What made you finally realize enough is enough?

Good morning all! I have been struggling for years it feels like. I constantly say I am going to get healthy and loose weight. I do good for a bit but then I fall back into bad habits. I am really good at talking the talk but I am horrible with following thru. I am still in this bad spot. I pre-plan and log every day for my meals but some how end up ruining it. Like today for instance I was all good for the day if I kept to it, but then I see cookies in the break room and boom I ruined it. So I am wondering what made you look in the mirror and go that's it! I know it needs to come from with in but hearing your stories would help me. And I apologize if I sound like a broken record. I am sure this kinda of post happens a lot on here. Thank you! <3


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    A couple of things hit home. My mother was diagnosed with diabetes and I knew if I continued I would be not far behind. Second my doctor wanted to put me on cholesterol medicine. I really wasn't too high so I told him to give me 6 months.
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    edited April 2015
    Not sure. I lost quite a bit of weight just doing WiiFit, but plateaued out at around 220 (from 270). Then I went to the doctor's and found out that I had lost, not gained, about 10lbs in the the two years between weighings. I then decided to challenge myself to lose a few more pounds. Broke down, bought a scale, started calorie counting and moving a bit more. I set goals in 5-10lb increments. That was 19-20 months and 80 something pounds ago. I am at goal weight now.

    To be successful at losing weight, you have to develop your self-control, be patient and willing to stick to the plan. You have to value losing weight more than stuffing your face full of cookies. It isn't always going to be easy...at all, but it is worth it. Every time I look in the mirror, I am glad I didn't go for second helpings of gyros or for that extra slice of cake or didn't go for the deep fried meal instead of the something from the light menu when we went out. Doesn't mean I completely deny myself, but I was honestly eating for two or three people and I needed to get that under control, even when it sucked. Even when it felt like all I could ever want was another sandwich or just three more cookies or or or. No one can give this self-control or will power except for you. And it will come to you if you want to lose weight badly enough.
  • katieross1508
    katieross1508 Posts: 32 Member
    I was sick of not being able to buy clothes that I liked on the rack instead of having to settle for what was in my size.
    The first 3 weeks were painful I will not lie. I was hungry a lot, I was only seeing a few pounds off after 2-3 weeks and then at week 4 I had lost 8.2 pounds. THAT was all I needed. Seeing that number and going "ok that is almost 10 pounds and that is a lot of weight". It was all the motivation I need to see this through. For me it was seeing that "bigger" number to make me realize I can do this! And to know all the time you spend planning and thinking about what you are eating just becomes natural to you. For me success started when I realized that this wasn't a "eat well to lose the weight and then I can go back to they way I was" It really is a lifestyle change and how you approach food and exercise. I think once a person is ready for the adventure of reinventing their lifestyle this is when success will begin to happen. I have 40 more pounds to go and I don't care if it takes me 2 years this is my new lifestyle and I am loving it!
    You can do it! just get through the first 4 weeks and your mindset will change, when your pants start to get a little bit too lose you will be so proud of yourself and you will just start to feel healthier and better and excited that it is working!
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    Mine is simple. I bought pajama bottoms last year in a larger size so they'd be really loose and comfortable. I would have to cinch up the waist so they'd stay on and my legs would swim in them. (Several pairs.) A few months ago I realized that they were getting really tight and uncomfortable in the butt and thighs. That woke me up.

    Most of my pants are fitted and have some stretch in them so even though they were getting tighter I didn't feel I would bust the seams out.

    I do like the scale for small victories but the best ones for me are clothes. I can never measure consistently so fitted clothes that aren't very forgiving are the best measure of success. I find them really motivating. You can even go to stores and just try things on to get the same feeling.

    Good luck with your journey!
  • seantheking87
    seantheking87 Posts: 52 Member
    Male rivalry :)

    I have a two brother and an older brother (3 years older) who have both always been heavier than me. We were all big and broad, but my twin was normally around 2 stone heavier and my older brother was another stone on top of that.

    Over the years I eventually drew level with my twin then one day we weighed in and I was 1lb heavier, meanwhile my older brother had been working out and was the lightest.

    Wanting to bear them encouraged me to lose weight, its almost like a competition between us now.
  • _Lora_
    _Lora_ Posts: 10 Member
    For me personally, I realized I had gotten into the habit of saying "well I have already messed up today, might as well go all in" (if I had one cookie, then why not just have a cheeseburger for dinner). Then I realized I was literally taking myself away from my loved ones by shortening my life with blood pressure struggles and high cholesterol. I give myself permission to make mistakes, and then move on. Each day has to start over fresh for me. Also, it's not for all, but I personally love motivational audiobooks, music, pictures of myself to keep it going.
  • vdobbo1
    vdobbo1 Posts: 16 Member
    I made the choice the day my partner told me it was over because as he said "your stomach is out of control and that makes me think your lazy". The funny part was I was a stone heavier when I met him.
    That was only a week and half ago that he did it, now I'm back on track.
    I'm doing it for myself but a little to prove a point to him.
    It may seem like a stupid reason but it gave me back my motivation and this time I'm sticking to it.
  • MynameisJerryB
    MynameisJerryB Posts: 168 Member
    I had already outgrown my "fat" clothes and I refused to buy bigger ones. It's okay to slip and fall off the wagon from time to time. What's important is to get back on track the following day. Remember, this is a long term commitment and results good and bad do not happen over night. It's okay to have those cookies you crave, just fit them into your calories for the day. It may mean that you have to eat a smaller meal at lunch or dinner but you can still eat the foods you love. Just have one or two cookies instead of the whole plate :D
  • CassieR6
    CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
    Thank you all for the advice! I love hearing it!
  • farren_talon
    farren_talon Posts: 65 Member
    Both of my parents (who are in their 60's) are overweight and hardly do anything active, while I know a few people who are 14 years older than me (I'm 27) and do things like run 10-20 miles a week. Also, my best friend since high school used to be the same size as me... I've lost some, while she's gained. Now I'm 3 shirt sizes and pants sizes smaller then her. I'm actually motivating her to lose weight, and lose some myself by being a good example.
  • nishatay
    nishatay Posts: 67 Member
    I saw myself in a picture and I looked 5 months pregnant. That's when I knew it was time for a change.
  • cranor130
    cranor130 Posts: 65 Member
    My weight kept creeping up, and my knees hurt. Although I am new to MFP, I have lost 37 pounds in the last year! I am happy with the loss, but was hoping for less knee pain by now. Maybe the next 10 pounds will do it!
  • ljk0615
    ljk0615 Posts: 160 Member
    I had a baby and kept telling myself I was fine, even though ten pounds had crept back up. Then I saw a picture of myself taken when baby was four months, and I was like"daaaang....it's time to do something about this". It took me three more months to finally stop half assing it and now things are starting to fall into place.
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    It's been bugging me for awhile now, but then the doctor diagnosed me with high blood pressure and put me on med. All I could think was, "How did I let myself get to this point! I use to strength train and LOVED the gym!" I realize now that if I don't start living the life I want, I may not live any life at all.
  • CassieR6
    CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
    Thank you all for responding! I love your stories. :)
  • totallyjoker
    totallyjoker Posts: 57 Member
    What really got me going was seeing dark pink stretch marks on my stomach and starting to see a lot of weight gain in my face. I had to start worrying about how I positioned my head in group pictures so that you couldn't see a double chin. I was/am mortified. I'm young, I shouldn't have to feel bad about what I look like. As for those cookies (sweets, junk, etc...)- you can live without them, girl! It'll feel better to be thinner than it will to eat those cookies in the break room! If you feel like you need more sweets, try peppermints throughout the day. Also, if you put cinnamon on your foods, it gives you that rich, sweet taste minus the calories/guilt! Keep your head up, you got this! :)
  • katnroyal87
    katnroyal87 Posts: 8,789 Member
    I went to the dr and tipped the scales at 260 and they suggested a weight loss surgery! I guess I was in denial but didn't want to go through surgery, so I said enough was enough and turned my life around!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Being told by the doctor that if I don't lose weight I will be diabetic in less than 2 years.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Being diagnosed with insulin resistance - which I've since reversed.
  • GlindaGoodwitch
    GlindaGoodwitch Posts: 157 Member
    Incredibly vain on one account, but my heavier friends no longer appeared heavier than me. My cute clothes looked like sausage packaging. My 6 year old asked me if I was going to have another baby. I got tired of not wanting to do stuff with certain people because I was "not fit enough". I started to turn down activities because I felt too fat - Why should I miss out on things? I want to feel good enough to do anything I want. I want to set a good example for my kids, I want to shop without it being depressing... Oh and the mother-load. I do not want to be my mother.