When do get hungry & how do you deal?



  • cj94404
    cj94404 Posts: 154 Member
    I read you can actually go 4 hours without your body going to fat storing failure mode. So I have been eating a good portion breakfast, lunch & dinner. I also eat a post workout meal. No snacks. I eat a good amount of protein. If for some reason I get hungry I re evaluate what I ate for the day (bc I journal everything) and see why I was hungry, maybe I need to add more or switch something out.

    I think this is good advice. See what foods are leaving you less filled up. I know plain oatmeal and fruit for breakfast won't keep me filled until lunch, but if I add some peanut butter to the mix, that extra fat keeps me happy.

    Also, you might be an evening eater, so save more calories for the evening. I personally don't think you should ever feel REALLY hungry. If you feel hungry and don't have a medical condition causing it, I think that's your body telling you it needs nutrition. I would listen to it. The trick is to stop or keep the portions small.

    For me, protein and fat keep me feeling full. I love carbs, but an apple isn't gonna make me feel full. The flavor and crunch are nice. But the sugar just makes me want more food later. Bananas do that to me too, however filling they feel in the moment.