" of eating "not clean" didn't do a darn thing to your weight loss efforts.


    Weight loss has nothing to do with type of eating plan, but everything to do with calorie deficit.

    Eating clean is whatever you make it.
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    Ive been in maintenance 3 months. I entered maintenance at 116.0. I gained a few adjusting maintenance and range between 119-124. The other day I went out on a hot date with my husband and got up to 127. 3 days post date I'm down to 123.6. It's not fat. Flucuations are normal.

  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    ladyleo_l wrote: »
    I assumed that everyone knows that there is a calorie deficit along with clean eating. Not just clean eating...

    You'd actually be surprised at the amount of people in here who do not realize that eating "clean" (whatever that means to you because everyone's definition of it is different) isn't enough to lose weight. A calorie deficit is more important than what you're eating. Go through the "Getting Started" boards and you'll see what I mean. There are lots of "I'm eating healthy and exercising but not losing weight" threads.
  • determined_14
    determined_14 Posts: 258 Member
    moesis wrote: »
    Do you take your weight at the same time daily?
    What are your measurements telling you?
    • 0.6 pounds is a normal daily fluctuation.
    • A pound of is about 3,5000 calories. Make sure that you are tracking everything.

    Tiny little note here: a pound is 3500 calories. That extra zero you tacked on makes a big difference! ;) (Based on where you put the comma, I'm assuming you meant to type the correct number-- just didn't want anyone to get confused.)
  • GrandmaPeridow
    GrandmaPeridow Posts: 84 Member
    It is ok to have a "blow it" meal once in a while. Sometimes even a "blow it" or "cheat" day once in a while. The important thing is the general trend. If you are eating a calorie deficit most of the time, you will continue to lose weight. My weight loss is very slow.
    Another thing to remember is that you want to create life long good habits and maintain your weight at a healthy level.
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    ladyleo_l wrote: »
    If everyone has been in my shoes why is someone laughing at "clean eating"? Is it not good for weight loss to eat whole foods? Why make it seem like something is wrong with me because I'm disappointed that I am working so hard and gaining weight? Other people have said the same thing as you but in a nicer more understanding way. Who's opinions do you think I'll actually pay attention to?

    It IS good for your weight (and your general health) to eat whole foods in reasonable portion. Some folks are anti-whole-food-zealotry (zealots are so tiresome) so they make a point of noting that you can lose weight on a diet of twinkies and coca cola as long as you stay under your calorie count. Which is true - but your health would suffer (insufficient nutrients, both macro and micro). Eat what you choose to eat & take away from the board responses that which is useful to you.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    maxit wrote: »
    ladyleo_l wrote: »
    If everyone has been in my shoes why is someone laughing at "clean eating"? Is it not good for weight loss to eat whole foods? Why make it seem like something is wrong with me because I'm disappointed that I am working so hard and gaining weight? Other people have said the same thing as you but in a nicer more understanding way. Who's opinions do you think I'll actually pay attention to?

    It IS good for your weight (and your general health) to eat whole foods in reasonable portion. Some folks are anti-whole-food-zealotry (zealots are so tiresome) so they make a point of noting that you can lose weight on a diet of twinkies and coca cola as long as you stay under your calorie count. Which is true - but your health would suffer (insufficient nutrients, both macro and micro). Eat what you choose to eat & take away from the board responses that which is useful to you.

    Saying that one can gain weight while eating "clean" isn't the same thing as being anti-whole foods. The majority of my diet is whole foods, but that doesn't keep me from acknowledging that weight loss is clearly a function of energy consumed versus energy expended.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    ladyleo_l wrote: »
    If everyone has been in my shoes why is someone laughing at "clean eating"? Is it not good for weight loss to eat whole foods? Why make it seem like something is wrong with me because I'm disappointed that I am working so hard and gaining weight? Other people have said the same thing as you but in a nicer more understanding way. Who's opinions do you think I'll actually pay attention to?

    Because clean eating doesn't dictate weight loss, CICO does.

    *eats 4th cookie*
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    ladyleo_l wrote: »
    I assumed that everyone knows that there is a calorie deficit along with clean eating. Not just clean eating...

    There are people here who gained weight when eating what could be described as "clean." And plenty of us are creating a deficit without eating "clean."

    You cannot assume that eating one way means creating a deficit unless you are logging the food by weight and seeing that you are at a deficit.