Calling all Anti-inflammatory Eaters out there...!!!!!



  • 13suzie
    13suzie Posts: 349 Member
    The problem is that dietary advice is constantly changing. Did you know that Dr. Andrew Weil used to recommend low-fat dairy? He changes his stance every now and then due to new research studies coming out. Just keep in mind that the recommendations in this anti-inflammatory diet will likely change as well.

    I have been around the block more than once trying out all sorts of these ways of eating (including this one and the alkaline diet!) and the irony blows my mind every time. My personal experience is that I actually feel better and easily maintain a healthy athletic body when I eat a mix of foods without any restrictions. I just eat what I like and what agrees with my digestion. Yes, that happens to include Pop Tarts, Nutella, fast food, and other so-called inflammatory foods. Oh, the irony!

    Great post. Just happens to be that for me, at this moment in my life, this approach had done wonders for me!!!!! Wish Nutella agreed with my system! I have a reason for eating anti-inflammatory and it is based on my unique body's response to foods. I appreciate that weil updates his views based on the research. It can be unsettling to change gears based on findings and the dismissal of what you had subscribed to in the past. Bottom line take away I have from your post is to eat in a way that works for you. For me, it's anti-inflammatory eating. I appreciate your post and I'm jealous of your capacity to process sugary stuff and maintain an athletic physique. I've explored many different regimens and I'm highly motivated to workout hard. I lift heavy and I also am committed to high intensity interval training; I run about 2 marathons a year. Still can't eat the sugary stuff for reasons not fully understood... I just know what works with my body.
  • kazaargrandcru
    kazaargrandcru Posts: 152 Member
    13suzie wrote: »
    The problem is that dietary advice is constantly changing. Did you know that Dr. Andrew Weil used to recommend low-fat dairy? He changes his stance every now and then due to new research studies coming out. Just keep in mind that the recommendations in this anti-inflammatory diet will likely change as well.

    I have been around the block more than once trying out all sorts of these ways of eating (including this one and the alkaline diet!) and the irony blows my mind every time. My personal experience is that I actually feel better and easily maintain a healthy athletic body when I eat a mix of foods without any restrictions. I just eat what I like and what agrees with my digestion. Yes, that happens to include Pop Tarts, Nutella, fast food, and other so-called inflammatory foods. Oh, the irony!

    Great post. Just happens to be that for me, at this moment in my life, this approach had done wonders for me!!!!! Wish Nutella agreed with my system! I have a reason for eating anti-inflammatory and it is based on my unique body's response to foods. I appreciate that weil updates his views based on the research. It can be unsettling to change gears based on findings and the dismissal of what you had subscribed to in the past. Bottom line take away I have from your post is to eat in a way that works for you. For me, it's anti-inflammatory eating. I appreciate your post and I'm jealous of your capacity to process sugary stuff and maintain an athletic physique. I've explored many different regimens and I'm highly motivated to workout hard. I lift heavy and I also am committed to high intensity interval training; I run about 2 marathons a year. Still can't eat the sugary stuff for reasons not fully understood... I just know what works with my body.

    Thanks, and yes that is the takeaway I intended: do what works for you and eat what agrees with your body. I do feel happy about being able to eat pretty much anything, but keep in mind I would not feel or look well if I only ate pop tarts and such. I don't over-do anything.

    Just stick with what makes you feel best and make changes as needed. It's kind of fun experimenting and seeing what works or not. Keep up the great work, the lifting and hiit will get you far in my experience.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    13suzie wrote: »
    Nice reply. You have obviously made several assumptions and haven't taken the time to fully flush through the research yourself. There's a boat load of peer-reviewed research on the topic. Contrary to how some navigate, I hold theories to a high standard and personally vet the research. (Yes, I do have a Ph.D. and have heard Dr. Andrew Weil lecture first-hand and have spent time in Harvard's Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston where anti-inflammatory eating is discussed and supported at every juncture.) The popular alkaline diet isn't on the same shelf with regard to what can be found on the topic of anti-inflammatory eating. You are misguided to think that anti-inflammatory eating is as flat as that in terms of critical review and solid science... // The anti-inflammatory eating approach is much more than a book and the glycemic index is based on a wide sample and quite extensively studied for reliability among healthy adults. You might appreciate the literature if you dig around. I didn't defend the approach in my post because I am simply looking for others who have already themselves embraced the routine. I also didn't ask for advice, but thanks so very much for the fruit and vegetables tip! It's great that you are a MFP moderator. I'm sure that you are doing wonders for this site with nearly 27K posts.
    My response wasn't disingenuous. Perhaps how you read it (with some "mean" tone) to it made it sound offensive to you. I merely stated that there isn't much information to truly support the diet (versus any other balanced diet) and correctly stated that foods with antioxidant properties should help. It's not a "bad" diet. In fact it's pretty good. But what type or inflammation are you getting at?
    Muscles get "inflamed" when you work them out. Not a bad thing. Inflammation is also a necessary response to injury/infection. Inflammation is key for the immune system.
    If we're talking about "chronic inflammation", then it's probably going to take much more than an "anti inflammatory" diet to correct the issue. Treatments could possibly involve physical therapy and other prescription medicine. Also worth mentioning that just because a food alone may be low glycemic, how's it's prepped and what it's combined with, can change it's glycemic index.
    It's not a bad thing to share an "objective" view to the forums.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    13suzie wrote: »
    Anyone? It's all about eating low glycemic index foods to reduce inflammatory in the body. Supported by high profile docs such as Dr. Andrew Weil and Nicholas Perricone.

    Please send me a friend request if you are on board with this approach to eating. I would love to know others who are committed to this way of eating.

    Inflammatory what?
  • 13suzie
    13suzie Posts: 349 Member
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    13suzie wrote: »
    Anyone? It's all about eating low glycemic index foods to reduce inflammatory in the body. Supported by high profile docs such as Dr. Andrew Weil and Nicholas Perricone.

    Please send me a friend request if you are on board with this approach to eating. I would love to know others who are committed to this way of eating.

    Inflammatory what?

    Ahh- type-O--*inflammation.

  • 13suzie
    13suzie Posts: 349 Member
    KelGen02 wrote: »
    1. Never eat carbohydrate foods and acid foods at the same meal.
    2. Never eat a concentrated protein and a concentrated carbohydrate at the same meal
    3. Never consume two concentrated proteins at the same meal.
    4. Do not consume proteins with fats.
    5. Do not eat acid fruits with proteins.
    6. Do not consume starches and sugars together.
    7. Eat but one concentrated starch food at a meal.

    I had no idea what this diet is so I used Google and these are some of the rules of this diet. I applaud you and the others who are able to sustain this as I know I certainly couldn't. Anything that has restrictions feels too much like a diet and I have failed at diets for most of my life, so CICO seems to work best for me, as it has no restrictions. However, can I ask a question, as I wasn't able to find it during my brief google search. Is this diet to eliminate inflammatory for someone who has poor circulation? joint issues? old football injuries etc? While I eat most of the foods on this food list for this alkaline diet (but obviously not in those combos listed above) I have arthritis in my hands and hip, is this saying that those foods help to reduce the inflammation?

    Nope. Not even close. That's some food-combining diet...not something that makes sense to me.

    If you are actually curious about anti-inflammatory approaches to eating, here's a link taken from Andrew Weil's page on the topic:
  • brendak76
    brendak76 Posts: 241 Member
    My husband had adult onset muscular dystrophy and the main treatment this point is an anti inflammatory diet. Prescribed by several of the nations top specialists he sees. He notices a huge improvement with his symptoms on the diet. He didn't argue with the drs about the validity of the diet. He was just glad they didn't start prescribing strong drugs. At this point he diet is very helpful for him.
  • Justygirl77
    Justygirl77 Posts: 385 Member
    13suzie wrote: »
    Anyone? It's all about eating low glycemic index foods to reduce inflammatory in the body. Supported by high profile docs such as Dr. Andrew Weil and Nicholas Perricone.

    Please send me a friend request if you are on board with this approach to eating. I would love to know others who are committed to this way of eating.
    I'm not familiar with those docs, but I am definitely appreciating stuffing my diet with foods that don't promote inflammation. It's a really good idea!

  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    13suzie wrote: »
    Anyone? It's all about eating low glycemic index foods to reduce inflammatory in the body. Supported by high profile docs such as Dr. Andrew Weil and Nicholas Perricone.

    Please send me a friend request if you are on board with this approach to eating. I would love to know others who are committed to this way of eating.

    High profile as in 'How much bull-caca can we drop on the public AND convince them to buy our horrible products that don't work, have never worked, and will never work?'

    Yeah, these two are high profile all right. Good luck on your gurney.

  • 13suzie
    13suzie Posts: 349 Member
    brendak76 wrote: »
    My husband had adult onset muscular dystrophy and the main treatment this point is an anti inflammatory diet. Prescribed by several of the nations top specialists he sees. He notices a huge improvement with his symptoms on the diet. He didn't argue with the drs about the validity of the diet. He was just glad they didn't start prescribing strong drugs. At this point he diet is very helpful for him.

    Yeah, it has been really helpful for me. I had a serious autoimmune disease and I'm fully back to strong health. I've run several marathons since being diagnosed with what would have been a debilitating disease. I do credit the wisdom of Weil's team and controlling inflammation with this approach to eating. Weil and others are responsible for my recovery. This is such an odd forum --- people so quick to blow the "It's probably BS" horn. If only they took time to read the literature and to understand it context for those for whom it is a prescribed method of inflammation control. Most people are more obsessed with weight loss than health. Weight loss does not equate health though some people need to lose weight to restore their health. Yikes - people are so quick to combat and dismiss what they don't know. All I wanted to do was find others who eat this way...
  • 13suzie
    13suzie Posts: 349 Member
    13suzie wrote: »
    Anyone? It's all about eating low glycemic index foods to reduce inflammatory in the body. Supported by high profile docs such as Dr. Andrew Weil and Nicholas Perricone.

    Please send me a friend request if you are on board with this approach to eating. I would love to know others who are committed to this way of eating.

    High profile as in 'How much bull-caca can we drop on the public AND convince them to buy our horrible products that don't work, have never worked, and will never work?'

    Yeah, these two are high profile all right. Good luck on your gurney.

    Good luck on your gurney? That's rude and pretty cruel. (Love your name by the way.)