It makes me so angry that CICO etc. isn't taught in schools



  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member
    I really don't think it matters if healthy eating, portion control, or CICO is taught in schools. I was taught the merits of "healthy" eating often enough. It was taught to me for 3 years of health class, 2 years of home economics, and 8 years of physical education. These lessons were not enough to overcome what I learned by EXAMPLE.

    It is one thing to learn about portion control in class. It is another thing to go home every day to brownies and cookies waiting for me as an after school snack. To have my dad constantly cook delicious meals that were so full of butter, oil, pasta, and cream sauces that in order to stay a normal weight I would have had to eat almost nothing in terms of volume. To see my entire immediate family - all males between 6'2"-6'4" - eat huge portions and not get fat, and never realizing that their height and gender forgave them in a way that my body never could.

    NO amount of schooling could change what I observed. I would laugh off mentions of eating smaller portions because "My dad eats 3 times this much and he's not fat at all! I MUST be fat because of genetics or something, because I eat no more than the rest of my family."

    Schools could teach nothing but healthy eating, and there would still be students who believe otherwise because of what they learn at home.

    I know that family obviously plays a massive role in educating you and forming healthy eating habits. But surely the fact that some families reinforce healthy eating habits isn't a reason not to try to teach it at all? Otherwise it's not helping to end the cycle of misunderstanding.

    You wouldn't say that it's not worth teaching all children about evolution because some of them go home to parents who are against it and argue a creationist theory, would you?

    I don't know, I still think it's important. I think everyone should have access to that information.

    I think the cycle needs to be broken, but that the cycle is more complicated than "just" teaching it in schools since kids will still go home to whatever they go home to after school gets out. It isn't just nutrition things, either, much many subjects as well.

    So much school worth right now is based on standardized testing that I think for some critical thinking skills get glossed over.